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View Full Version : can we have a consistent exchange val between hauntlet tokens and story tokens?

11-22-2015, 01:48 PM
as we know, there are so many confusing and inconsistent value for thing that can be exchanged with tokens:

e.g. auction slot cost a crazy 150 hauntlet tokens, while, it only needs 70 story tokens, while inventory slot cost the same, 100 tokens for each type... while all of these needs the same plat value of 15

i think for convenience, sts should make a standardization of value between each tokens, and make them easier relatively easier to get, especially tokens exchange for potions... again, potions won't make someone rich, but it helps greatly for player to run costly hard endgame maps...

my suggestion is 5 plat should be equal to 2 days of running dailies for story tokens, and 8 times of running hauntlet, so:
- if a stash slot is 15 plat, and running 1 daily bard quest give you 1 story tokens, a stash slot should be able to be bought at 6 story tokens, or 24 hauntlet tokens... so do with inventory slot, auction slot, etc
- and potions should be cheaper, 1 day of running daily bard and 4 times of running hauntlet should be able for player to buy 100 potions, or event better, 100 potions for each type... thank you

of course you can change the exchange value to your interest, but a standard and consistent exchange value is important, and will helps new players and of course, revive the hauntlet

thank you

p.s. can you fix the random spawned cannons at the end of the hauntlet? last season, running hauntlet with all pinks, in 4 party with 3 of them not attacking is a lot easier than now... and now i need to run this painful hauntlet more than twice to finish hauntlet dailies because there aren't always 6 cannons at the end of the map...