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11-08-2015, 06:44 AM
hey guyz!
Im sure most of u dont like cleaning inv...well,clean 500inv takes pretty much time. Is it really necesary to clean epics/rares one by one?

here is my idea:
lets add "item clear filter"
u could easily just click "remove item tipe" then chose which tipe (rare,epic,legend...blah blah blah) and it will save amount of time instead of spaming "remove" button thousand times on useless items ...it would even fix ppl who spam u giving items (well,u can make it to be not allowed in options,but not everyone use it)

P.S: sry for not much good looking post,but I write it from mobile ^-^

11-08-2015, 09:09 AM
It's a nice idea, would work for most of the people in AL I think.

There are some people who would not benefit from this though. Example is a player who collects rare items/sets. Such items sometimes have rare/epic rarity. I've had friends who accidentally deleted rare collectibles while clearing their garbage. It's painful for these people if they don't realize it and don't use the buy back function in time.

Also for item classes like crafting ingredients and chests, a number of items have rarity classes not proportional to their actual rarity/importance. Examples are Vials of Ectoplasm and Necropolis Candy Bars.

I'm not trying to take anything away from this idea though. Like I said it should still be a useful tool for the general AL population. Just that certain people need to be more careful with its use.

well,makeing this for each slot would simply fix this problem (for example: select Armors,then select tipe of items)

Also stashing of items u dont wanna lose could work.

speaking about ppl who dint use "buy back" button in time...well,there many of them even now (if it happend,u can ask sts to get item back)

11-08-2015, 09:31 AM
Bin+Buy back option in bin will be better so that even if players liquidate an item accidentally they can buy back using the option from bin. Even in buy back back option not all items can be recovered as there is limits in it that a player can recover as only last 7-10 items[Not sure exactly how many items] can be bought back.

11-08-2015, 10:51 AM
Implement an "Item-Lock" option. Lock your all your Tabards, Heraldics, and Criers, then hit liquidate all!

11-08-2015, 11:57 AM
Implement an "Item-Lock" option. Lock your all your Tabards, Heraldics, and Criers, then hit liquidate all!

yea,dat would absolutely fix problem here

11-08-2015, 02:17 PM
Implement an "Item-Lock" option. Lock your all your Tabards, Heraldics, and Criers, then hit liquidate all!

Like the idea of "item lock"

11-08-2015, 02:47 PM
Item locking is a great idea, having identical items stack is a GREAT idea, having a "remove all" is a horrible idea if item lock does not get implemented, but if it does, it is one of the best ideas the community has ever had.
It comes up to debate every once in a ehile, but still no fixing...

11-08-2015, 08:45 PM
Yeah im about to sue sts for medical reasons cuz of clearing inv. There just need to be a better way. I dread farming km3 cuz of all the junk I pick up. However that's the only place where u can make some gold.

11-09-2015, 05:57 AM
Nice idea, hope they will do something about this

11-09-2015, 09:06 AM
One possibility would be also to have the possibility to switch off loot autocollect of pets.
Besides hunting essences during event, I don't find this to be useful.