View Full Version : Cyber Monday Sale

11-30-2015, 01:59 PM
Hey guys, just thought I would post and let you all know that Staples is selling iTunes gift cards for 20% off today, so you can purchase a $100 gift card for $80. These don't expire, so you can use this money later on to purchase plat. So buy a gift card now, then wait for an STS plat sale, and you'll end up with more than 50% off combined. Also, apparently this sale is only for people in the United States.

11-30-2015, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the tip! Shoot now I will need an iPhone to cash in the plats!

11-30-2015, 04:32 PM
Good tip but this also assumes another Plat Sale, its been a long time. I thought for sure Black Friday would be a Plat Sale and it turned out to be Magma. Personally I am not holding my breath for another sale. If there is one, great but I won't be surprised if we don't get one soon.