View Full Version : Wrong lvl drop in FH

06-02-2011, 07:27 AM
I understand that higher lvl drops were supposedly fixed to drop only recipes and lvl gear. Yesturday evening(EST) in map 5 of FH with Silknight I got a legendary lvl 29 bone staff.

My question is two part:
1. Is this correct to still be dropping higher lvl links in a lvl 10 dungeon?
2. If not, then since the program says I qualified for a pink drop, should the pick list have only been from only the new pinks there?

Would be nice if, since its random and luck, this was replaced with one of those. I was using my lvl 36 war bird, Hanaty.

Thanks for any in put!

06-02-2011, 07:59 AM
Well this may be like skeleton cult crypts were the drops are higher levels and its a level 10 map, this also happens in the mini dudgeon in dark forest. This is not just some random glitch.

06-02-2011, 08:04 AM
I understand that higher lvl drops were supposedly fixed to drop only recipes and lvl gear. Yesturday evening(EST) in map 5 of FH with Silknight I got a legendary lvl 29 bone staff.

My question is two part:
1. Is this correct to still be dropping higher lvl links in a lvl 10 dungeon?
2. If not, then since the program says I qualified for a pink drop, should the pick list have only been from only the new pinks there?

Would be nice if, since its random and luck, this was replaced with one of those. I was using my lvl 36 war bird, Hanaty.

Thanks for any in put!

A level 29 weapon dropped for you in an FH map?

Yeah that sounds weird. If its true and you indeed rolled for a pink drop, I'm not sure if the devs would replace your pink with a new one. But, you'd definitely be reporting a bug of some sort, since level 29 gear should not be dropping at all in a 1-12(?) campaign.

06-02-2011, 08:07 AM
I don't know I personally have had around 15 lvl 26-29 items dropped in the new FH maps.

06-02-2011, 08:10 AM
I don't know I personally have had around 15 lvl 26-29 items dropped in the new FH maps.

I'm surprised nobody has brought up this bug or glitch, if ever it is indeed one, sooner.

I don't see the point of them dropping in the first campaign, when to be around 26-29 would require you to be at least 3 more campaigns ahead.


Thanks Glut, sharp memory :)

06-02-2011, 08:11 AM
Yup. FH almost only drops lvl25+ junk items when running with my lvl10.

06-02-2011, 08:13 AM
There are some drops fom level 25-30 that can drop, it's been discussed and apparently will be addressed soon:

Oh yeah - I remember adding those Level 25 + drops back in the day.
Happy to nerf those drops, too. Thanks! :)

- Cinco

I don't quite understand about how you qualified for a pink, are you saying that you re-rolled from a pink to a higher level junk item? Does re-roll work like that, I thought it just increased the rarity of the items. That would be crazy to re-roll from a pink to anything else, imo... no take-backs!

06-02-2011, 08:15 AM
I don't quite understand about how you qualified for a pink, are you saying that you re-rolled from a pink to a higher level junk item? Does re-roll work like that, I thought it just increased the rarity of the items. That would be crazy to re-roll from a pink to anything else, imo... no take-backs!

No. You cannot re-roll from a pink to a junk.

06-02-2011, 08:17 AM
No. You cannot re-roll from a pink to a junk.

I didn't think so, but I don't actually have big luck so I have no experience in that area. Does anyone understand what question 2 is referring to?

06-02-2011, 08:21 AM
I didn't think so, but I don't actually have big luck so I have no experience in that area. Does anyone understand what question 2 is referring to?

I think he was asking that since he got a pink item (even though its 29), if he would have gotten one of the new pinks (I'm assuming one of the new fiery pinks) instead of this 29 one.

06-02-2011, 08:27 AM
No re-roll, before we were getting lots if higher lvl of colors green and below drops and as mentioned was addressed by Cinco. So I believed it was fixed after a small patch.

As for my choice of wording, "qualify", no one but devs now how you end up with a drop of any color. So my guess is first you "qualify" or luck-up in a color group then from that group you may have various levels of quality that you are further luckly end up in. Since the new FH is to only have 3 pinks I was randomly awarded a pink from that group. But the list still contained higher lvl pinks.

