View Full Version : You won't believe this!

06-01-2011, 05:42 AM
Hey all,

So what happened was, I joined a catacombs game and they just started boss, so I'm running towards it and start killing it.
As the trash heap is on barely any hp, I say to myself "Yay, a another worthless crap orange", when suddenly it comes up with "Raid Roach Gemstone Recurve"
I was like OMG.
I'm so happy first ever good pink in sewers Woot :D

06-01-2011, 05:51 AM
See, you sold me ur stuff for cheap.... and Karma helped you. ehehhe

06-01-2011, 10:36 AM
All ways seems like the person who joins at boss and barely makes it in time gets the drop

06-01-2011, 10:52 AM
And "I was like omg, i leached through the whole party and did no work whatsoever and got a free pink when the other players deserved it, OMG OMG OMG"

Although Gratz on your first pink, even though it isn't well deserved

06-01-2011, 10:54 AM
And "I was like omg, i leached through the whole party and did no work whatsoever and got a free pink when the other players deserved it, OMG OMG OMG"
+1. Stuff like this shouldn't be posted. You didn't do anyone any favors.

06-01-2011, 12:17 PM
Um nope. I've done runs in groups and seen and gotten drops and it wasn't to people who've just joined or were the low levels. Seems equal opportunity to me. Yes, sometime it happens. Doesn't mean it happens most times.

06-01-2011, 12:48 PM
Um nope. I've done runs in groups and seen and gotten drops and it wasn't to people who've just joined or were the low levels. Seems equal opportunity to me. Yes, sometime it happens. Doesn't mean it happens most times.

This isn't the issue here, my problem is that this is pretty much a brag thread. I mean I would be happy for the guy if he just got his first BS pink, but he is basically admitting that he did no work, and didn't actually deserve the prize which he received. I give him props for having the fortitude to stand up proudly as if he just won the player of the month award. Threads like this just fuel those who are obsessed with the unfairness of the random drop system.

06-01-2011, 12:48 PM
It happens enough....over 500 sewer runs without a pink (tally app ftw) and in that time I've seen join at the boss peeps get more than a dozen. I know it's random with the drop rates but it does nothing to stop that initial 3-4 millisecond response of WTF before you say grats

06-01-2011, 01:03 PM
I musr respectfully disagree with some responses to the OP here.

And "I was like omg, i leached through the whole party and did no work whatsoever and got a free pink when the other players deserved it, OMG OMG OMG"

Although Gratz on your first pink, even though it isn't well deserved

How do you know? Maybe he has done hundreds of full runs and never got a pink, and he is amazed that this time, when he barely made it to the boss before the party took him down, he got the first, and possibly only BS pink he'll ever get. He's just saying it's ironic.

This isn't the issue here, my problem is that this is pretty much a brag thread. I mean I would be happy for the guy if he just got his first BS pink, but he is basically admitting that he did no work, and didn't actually deserve the prize which he received. I give him props for having the fortitude to stand up proudly as if he just won the player of the month award. Threads like this just fuel those who are obsessed with the unfairness of the random drop system.

1. The random drop system is fair, in my opinion.

2. How do you know he didn't deserve the drop? Have you been cataloging his runs?

+1. Stuff like this shouldn't be posted. You didn't do anyone any favors.

Wrong. Anything clean and non-trolling can be posted. This is situational irony at its best.

I think all three of you gentlemen need to get a grip on your jealousy. It doesn't make you look smart or nice, but quite the reverse.

06-01-2011, 01:21 PM
1. The random drop system is fair, in my opinion.
2. How do you know he didn't deserve the drop? Have you been cataloging his runs?

I think all three of you gentlemen need to get a grip on your jealousy.

Well the definition of "deserve" can be brought into question; he admits when he joined the run that the team was already on the boss, so a full out sprint to the boss means that he could land a couple of shots (at best) before the boss dies. Imagine working with a groups of classmates on an art project, everyone puts in work and the final member show up minutes before class starts and puts their name on it, do you actually believe they "deserve" to get the same credit as the rest of the group? So I do believe he deserve the drop right then and there for that particular run.. no. Did he pay his dues and earn his place on the random wheel... perhaps. The random system is random, it can be viewed as fair be some and unfair by others. I mean random means it's entirely possible that you never get a pink drop... EVER. There is no cumulative earning system, no reward for work put in, there is only random.

As for being jealous, I personally am not nor did I intend to come off that way. I just believe that threads like this just feed the trolls and are never met with appreciation. When people want to highlight the potential unfairness of the random system, threads like this will be highlighted. Also, keep in mind that this will fuel people to boot those last minute additions the the party so they won't have to deal with the potential outrage and brag thread that may ensue.

