View Full Version : [Suggestion] Mythic Blunderbuss Proc needs a slight buff

11-06-2015, 03:11 PM
all bows, guns, and sword+shield can be considered as boss weapons, weapons that works better when fighting boss, both bow and gun can be used to kite, but it attack a single target, while sword+shield is designed so that warrior can survive the hardest hits from bosses (at least by design)

but thanks to the proc of the new glintstone weapon series, bow has gain a significant area damage which also greatly increase overall effectiveness when fighting bosses, while a warrior gain a superb area damage with no cooldown, which can potentially overpower mage's forte in area damage thanks to having maximum target better than that of a fireball, and damage several times better than timeshift's ticks. and even better, both procs are designed to deal pure damage, which works well even if there are more than 1 warrior or 1 rogue

while mage's proc, although it increases party effectiveness with damage and speed boost, it is lacking the area damage that can works well with more than 1 mage using the same weapon. although it has a good proc chance and explosion damage, the proc having limit to 2 instance, and each only disappear/deals damage once every 10s, makes it a not a very good aoe damage proc. and when fighting boss, most of the time, the buff range is not wide enough to cover the mage himself at the safest range, thanks to the center of the aoe is on the target getting hit. also the fact that the buff can't be stacked, make this proc losing most of the meaning when having another mage.

for this reason, i suggest to make the proc either:
1. make it faster to explode, like after 5-7s and increase the instance limit to 3, to make the proc relevant as aoe damage, OR
2. increase the radial range of the buff to become more or less equal to recent arcane pet's AA, to make the proc relevant in boss fight.

thank you

P.S. even if you decide to not change this, please, in the future, always consider designing skill/proc/aa that could still be useful even if there are 2 or more player of the same class in the map

12-04-2015, 01:21 AM
if something that was overpowered is nerfed, then underpowered ones need to be buffed :P