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View Full Version : Supply Outage - Economy of PL is decreasing

05-31-2011, 08:32 AM
Hi folks good day! I make this thread so that I can get some opinion about this continues outage of equipment supply, which it leads to PL's economy massive drop off. We all know that there are now lots of people who are level 55 and because of this sewer pinks are now in demand in this days. This also leads to unexpected increase of price in cs. Before we can still afford to buy pinks since its price is stable but now since it is in demand each day the prices continuously increased and therefore many people are force to higher their price which is not good, a stable economy in MMO is also vital to keep its popularity. :)) (sorry for bad english -.-)

05-31-2011, 08:45 AM
"Supply and demand" simple business.

05-31-2011, 08:48 AM
"Supply and demand" simple business.

Exactly. Supply and demand is the most stable economy there is, not "cheap pinks for everyone" which leads to deflation :)

05-31-2011, 09:07 AM
Maybe there is a shortage right now, but that will drive more people to farm for those items (trying to make the big sale), which will in turn increase the supply. Price will drop, until it finds an equilibrium... microeconomics 101.

05-31-2011, 09:08 AM
Yeah but in RL if demand is much higher than supply companies either start producing more or the competition will. Here in PL supply is fixed by the amount of farmers and drop rates so with less farmers supply will dwindle on low drop rate items.

Not that straightforward and certainly not a classic supply/demand situation since the resources are controlled (RL resources are not infinite in quantity and are not dictated by "drop rates" and pure luck!).

05-31-2011, 09:14 AM
Yeah but in RL if demand is much higher than supply companies either start producing more or the competition will. Here in PL supply is fixed by the amount of farmers and drop rates so with less farmers supply will dwindle on low drop rate items.

Not that straightforward and certainly not a classic supply/demand situation since the resources are controlled (RL resources are not infinite in quantity and are not dictated by "drop rates" and pure luck!).

In RL if those produce raw materials (or finished goods) do not increase production, build new factories, etc then supply won't meet demand... same deal here, only replace raw materials with farming. It's really no difference, games (and game theory) have been used to study how markets work for quite a long time. Difference here is, there is no limit, the number of items are infinite but "pure luck" simulates what in the real world would be lack of raw materials and labour.

05-31-2011, 09:19 AM
In RL if those produce raw materials (or finished goods) do not increase production, build new factories, etc then supply won't meet demand... same deal here, only replace raw materials with farming. It's really no difference, games (and game theory) have been used to study how markets work for quite a long time. Difference here is, there is no limit, the number of items are infinite but "pure luck" simulates what in the real world would be lack of raw materials and labour.

I find the analogy weak since pure luck is not a good representation of RL limited resources or rarity. Still a good example of supply/demand and costumer behavior but certainly not a good representation of RL resource "hunting" and production of goods.

05-31-2011, 09:25 AM
I find the analogy weak since pure luck is not a good representation of RL limited resources or rarity. Still a good example of supply/demand and costumer behavior but certainly not a good representation of RL resource "hunting" and production of goods.

Imagine a small village in the middle of no where, hunting and fishing would be a primary source of food. Pure luck is involved there, you could be out in the woods all day and never see a deer.

Probably not the best analogy, it's almost midnight so brain isn't fully functional. My point is, there really is nothing wrong with the system, just people that want things to be easier. But the current system works perfectly well from a psychology point of view (random rewards increase addictiveness, especially when combined with expected rewards IE leveling). Personally I feel leveling is far too easy, which makes most eq (outside of collecting) very limited in use. Fix that and you'll also see a shift in the demand for those high level pinks everyone wants, if it takes longer to level there will be an increased demand in good gear at lower levels (and of course less people at the top).

05-31-2011, 09:25 AM
If there's more 55s, then that means there will be more BS pinks.
If not, it's because a lot of the newer 55s aren't very good at farming.
Or, maybe, it's because a lot of the newer 55s just aren't good.

Perhaps the interest for farming is dwindling because at 55 there are very few things to invest in once the end game gear has been acquired?

05-31-2011, 09:26 AM
its more about that the early 55 have already all equip and dont farm anymore. 100 runs for may 1 pink, and that is may a helm, isnt worth the time for...

05-31-2011, 09:27 AM
Imagine a small village in the middle of no where, hunting and fishing would be a primary source of food. Pure luck is involved there, you could be out in the woods all day and never see a deer.

Probably not the best analogy, it's almost midnight so brain isn't fully functional. My point is, there really is nothing wrong with the system, just people that want things to be easier. But the current system works perfectly well from a psychology point of view (random rewards increase addictiveness, especially when combined with expected rewards IE leveling). Personally I feel leveling is far too easy, which makes most eq (outside of collecting) very limited in use. Fix that and you'll also see a shift in the demand for those high level pinks everyone wants, if it takes longer to level there will be an increased demand in good gear at lower levels (and of course less people at the top).

Looks like we will not agree about the economy being a good representation of reality (and that's ok) but I will certainly agree with your comments about leveling, which I think are, ultimately, the issue right now.