06-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Please don't turn this thread into a bash again. Everyone has valid arguments.
Just saying.

06-01-2011, 01:45 PM
Gluttony, I bet you have joined runs that were almost complete. I know I have. Lots of games have abandoned bosses. That's when the 55s come in and try to finish up to get another shot at a pink. There's nothing to be ashamed of in this strategy.

And as for outrage, that's the jealousy I was speaking of. That feeling of anger when someone else gets something is not cool. We should be glad when someone gets something. It takes so long.

But I'm not a mind reader. If the motive for this anger directed at the OP isn't jealousy, then I take it back. But it sure LOOKS like jealousy from a distance.

06-01-2011, 02:08 PM
I only run with a few people, so my joining runs when they're almost completed is limited (but sure it happens). Also the outrage isn't mine, it's a collective phenomena that happens when people see someone flaunting their shiny new toy and they don't have one. Personally, I play for fun and nothing more. Not fame, not fortune, and if you've ever seen me in-game you know that I have all the sets I could ever want (and more). I give away items/gold at a moments' notice so for me to get upset that someone got something nice isn't my style.

Maybe it's just me, maybe it's the way I talk that rubs people the wrong way. A wise warrior once told me: It's difficult to perceive intent on the Internet, and my intention was to make a simple point and try to remain as neutral as possible. I usually state my issue first, congratulate/commend the OP, toss in a joke or two for good measure, then leave with an attempt at words of wisdom. I believe I stayed true to form.

Anger? I must have missed that, can you truly find anger in my words? You're making your points well heard and I am trying to respond to them directly, but I think that you're missing my main point. Thank you for your opinion of me, I understand that you respectfully disagree with my points, but how respectful is it when you're making me out to be a jealous/angry person without examples?

06-01-2011, 02:09 PM
I died because group told me the tank should go first and the mage there had no revive because she used it for "pvp" and not pve. So anyway when they killed the boss everyone got a orange and I got a Mage Mage wand.

06-01-2011, 02:12 PM
I got two sewer pinks and i did all the runs on those especially the fury fighter one and in ao3 i joined during boss 2 Times and i got pink so no shame in my part

06-01-2011, 02:17 PM
I only run with a few people, so my joining runs when they're almost completed is limited (but sure it happens). Also the outrage isn't mine, it's a collective phenomena that happens when people see someone flaunting their shiny new toy and they don't have one. Personally, I play for fun and nothing more. Not fame, not fortune, and if you've ever seen me in-game you know that I have all the sets I could ever want (and more). I give away items/gold at a moments' notice so for me to get upset that someone got something nice isn't my style.

Maybe it's just me, maybe it's the way I talk that rubs people the wrong way. A wise warrior once told me: It's difficult to perceive intent on the Internet, and my intention was to make a simple point and try to remain as neutral as possible. I usually state my issue first, congratulate/commend the OP, toss in a joke or two for good measure, then leave with an attempt at words of wisdom. I believe I stayed true to form.

Anger? I must have missed that, can you truly find anger in my words? You're making your points well heard and I am trying to respond to them directly, but I think that you're missing my main point. Thank you for your opinion of me, I understand that you respectfully disagree with my points, but how respectful is it when you're making me out to be a jealous/angry person without examples?

@ Gluttony So true....

@ Snakespeare People who know me in game know that I have all the sets I need, and that I have more then enough gold. I'm definitely not jealous of a raid recurve drop, heck I have a full fortified set, and a full raid set including the recurve and 3 mil in my stash on top of dozens of rares. It just makes me angry that the OP feels the need to brag that he did no work whatsoever and got a rare pink drop. I don't know how you see the thread, but it looks that way to me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, if you feel that your opinion is different then mine, thats great. Don't go around making everyone look at things the way you visualize them. Then you go ahead and tell everyone that me and Gluttony are jealous? I'm 99% sure that if he joined in your party and got a raid recurve after the boss was almost dead and then started bragging, you would be quite mad.

06-01-2011, 02:28 PM
But... you brought up the anger thing, not me.

a collective phenomena that happens when people see someone flaunting their shiny new toy and they don't have one

Is there a better definition of jealousy?

I'm sorry you are hurt by what I said. I didn't intend that. I am not impressed at all with the gang up on the noob attitude some people have. Sorry if I included you in that group. We need more people here, not fewer. When people stomp on a guy for posting a simple thing like this and treat it like the poster is some sort of bad guy, I have to cry foul. I never liked it, and never will.

06-01-2011, 03:05 PM
Is there a better definition of jealousy?

