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View Full Version : not only they fixed the aegis' bug, but they also nerf it...

12-03-2015, 02:42 PM
before the update, hits from the aegis proc also counted towards the proc count...

made it possible for chaining explosions...

now they remove it... again, another uninformed fixes...

12-03-2015, 02:44 PM
before the update, hits from the aegis proc also counted towards the proc count...

made it possible for chaining explosions...

now they remove it... again, another uninformed fixes...

Lol, please fix this!

12-03-2015, 02:51 PM
Lol, please fix this!

Remove what? This weapon was making tanks viable and wanted in Pve again. Now nerfed?!? Not cool at all

12-03-2015, 03:08 PM
Lol, please fix this!

it is fixed now, no worries... probably it's good though, because the damage output was a lot greater than a mage can do

still, mage sucks, with so many limitation on maximum targets hit + longer spell cooldown than that of a rogue + the most underwhelming l46 mythic proc

pve is returning to rogues :P

with this aegis nerf, nothing can justified the recent secret buffs on planar tomb, elite tindirin, and elite rengol mobs

12-03-2015, 03:19 PM
They aren't secret buffs/debuffs, STS just isn't all that great with communicating changes.

I never used the aegis, so I'm not sure what you meant by chaining explosions.

12-03-2015, 03:30 PM
They aren't secret buffs/debuffs, STS just isn't all that great with communicating changes.

I never used the aegis, so I'm not sure what you meant by chaining explosions.

So you are saying that u don't know how this weapon worked, don't know what the OP is talking about, but decided to make a uneducated comment based on presumption and conjecture questioning the OP's claims. Seems legit ;)

12-03-2015, 06:14 PM
This weapon has turned to become even much more crap now. Useless in PvP and now no chain procs screwing us to do damage in PvE/Elites.

12-03-2015, 07:24 PM
I haven't done any runs with a tank since last update, so not sure what changed exactly.

Anyway, it was an awesome PvE weapon, finally making warriors useful party members. I really hope it wasn't nerfed intentionally.

12-03-2015, 08:23 PM
All I can say is I'm glad have up endgame tank. Sts isn't going to change anything related to the current class progressions. If you want to play tank the way a tank is meant to be played than play twink 32 and under. Because up to this point Sts actually did a decent job with keeping tanks balanced in relation to rogues. After that well everyone already knows the rest of the story.

If you want to play end game actually enjoy it make a rogue or mage end of story.

12-03-2015, 10:57 PM
What has happened to the aegis after the recent update?
1. The proc on the weapon seems drastically reduced as compared to before.
2. The dmg dealt by charged skill attks of the weapon is significantly less then before.
I tested this weapon in magma corridor and where I could easily take out the mobs before, now it is taking me way longer to kill them. The nerf on the weapon is 100% evident with the increased use of pots also, in the same number of mobs I used to tackle before.
Please look into this urgently and let us know what went wrong.

12-03-2015, 11:22 PM
well my mage lost its function thanks to aegis though :P,

anyway with this nerf, i'm hoping sts will do something good with warrior in the future,
things i like to see:
1. improvement of cleaving mechanic, a conic targeting is not good enough, one sidestep can easily dodge an attack that is supposed to have greater chance to hit compared to ranged attack, a melee attack, another game use cleaving targeting similar to splash, a radial aoe centering at a target being hit, which is good, considering melee attacks need to be done at close range
2. improvement of bulwark weapons' range, it is currently way too short, that a slow moving orc shaman can kite you, also take a look at skyward smash, the skill make you close to your enemy, but most of the time warrior landed at the front of an enemy with a gap that is long enough for bulwark weapon to not be able to hit
3. improvement of defense, health, and resistance to disabling skills, not improvement of offense, orc mobs hits way too hard for a warrior, and many mobs can make a warrior like a clown thanks to no/lack resistance to pulls, stuns, probably you can start by making dex attribute give 5 health instead of 3
4. also please reconsider the scaling by party member mechanism, the current scaling by party member mechanism only works negatively towards teamwork, and discourage running parties with new players and tanks, because most of the time they will drag the party down

12-03-2015, 11:33 PM
Now the skills of atack do not count as a hit to activate the proc. This also decreases the number of explosions.

I made a video testing.


12-04-2015, 12:18 AM
When warriors cant do anything good & only make party run slower, they just left warriors alone.

When warriors have something good to make fast elites, people complaints.

I guess Warrior will never get a good weapons. #R.I.P Glinstone Aegis.

Michael Woolley
12-04-2015, 12:22 AM
This is a joke. The nerf is real. Windmill before the update was my skill of choice with this weapon proc all the time. Now nothing. fix this immediately. I don't even want to run elites no more.

