View Full Version : The Goblin Ritual bug

06-06-2011, 10:57 AM
If the map is cleared before the Haunted Soul is released from the Explorer's Bones, then you won't get credit for it forcing you to have to re-enter the map for the final soul. I have encountered this bug and it happens almost daily to me due to the fact that the Goblin Shaman has the most HP of the enemies around so he dies last. The only way around it is to have the entire party focus on the Goblin Shaman so he isn't the final enemy killed, you must then release the soul before the map is cleared. I consider this a bug because it didn't happen when BS was first around and I cannot actually pinpoint when it started, but I think it should be fixed.

In case you don't know what I'm talking about this map is accessed via a Balefort Sewers map called Swill Pitz and you need to have the daily quest: The Goblin Ritual in order to travel through the portal to get to The Goblin Tunnels. The quest requires 10 shaman kills and to fire on the bones located in the center of the room.

06-06-2011, 11:38 AM
Ive seen this before and something should be done about it

06-14-2011, 03:59 PM
Still a pretty annoying bug.

08-27-2011, 07:32 AM
This bug has finally been fixed due to the integration of SL's code into the PL world. The slight lag that is apparent after completing a map, but before being offered a chance to Go to the next level or Return to towne you have enough time to shoot the last set of bones and finish the quest. I know that there are plenty of negative aspects/bugs since the recent addition of code, but at least a few good side effects can be experienced. Case closed.