I'm sorry you are hurt by what I said. I didn't intend that. I am not impressed at all with the gang up on the noob attitude some people have. Sorry if I included you in that group. We need more people here, not fewer. When people stomp on a guy for posting a simple thing like this and treat it like the poster is some sort of bad guy, I have to cry foul. I never liked it, and never will.

Nope, that is a perfect definition of jealousy; however, I did use it after you called me jealous and it's also based on the assumption that I'm part of that collective group. Again you missed my point so I will spell it out as clearly as I can: What I was actually doing here was warning the OP (an anyone else who wants to create a thread like this) that this is viewed as flameworthy by many and only helpful by a few, if any. I mean why start something like this? He isn't giving advise nor is he helping the community out in any way, he is just flat out bragging (for which I gave him props, do your end zone dance but be careful of the excessive celebration flag... that's a 15 yard penalty that the team cannot afford). So I wasn't trying to stomp the guy while he was down, but trying to diffuse the situation and not have others follow suit and post their glory stories.

06-01-2011, 03:11 PM
I died because group told me the tank should go first and the mage there had no revive because she used it for "pvp" and not pve. So anyway when they killed the boss everyone got a orange and I got a Mage Mage wand.

revive for only pvp? thats crazy

06-01-2011, 03:12 PM
I may have told the story wrong, I didn't just make it in time, I meant, I joined when they were up the boss because the dots weren't all huddle together they were spread out so I go to the boss on lets say, more then half hp, and give me a break my first pink for god sake and I have done sewers from 50-55 so you work out how many runs.

06-01-2011, 03:17 PM
@Gluttony and Sigkill,

Honestly till me you haven't done what I have do get a pink.

06-01-2011, 03:25 PM
The random system is random, it can be viewed as fair be some and unfair by others. I mean random means it's entirely possible that you never get a pink drop... EVER. There is no cumulative earning system, no reward for work put in, there is only random.

Being one of those who has never had a pink dropped in any game so far for any of my chars (42 mage, 25 bird, 21 bear) I would be one of those that would say it isn't a fair system but what can ya do? The few pinks I so have are from either having been bought or a kind soul/friend has given me it. I'm sure the first day I do get a pink drop will be one of those 'enter a game as the boss is being killed whle questing' and will I feel bad? Nope, what can ya do? :rolleyes:

06-01-2011, 03:25 PM

Honestly till me you haven't done what I have do get a pink.

I can honestly tell you that I have not done it for the purpose of getting a pink, sorry it's not my style. As I said before, I rarely actually run with pugs so the groups that I'm a part of are planned out and I start from the beginning. I don't come down on you for doing what you have to do to get the job done, I'm not just sure that rubbing it in the faces of some will go as you planned it to.

06-01-2011, 03:30 PM
Wow, your nothing but a big baby, if you read my first post correctly it says "as the trash heap was on barely any hp", I never said I joined it on no hp did I?

06-01-2011, 03:36 PM
The point is being missed I am afraid...the drops rates are very low in sewers. These type of posts do nothing but fuel the angst of those that grind map after map and see orange. I personally don't join pug games unless it's a fresh game. Just the way I choose to play. Congrats on your drop but this is the reason some people boot when people join at random when the party is at boss

06-01-2011, 03:40 PM
@buizi congratz man!
Hehe i remember my first sewer pink.
It feld like i was dancing in clouds.
@to the people, who are only complaining:
You guys could be just happy for him, its a game dudes ;)

06-01-2011, 03:42 PM
Wow, your nothing but a big baby, if you read my first post correctly it says "as the trash heap was on barely any hp", I never said I joined it on no hp did I?

Seriously, are we going to take this route? You're calling me a big baby when I have not put you down in any way at all?

First, I never said that you joined when the Trash Heap had no health, because if that happened he would be dead and therefore you wouldn't be able to get a drop...right?! Second, I never complained but actually congratulated you on your pink. Third, kudos for you as you were allowed to hit the boss for an ounce of damage when compared to the rest of the team it's quite an accomplishment that you should be recognized and idolized for this epic feat. Finally, how can you even being to call someone else names when all you're doing is prancing around and showing off? I didn't want to take it there, but come on enjoy your prize in peace and leave those of us who weren't so lucky to our own devices.

06-01-2011, 03:44 PM
Thank you Sorcerer, for once not a trash comment, like nobody has any respect.

06-01-2011, 03:56 PM
revive for only pvp? thats crazy

He meant the mage was pvp build, therefore he didn't have the revive skill.

06-01-2011, 04:00 PM
The point, you say, is that angst is fueled when a guy makes a post about his first pink ever in BS.

The point, I say, is that this angst is wrong to exist.

