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View Full Version : making a twink

12-03-2015, 09:33 AM
hi,m planning to make lvl 15 rogue twink but i dont know anything about making a twink. can anyone pls help me in making it. pls tell wht pets and stuff are needed.
my budget is 4m.

12-03-2015, 09:36 AM
First of all buy Bow with para, or with para+ eye. Devo bow and lurid bow are the best. Pet: Maridos ( if won't enough money for Maridos will be, buy Dovabear). And there Amulet and ring on ur choise. Set: Tarlok set is good ik

12-03-2015, 10:18 AM
i dont know anything about making a twink

Not even some twinks don't know nothing about twinking. You are good to go !

Goodluck !

12-03-2015, 11:42 PM
Don't go 15 if ur new to twink. Go lv7-10.

Lv14-17 atm is very unforgiving. You will be annihilated and your money will go to waste. This is coming from someone who has plenty of money for lv15/16 twink but chooses not to go. Lv7-10 much more fair , balanced, and fun.

12-04-2015, 12:59 AM
Lv15 rogue budget set:
Pet maridos/nekro
Armor set: icescale potency set, but rare so use ancient pot while waiting.
Ring: vigorous potency
Amulet: tarlok potency/eerie potency
Weapon: devo pot/umbral brut with para (para eye if u can find)

Gems: 1para 1eye 5 standard finesse 3 forti chaos should be good. If u reached 175 dmg, 560 armor, 20% crit 1,9k hp ur good for pvp ^^ but unfortunately i dont think 4m is enuf

When u have more money, lv15 best set imo:
Weapon: eloia pot bow
Armor: ice potency set
Ring:myth ring pot with para/power ring brut with para
Amulet: tarlok pot
Gems: as many para (no more than 3),eye,forti finese as u can.
If u reached 190+ dmg with this set its awesome.

See u in pvp soon

Sent from my LG-D410 using Tapatalk

12-04-2015, 01:01 AM
"twiken" remind me about a song B)

12-05-2015, 03:12 AM
Lv15 rogue budget set:
Pet maridos/nekro
Armor set: icescale potency set, but rare so use ancient pot while waiting.
Ring: vigorous potency
Amulet: tarlok potency/eerie potency
Weapon: devo pot/umbral brut with para (para eye if u can find)

Gems: 1para 1eye 5 standard finesse 3 forti chaos should be good. If u reached 175 dmg, 560 armor, 20% crit 1,9k hp ur good for pvp ^^ but unfortunately i dont think 4m is enuf

When u have more money, lv15 best set imo:
Weapon: eloia pot bow
Armor: ice potency set
Ring:myth ring pot with para/power ring brut with para
Amulet: tarlok pot
Gems: as many para (no more than 3),eye,forti finese as u can.
If u reached 190+ dmg with this set its awesome.

See u in pvp soon

Sent from my LG-D410 using Tapatalk
Use frigid pot ibstead of anc pot has same stats and should be cheaper

12-05-2015, 03:19 AM
Use frigid pot ibstead of anc pot has same stats and should be cheaper
True, and poisonous pot helm (not armor) have same stats too and cheaper

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