06-02-2011, 08:36 AM
Wouldn't it be quite a chore to go back and look at all of the data and see who got drops that fell into that group? I know most of the drops I've received from the Orcish Avian in FH5 are usually an item between 25-30. Are these high level items on the same drop table as the FH items? I hope that you get your pink fiery item out of the mishap, but it just seems like soo much work on the devs part. I just hope for the patch to remove them soon.

06-02-2011, 08:43 AM
When were you last in map 5? About 10 hours ago a friend and I were getting only lvl 10's green and below. The day before it was lvl 30 and down. As for purples I have no idea, but believe the only ones are from the winter festival.

06-02-2011, 08:58 AM
It happened just now, I killed the Orcish Avian in FH5 and received a level 26 Burglar's Heavy Crossbow.

06-02-2011, 09:04 AM
ive gotten like 3 heavy crossbows lvl 22 i think... correct me if i'm wrong

06-02-2011, 09:07 AM
Weird that we only got the lvl 10 stuff last night. I cannot explain it then.

06-02-2011, 10:20 AM
Fiery Avian Minion and Orcish Avian still drop wrong stuff.

Cross level drops, see Yanis' listings, are level 25 through 29 and they occur in Cult Crypt, King's Forest, Mega Maze, etc. These places were created a year ago and have nothing to do with Forest Haven Revamp. The premium items were bone armors and bone weapons. See patch notes from that time. (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?774-1.0-Content-Update-(46172))

The new bosses all drop level one through ten items, except Fiery Avian Minion and Orcish Avian, who very obviously are using the cross level table. *This is probably a simple typo, a number incorrectly entered, or something like that. The case has been overstated. It has been presented as if cross level drops are happening everywhere. So far, according to my testing, this ONLY occurs on Fiery Avian Minion and Orcish Avian.

06-02-2011, 10:30 AM
Thank you for the information Snakes, however didn't the OP suggest that Silk dropped said pink item? Does this mean that she falls into the same cross level drop table or is perhaps the OP mistaken?

06-02-2011, 10:40 AM
I also got pink lvl30 wand from forest haven yesterday.

06-02-2011, 10:42 AM
Silk is where I got the pink Bone Staff.

Edit: a moment of thinking...I am wrong, it was the orcish archer before silk.

06-02-2011, 12:35 PM
Yeah, Orcish Archer is in the same level. You can actually get to Silk without ever doing Orcish so until they fix it, might as well just skip it.

The pink bone staff isn't bad, but level 29 twinking didn't really happen. I think there were three of us and we all made them into level 30s when FN came out.

06-02-2011, 07:13 PM
High level drops have always dropped in the mini dungeons in FH, and should stay. The fact that they drop in the main campaign is bad and needs to be fixed.

Reason I think the high level drops should stay in the mini dungeons is because Cinco said the fiery weapons don't drop in there. If they remove the higher level items from there, there's next to no reason to run the boss mini dungeon since you can't get fiery weapons there.

06-03-2011, 12:10 PM
These bosses are in the main maps. Test it and you will see.

In level II, the Fiery Avian Minion drops cross level garbage.
In level V, the Orcish Avian drops cross level garbage.

These bosses should be using the drop table that includes the new winning Archer fiery item. They should be dropping items the new players can use.

This is day 4. We are headed to the weekend. The devs must be busy with other things. I've never seen them let such an obvious mistake continue for so long. Especially when it's probably just a simple typo. I hope whatever they are working on is awesome, because it's kind of frustrating to have to keep clarifying the issue.

06-03-2011, 02:25 PM
No I understand the above Snake. Just that people have also mentioned nerfing the cross level garbage in the mini dungeons and Cinco mentioned that he was gonna so that too, and I was just saying with the bosses in the FH mini dungeons not programmed to drop fiery weapons, the cross level garbage is the only reason to go there anymore. Do not nerf the cross level garbage in the mini dungeons!

06-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Ah, I think I misread you. Sorry, bron.

I think it would be great if the cross level drops weren't garbage. I love the look of the bone armors and weapons, but they don't compare to recent additions.