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View Full Version : A Final Farewell from Candy and Fade

11-05-2015, 10:10 AM
Hello Arlorians!

Your dynamic duo Candy and Fade have officially left our beloved game of Arcane Legends. It's been over a month now and I think the dust has settled so I wanted to take the time to post up a few parting words to the community. First of all, we are forever grateful for this game and to StS! Yes the rumors are true we did meet in this game and soon after we met up IRL as we discovered we had so much in common and to see if our 'spark' was real. Since then we have built a life together both virtually and outside of the game. Together Fade and I created a leader board guild comprised of like minded individuals and that is by far our greatest accomplishment in AL and it brought us both pleasure for a year together. Enigmatic is based on being inclusive to most players who had the desire to run hard and enjoy, not get too 'pro' or full of themselves. A family! Long live Enigmatic, love to you all.

I love StS and wish them all the best in future endeavors, they have a lot going for them. Awesome people, visible on the forums to the players, and a lot of love and pride of their games.

To the friends I have met here all the way back to EoS, The Collective, Enigmatic, and everyone else good luck on your Arlor Journey and keep on keeping on!!!!!!!

Candy and Fade

11-05-2015, 10:19 AM
Wait ! Wth noooooooooo :( Candy and Fade omg.. You will be missed !! :( Good luck on IRL :( Thank You for all


11-05-2015, 11:38 AM
I wish you both luck! AL has lost 2 elite veterans. Your impact on the community was both nurturing and insightful, as your kind attitude and mature thoughts shined through even the most controversial of all topics. These traits also became apparent in the game when you both warmly accepted me into your home in Enigmatic. I will forever appreciate everything you've done for me and the whole guild. We all love you guys!

11-05-2015, 11:50 AM
You two haven't even met on this one. lol
Good luck in your future,wish you all the best.


Dex Scene
11-05-2015, 12:13 PM
Candy Fade we love you. You guys are great example of how leadership should be done professionally and yet stay so friendly and down to earth.

The farewell party was so amazing.
I wish if I knew you earlier and could spend more time with you two. But still they were great memories.
I wish you two all the best for the future. Keep in touch in line.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk

11-05-2015, 12:39 PM
Thanks for the edit Gary! If constructive criticism isn't welcome on the forums there isn't really a point of having them. Personally if I was running a business and two of my best customers took their business elsewhere I would want to know why. (;

But really water under the bridge now. Best of luck to all! <3

11-05-2015, 06:14 PM
Definitely took note Candy. We're fond of you, and did not want you to leave on a bitter note. Best of luck!

11-05-2015, 08:28 PM
Not in enigmatic, but what will this mean for one of the largest active endgame PvE guilds?

11-05-2015, 10:39 PM
Best of luck candy and fade! We sure made some memories since L31 cap. I see you're following us on our way out - be sure to let us know if you get back. :)

11-06-2015, 03:13 AM
Arlor has lost another 2 insightful veterans, we will miss you!

11-06-2015, 05:33 AM
Not in enigmatic, but what will this mean for one of the largest active endgame PvE guilds?

We actually quit over a month ago just didn't really make a big deal over it to anyone except internally. We selected the best fit for new GM who is Tataratata and the transition went over well mainly because tat is active and passionate about the guild. He stepped up where fade and I had been slacking anyways. We expect Enigmatic to remain in tact as a top PvE guild and and continue to attract the farmers of Arlor as we always have. The guild is way bigger then Fade and I and we felt it deserved to be led by an active player so it really just fell into place at the right time for us.

We gave out all our gear, collectibles, jewels, and had a kick butt party. Now Fade and I spend our free time on the Android developers forums and watching movies. We aren't leaving because the grass is greener anywhere else, simply that we burned out here and wanted to end in a positive way in Arlor.

11-06-2015, 05:40 AM
Best of luck candy and fade! We sure made some memories since L31 cap. I see you're following us on our way out - be sure to let us know if you get back. :)

You have always been there for me, a good ear to talk to about life and an honest answer about anything game related. I didn't know you were also on the way out here! They will need to hire someone to find all those game bugs when you leave lol.

11-06-2015, 11:47 AM
I didn't knew you in game but well in forum. Sadly that you quit we can't meet anymore :/
Wish you and Fade Best of luck and enjoy Real:)


11-06-2015, 08:00 PM
Hi Fade! Hi Candy! You probably don't remember me, but I was in Enigmatic for quite a while when you guys founded it, and I loved my stay. Super awesome people that I met there. You two in particular helped me grow as a warrior even if it took so long. Thanks so much, guys! I'll never forget you two! Hope you guys grow as well to be even more amazing as you were in-game. Long live Enigmatic!


11-08-2015, 11:08 AM
Best of luck To you both :)

11-09-2015, 02:31 PM
Well. Cya Candy, everyone likes you on forums and doesn't want you to quite. You will be missed:upset::upset::grumpy::grumpy::hopelessness: :hopelessness:

11-09-2015, 04:50 PM
Wishing both of you fond and happy lives together (:

11-23-2015, 12:27 AM
Hello Candy & Fade,
U both dont know me both IG or in forums[Candy might have red few of my pointless & useless threads @ forum:p] neither i have seen both of u IG but, they way i recognize u candy is by ur most useful & helpful threads @ forum Thank You for all those posts & threads Candy, i must admit that have learnt a few things about the game by reading those fabulous threads & i can recognize Fade easily as GM of Enigmatic guild:)

Its really dissapointing for me to hear the news of retirements of few veteran players on the year i started playing this game & never got an chance to run with few good players like Candyclicks, Fade & Odd:(
Hope u guys show up oftenly atleast on forums to guide new players :)

Wish u both Good Luck & a happy life...!!! :)


03-08-2016, 04:26 PM
I joined enigmatic too late...an amazing guild that you created with great ppl. I think many old players are hanging on by a thread this last 12 months. It's hard to put into words but players like yourselves really did make a difference xxx

03-09-2016, 11:24 AM
Necro'd post. Closing it down. <3