06-01-2011, 04:01 PM
My prediction: A Pocket Legend will arise from the ashes and folks are going to intentionally replicate this thinking that the drops are affected by how late you join a game. :D

06-01-2011, 04:07 PM
My prediction: A Pocket Legend will arise from the ashes and folks are going to intentionally replicate this thinking that the drops are affected by how late you join a game. :D

What legend? That's game mechanics. That has always been how drop rates work.

Drop % = {[Boss total hp - boss leftover hp from when you joined] / boss total hp}

And if you're wearing bigluck it's x1.8584875846368869 more!

06-01-2011, 04:13 PM
Some people think Big Luck lets you steal pinks. They are angered at the sight of shamrocks. They angrily mow lawns, trying to destroy all shamrocks. If you bought Big luck and it got you a pink, whatever else you do, tell no one!!! They might have their ire fueled... or they might have an episode of jealousy. Along the same lines, women should not wear nice clothes, men who work out should not wear teeshirts, and people should all drive Aveos.

On second thought, go ahead and flaunt it ... if you got it.

06-01-2011, 04:17 PM
I never meant to brag or upset anyone ( can't imagine why I would), but I just wanted to share it.

06-01-2011, 04:23 PM
I never meant to brag or upset anyone ( can't imagine why I would), but I just wanted to share it.

And good for you! People need to know that they will eventually succeed. You took your bear all the way to 55 without one pink, then your elf to 52 and FINALLY you got one. AND it is a good one that you can use on your Dex Bear. I got one of those and crafted it. I know you will use it for a long time. Congratz!

06-01-2011, 04:38 PM
what is a big luck?

06-01-2011, 04:39 PM
I never meant to brag or upset anyone ( can't imagine why I would), but I just wanted to share it.

Congrats man. Sorry about all of the unnecessary posts regarding your "right" to get the drop...I don't see anything that shows bragging or screams "flame me!". We just need more mod's on the forums or more enforcement on those who flame.

06-01-2011, 04:40 PM
what is a big luck?

Vanity item that gives an increase to your chances of getting a better drop. Pretty much a permanent luck elixer.

06-01-2011, 04:46 PM
I never meant to brag or upset anyone ( can't imagine why I would), but I just wanted to share it.

Well that's good to hear, once again I congratulate you on your first... um... good pink. Statements like that make it seem as if you're bragging, just imo... perhaps it didn't scream flame but I didn't break out the flamethrower initially. I'm happy for any pink that comes out of that place, even if it doesn't end up in my hands. From the <10k Sewer Queen's Cowl to the <20k Mega Mage Shard Wand (my last two pinks), I'm greateful. I understand that the sytem is random so I know it's not personal; I don't believe the PL gods are not looking down from above and cursing me. I do however understand that some people are farming BS non-stop and going days without a pink and when they hear stories such as these, it just makes them die a little inside.

06-01-2011, 04:47 PM
Vanity item that gives an increase to your chances of getting a better drop. Pretty much a permanent luck elixer.

Yep, but about 1/3rd strength. It looks like shamrocks growing out of your head. It might become available again on St. Patty's Day.

06-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Wow, open and shut case of the fireman starting the fire. Lol. I believed gluttony about not being jealous, until he mentioned that he has dropped two poop pinks from sewers recently. Then it all made sense. And even if u have alot of sets and money, u can still be jealous. That is all.

06-01-2011, 10:24 PM
Lol@poop pinks, is this phrase only used for sewer pinks as I have never heard it until now.

Sorry that my recent spelunking into the sewers for said poop is what caused you to voice your disbelief, however I only run BS enough to complete a few choice daily quests and reap their rewards, anything else is purely a bonus. You do present a very valid point of anyone can be jealous, but the game is very much like winning on a scratcher at the gas station... I mean how can one be jealous of the randomness of it all?

06-01-2011, 10:26 PM
Lol@poop pinks, is this phrase only used for sewer pinks as I have never heard it until now.

Well the two pinks that you got aren't really worth much, thats what he means by "poop"

06-01-2011, 10:36 PM
I understood the point, just thought the choice of wording was ironic. I used those pinks to make the point that beggars can't be choosers. This isn't the first pink that the OP ever received, just the most important to them. Well hey, if enough people can see my green showing through then I guess perhaps it's time to change my favorite sin to envy.

06-01-2011, 11:05 PM
Ive never got a sewer pink lol. Actually i have no clue how i make money. I dont farm, get drops (superbly rare) or merchant. I do have a knack for being in the right place at the right time (ill be walkng in towne and someone will be quitig and giving away stuff) and for finding rare items for cheap prices (witch then get buried on a char somewhere.