Dex Scene
12-04-2015, 12:28 AM
This is not right. Why not just fix what you stated in updates stg? Why tweak the mechanism of a weapon? The bug was people could get ageis proc on any other weapon. Just fix that and keep the weapon the way it was.
I hope this is unintentional change and stg will revert it back.

12-04-2015, 02:46 AM
Rogue legends returns!

12-04-2015, 03:36 AM
Selling bonesaw with para/perf rein bloods aka "best weapon of AL"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12-04-2015, 03:45 AM
yes they do it again.. why nerf the aegis??
do they hate war that much..
just RIP war from AL..
the end.

12-04-2015, 04:08 AM
This is a joke. The nerf is real. Windmill before the update was my skill of choice with this weapon proc all the time. Now nothing. fix this immediately. I don't even want to run elites no more.

This is not right. Why not just fix what you stated in updates stg? Why tweak the mechanism of a weapon? The bug was people could get ageis proc on any other weapon. Just fix that and keep the weapon the way it was.
I hope this is unintentional change and stg will revert it back.

STS..pls fix the aegis.
It looks like it was unintended.

12-04-2015, 04:49 AM
Why nerf it??? Sts really? Rip warrior

Sent from my ASUS_Z00AD using Tapatalk

12-04-2015, 07:26 AM
I think its a nerf cuz of so many warriors abusing this bug,

Time for a glint stone bow nerf too since the bows can spawn bombs even if the rogues shooting behind an obstacle...

It was not a bug. Before update any hit was counting to activate the proc, you now need to use the normal attack to activate. The attack skills also do not activate the proc. The Aegis does not have much damage, and now with this slow proc was kind of useless.

12-04-2015, 07:49 AM
I thought aegis proc stayed activated and kept stacking procs when a warrior initiated and switched weapon(switching the weapon was teh bug since the proc still applied while using a different weapon).

Sorry bit lost thought proc worked based on hits you took, so how will attack skills not activate proc?(unless you mean opponent attacking with a skill and the proc nott activating).

I'm not talking about the bug.

Yes, the warrior needs to attack the enemy.

Watch the video. The Aegis need a number hits to generate explosions. Before the attack skills were worth to activate these explosions. That was the skill Windmill generate two or three explosions. Now I have to be using the normal attack, was too slow proc.


12-04-2015, 07:58 AM
He's probably referring to the bug you so enthusiastically identified in your thread some days earlier...

But this post is not about them have fixed the bug. It's about have increased the difficulty of the proc Aegis.

12-04-2015, 08:14 AM
This all reminds of the movie called Groundhog Day. Just Bill Murray is STS

12-04-2015, 08:28 AM
Just tested the proc. Yes it is surely nerfed and once again warriors are thrown a carrot just to have it ripped away from them. Come on now,lets get real about this. Everyone knows and admits that the warrior class always needed a buff and also needed that little extra something to be able to feel like a valuable member of a party and not to be treated like outcasts. For once we felt good to be able to have a weapon that worked well and had a good proc. Well, i guess that feeling was once again short lived. I used an arcane maul for a long time and had sold it because i liked the aegis proc and was impressed with the weapon overall. Now i feel like i am sorry that i sold the maul. Once again warriors sold good weapons and scrambled to get the aegis only to be crushed in defeat soon after. It is a crying shame. Why you cannot only fix the problem of not allowing the aegis proc to remain active after unequiped and NOT change the proc when it is equipped is nonsense to me. All the money that was exchanged and saved up by warriors to get this weapon was for nothing and alot of.warriors sold off better weapons to get the aegis. Now the price will plummet and aegis will not be worth much of anything. All the issues we went through with the "bulweak" you would think more attention and compassion would have been thought of in every step of the development in this weapon to make sure there were no "hiccups" after its release...anyway i am disgusted. Some might say it didnt change the weapon and it is still a good weapon but that just isnt the point. I love the game but hate it when things like this happen.Please FIX it..........ign=SCREAMEAGLE

12-04-2015, 08:31 AM
is my english so bad that people can misunderstand the original intent of my post?

if so, pardon me...

12-04-2015, 09:38 AM
Attack skills not adding to the proc is a major nerf or bug for this weapon. Hopefully it gets straightened out soon.

12-04-2015, 09:41 AM
Attack skills not adding to the proc is a major nerf or bug for this weapon. Hopefully it gets straightened out soon.

