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View Full Version : Autos, Kites, Starries, etc, rare unique stuff?

06-07-2011, 02:05 AM
Id like to know about these three things and where to get them.
Especially this starry armor set and this kite shield

06-07-2011, 03:43 AM
I got my Lv 34 Green Pirate's Starry Leather in the Swamps. Ancient Swamps that is.

06-07-2011, 03:49 AM
Which shield? I know where the saintly shield drops if that is what you mean. I also know where some awesome looking white name bows drop. Starry armor is somewhere in AO, but I forget which part. It may drop in the swamps also, but I know I've had two white name starry armors drop in AO.

06-07-2011, 04:40 AM
I recently got both Starry Leather and Kite Shield in AO1.

06-07-2011, 04:51 AM
i bought the lvl 40 starry leather for 25k. was it too much? the greys one lvl 40 are 10-20k.

wich kite is rarer? ursan or crusaders? bought long time ago the ursan for 50k. was that a good price?

06-07-2011, 06:48 AM
I got my Lv 34 Green Pirate's Starry Leather in the Swamps. Ancient Swamps that is.
I got it by shooting a barrel in pvp but it was grey

06-07-2011, 07:23 AM
I got it by shooting a barrel in pvp but it was grey


06-07-2011, 11:10 AM
Someone told me that kite shield drops from Forest Manor barrelsZz
Can someone confirm this?

06-07-2011, 12:20 PM
Someone told me that kite shield drops from Forest Manor barrelsZz
Can someone confirm this?

They do. So do Ruby Blade Swords of Legend
