View Full Version : 3rd Birthday Event - died

11-16-2015, 09:55 PM
Hello STS,
Please increase the Medium Cakes back to it's original gold drop. If you truly love your users, you would let the new users get enough money to buy gears, pets of their dream.

If you just pop-in, changed to 500g, that's just a little mistake there. It's half the event, and it's nearly finished, let us have the gold that newbie can get easily.

Everyone has a dream pet, item of their own. and you? You just broke that dream. If you ever thought of changing the "EVENT ITEMS/CURRENCUY or w.e", do it at the beginning, 3 days after or release it in test server to be tested.

Many of us nearly got the dream pet, item, approximately 300K far. Due to timezone, that person had to went to sleep and when he came on, poof. Gone. Byebye.

and my reason above all, is that if you think the economy is broken, let it be broken until after the event. It's a Birthday, isn't it? Let all the users celebrate in laughter and joy, not in despair and sadness.

P.S - It's not cool to change it in the middle of the event.

Sent from my Lenovo A6000 using Tapatalk

11-16-2015, 11:16 PM
It's why what what was once 100k is now 300k. Basic inflationary economics. Too much gold chasing too few goods.

11-17-2015, 09:12 PM
As Stone put it, what is the purpose of having more gold if everything else also raises in price?

And exploiting the event wasn't really celebrating a birthday, it was celebrating the fact that one could exploit their way to millions. I dont think people had "happy birthday" in their minds while they were popping cakes next to alts..

11-17-2015, 09:43 PM
True odd and also the reason no one is talking about how fun event going to be all we going to worry about is how much gold and I going to make and all lots of people quit and my friend like 2 I think and I fill sad about to quit myself, outing more stress than you have on a game is not good for people health people are now talking about how much gold can make in event they dont talk about how fun its so hard they don't even care about the stuff like what's coming all about gold and I'm sure STS wants it users to think more than that about Arcane legends Thank you!