I am betting sts will need 2-3 weeks to read this thread, 1 to understand what it really means, 1-2 to attempt a fix, 1 more to really ix it, 1 to revert fix with next update and finally 1-3 to claim that fix was not reverted ;)

12-04-2015, 09:43 AM
The mage glintstone proc doesn't really help that much and since Aegis is now nerfed...Everything seems to be shifting toward rogues. Now rogues can dominate both pvp and pve. A 4-rogue party in pve is usually always faster and more efficient than with mage(s) or warrior(s) thrown in. Even as a mage, I would want to be in a party with rogues filling up the slots. My mage has around 900dmg and 1k+dmg with elixir in pve, yet I still do not deal close to a rogue with like 700dmg. Since rogues can do just as fine, if not better, in pve. If warriors and mages were just eliminated from the game, it seems that would be more efficient, full rogue parties for everyone!

12-04-2015, 09:53 AM
The mage glintstone proc doesn't really help that much and since Aegis is now nerfed...Everything seems to be shifting toward rogues. Now rogues can dominate both pvp and pve. A 4-rogue party in pve is usually always faster and more efficient than with mage(s) or warrior(s) thrown in. Even as a mage, I would want to be in a party with rogues filling up the slots. My mage has around 900dmg and 1k+dmg with elixir in pve, yet I still do not deal close to a rogue with like 700dmg. Since rogues can do just as fine, if not better, in pve. If warriors and mages were just eliminated from the game, it seems that would be more efficient, full rogue parties for everyone!

this... i've also been asking for a bit buff for mage's proc too... thanks for the comment, and yes, with equal gear, damage output of a rogue is always better than that of a mage, in equal gear, my rogue can hits up to 7k per 2s of aimed shot, while fireball hits max 1.5k, so mage will always needs their fireball hits more than 5 enemies to have an equal or better damage output to rogue's AS, and even worse, mage's fireball takes 2x longer to cooldown, with this simple calculation, it's so clear that mages will only be better than rogue in a map where an AS overkill one enemy

anyway attacks from skills still take counts toward the proc, problem are windmill only do 3x4 hits (only 1 additional proc of aegis), and bulwark and chest splitter miss way too often
only hits from the proc itself doesn't take count

definitely won't hurt much if they fix their cleaving mechanic

edit: just retested again, skill attacks don't count, ahhahahah

12-04-2015, 09:55 AM
The mage glintstone proc doesn't really help that much and since Aegis is now nerfed...Everything seems to be shifting toward rogues. Now rogues can dominate both pvp and pve. A 4-rogue party in pve is usually always faster and more efficient than with mage(s) or warrior(s) thrown in. Even as a mage, I would want to be in a party with rogues filling up the slots. My mage has around 900dmg and 1k+dmg with elixir in pve, yet I still do not deal close to a rogue with like 700dmg. Since rogues can do just as fine, if not better, in pve. If warriors and mages were just eliminated from the game, it seems that would be more efficient, full rogue parties for everyone!

Sir, may i remind u that u posted on another thread 5 mins ago that the Aegis were not nerfed?!?
Anyway 100% of your comment is off topic. 90% of it is very far from the reality.

1. Mage glintstone proc is like a first para (7 damage) for the whole pt. If that werent useful people wouldn't be paying 10 million for a para u see. Further this in conjunction with damage lix is a huge boost (60 damage to me personally) and 110 damage with mari and singe buff + 30% lix. This is for the whole pt.
2. I have tested in duo arena with a op mage and 800 damage rogue. The op mage are faster in duo, partially because of the proc.
3. The recently buffed/"padded out" planar tombs, elite tindirin and elite Ren'gol are so hard for the average rogue, that they are not really feasible for a full rogue pt.
4. Rogues do not dominate pvp. This is really too ling to explain.

12-04-2015, 10:00 AM
I've been always thinking more mobs attacking the warrior was the way glintstone was supposed to work, wouldn't that have been better? Mobs in the future could stack DoTs making runs nigh impossible without warrs, and a warr tanking these DoTs would mean the weapon procing more? Two birds one stone.

#Reminesce to when asp had to tell me gladiators gain attack buffwhen player dies nott orc

yes, this is known as taunt. Makes the mobs attacking warrior.


12-04-2015, 10:11 AM
I get it now. Well, proc actually shouldn't occur on skill attacks. I'm pretty sure no other weapon procs on skill attacks. That being said, this is really a huge drop in usefulness for the aegis and as a result - for warriors in PvE. I strongly suggest STS rethink this fix or nerf or whatever you call it.

12-04-2015, 10:28 AM
I get it now. Well, proc actually shouldn't occur on skill attacks. I'm pretty sure no other weapon procs on skill attacks. That being said, this is really a huge drop in usefulness for the aegis and as a result - for warriors in PvE. I strongly suggest STS rethink this fix or nerf or whatever you call it.

Unless I'm seeing the effects of lag, the bow procs on Skills as well. Mabye mine is the 'GOLD' version, ha!

12-04-2015, 10:32 AM
Oo dealing damage and taunting...

IMO the proc is fine as long it's just taunt, 10 hits and u proc would make warriors OP versus mages(cuz of DoT) and PvE maps where taunting rewards warrior with an increased damage output...

Not really, we can not stun or freeze enemies. And taunt mean that all of the crowd is attacking you. Spending too much on healing potions. Need mage to reduce the damage. And against a few enemies or boss, takes too long to get an explosion.

12-04-2015, 10:43 AM
Warrior useless and got nerf so perfect

12-04-2015, 11:10 AM
I get it now. Well, proc actually shouldn't occur on skill attacks. I'm pretty sure no other weapon procs on skill attacks. That being said, this is really a huge drop in usefulness for the aegis and as a result - for warriors in PvE. I strongly suggest STS rethink this fix or nerf or whatever you call it.

Despite being aa warrior I actually agree with this. An easy fix that will help a lot more is making the proc happen when warr gets hit.

Either way, the weap pretty much sucks now, leaving warr with outdated weapon alternatives for pve. It would be really great if sts could take a look into this faster than their usual SLA (2-3 years...)

12-04-2015, 11:53 AM
B onjovi i agree fully. This thread is about nerf on the aegis and is not a pity party for other classes. Sorry if i seem insensitive but i am tired of the nerf that take place AFTER the items are released. These things should be noticed during the testing phase. Maybe allow some regular players to beta test items before release, i dont know but something should be done. Yes this is just a game but tons of people take this game very serious and are dedicated players.Please fix the nerf.

12-04-2015, 12:04 PM
Rogue legends returns!

Has it ever been different?

12-04-2015, 03:26 PM
Oo dealing damage and taunting...

IMO the proc is fine as long it's just taunt, 10 hits and u proc would make warriors OP versus mages(cuz of DoT) and PvE maps where taunting rewards warrior with an increased damage output...

You stand on top of the warrior while fighting?

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-04-2015, 03:44 PM
Oo dealing damage and taunting...

IMO the proc is fine as long it's just taunt, 10 hits and u proc would make warriors OP versus mages(cuz of DoT) and PvE maps where taunting rewards warrior with an increased damage output...

I have no idea on what basis you made warriors OP! Aegis was working fine since its release in game, no one complained and you are saying it makea warriors OP?? I don't understand your defination of OP XD

12-04-2015, 04:46 PM
Same ol coconut like the bulwark case back then. And after so long sts still didn't improve.
You could say they are true to themselves in case of such failures.

Sts why don't you just patch out warrior from Al? Just give mage lil armor n health boost and et viola the perfect aoe cnc machine alongside the one button smahsh class..

I wish for this desaster i could transfer the stash from warrior to my smurf and a refund on platinum i purchased for the warrior.

#no more platinum

12-04-2015, 05:40 PM
3 days didnt login, they nerf aegis when im trying to sell one LOL :wink:

12-04-2015, 06:32 PM
It was OP based on how warriors could switch weapons and keep proc.

It was OP based on how much faster tombs was for warriors, I've seen warriors clear 2 rooms in kt4 just by making pulls.

Those r the basis, something that isn't work as it was intended to, if anything warriors should be asking for a higher damage from procure or a knock back from proc instead of reverting it back to the bugged much abused version.

P.S.: it would have made warriors OP in PvP, after the incoming juggbuff, I'm glad STS fixed this glitch before buffing warriors.

What has standing on top of warrior(as rong as that sounds) got to do with taunt. Think you are enunciating about the auto attack but can never be too sure.

You stated that the proc would be OP against Mage which is why I'm confused. You stand on top of the warrior when fighting? The proc rarely hits me.

12-05-2015, 02:05 AM
Now I don't know if the fix or nerf of the warrior mythic weapon proc mechanics was intentional or an unintentional by-product of them trying to mainly fix the exploit of switching weapons and still maintaining the proc (this exploit imo was rightfully fixed). But the fact remains that this is a large step backwards for warriors in this game. Look, we all know the weapon is horrible in PVP. Nothing has changed there. However, in PVE the original proc mechanics made warriors more useful and wanted in parties, especially with elite mobs. The new proc rate has now decreased to such a low rate (much lower than the proc rate of bows) and combine that with the very very low proc damage has made this weapon very weak. So what little advantage warriors gained to become more useful in PVE is now gone. To require warriors to proc the weapon by stacking auto attack with a weapon that auto attacks at the rate of a sloth or turtle is just plain bad. Then when the weapon finally procs we do a whopping 150 damage to the mobs surrounding us.....really? While rogue bows now proc way more often and do insane crit damage in the thousands?

Another big issue is STG had decided to place a much lower base armor bonus to the weapon because they anticipated that the weapon proc would be often enough for a decent constant armor buff. Well guess what....now the weapon barely procs and we dont get any armor boost 75% of the time while running maps. So essentially warriors got a "new" mythic weapon with a worse armor bonus than the old bulwark.

Regardless if the original proc mechanics of allowing the proc to occur with attack skills was intentional or not.....it actually made the weapon viable and helped with reducing the classism against warriors. STG as a warrior lover, please look into this matter.

12-05-2015, 03:47 AM
This game becomes more hilarious by the day, the guy who complained about the proc moving to other weapons, is now putting a video on something else about the weapon. Sts makes a major stuff up by reducing the weapons potency..(which was never the problem) I mean as a developer/programmer how hard can it be to change such a tiny thing?

Should i go the easy way sts? Change to a rogue, use my easy 30/40m i made from the cake bug, or get gold buy other means which many others do, buy awesome gear and then go bully everyone, be op have a loud mouth, and only want fast runs?

Btw you guys are quick to cite me for vulgar language, but very slow to fix things that actually matter in this game. Perhaps if you stop messing around people who actually spend a lot on this game and actually make the game enjoyable again, i wouldn't have to rant at your incompetence.

12-05-2015, 04:05 AM
Now I don't know if the fix or nerf of the warrior mythic weapon proc mechanics was intentional or an unintentional by-product of them trying to mainly fix the exploit of switching weapons and still maintaining the proc (this exploit imo was rightfully fixed). But the fact remains that this is a large step backwards for warriors in this game. Look, we all know the weapon is horrible in PVP. Nothing has changed there. However, in PVE the original proc mechanics made warriors more useful and wanted in parties, especially with elite mobs. The new proc rate has now decreased to such a low rate (much lower than the proc rate of bows) and combine that with the very very low proc damage has made this weapon very weak. So what little advantage warriors gained to become more useful in PVE is now gone. To require warriors to proc the weapon by stacking auto attack with a weapon that auto attacks at the rate of a sloth or turtle is just plain bad. Then when the weapon finally procs we do a whopping 150 damage to the mobs surrounding us.....really? While rogue bows now proc way more often and do insane crit damage in the thousands?

Another big issue is STG had decided to place a much lower base armor bonus to the weapon because they anticipated that the weapon proc would be often enough for a decent constant armor buff. Well guess what....now the weapon barely procs and we dont get any armor boost 75% of the time while running maps. So essentially warriors got a "new" mythic weapon with a worse armor bonus than the old bulwark.

Regardless if the original proc mechanics of allowing the proc to occur with attack skills was intentional or not.....it actually made the weapon viable and helped with reducing the classism against warriors. STG as a warrior lover, please look into this matter.

I totally agree to every point , this made warriors able to party again instead of standing looking for one. The agroo from proc allowed them to fulfill their role as tanks again.

Pls sts fix this, so unfair, plat users spend real money on this things. I feel as buying something and then getting an entire different thing. This is a huge change on the weapon.

12-05-2015, 06:17 AM
Hang on a moment. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the weapon only proc when the warrior using the Aegis HITS something, as opposed to getting hit by enemies? Or am I reading the description wrong/looking at how the Aegis works wrong?

When the warrior attack 10 enemies, the shield explodes and damages all who are near to the warrior. What happens is that the attack skills cause damage in 4 or 3 enemies, which generated rapid explosions. But now the attack skill not activate the proc, making slow proc.


12-05-2015, 07:07 AM
think the taunting means one tic of damage dealt by enemies. I used to think it only procs when damage is dealt to the warrior and nott by.

That being said I agree with a massive chunk of midis post, my only concerns lie in PvP where an incoming jugg buff would mean if glintstone aegis workings weren't fixed warriors would have another time frame in the future where they are OP.

At the danger off going off topic(nott really) I would like to point out the glintstone gun wep proc too,which hardly benefits the mages in PvP and comparing that to the glintstone bow proc(which hits in the thousands and procs even with obstacles between the rogue and the opponent).

That being said I think the aegis proc damage on the stack of 10 should be a lot more than a measly 150, either that or nerf the bow damage and proc<_<

Taunt, means that enemies ignore the presence of the other class. And they will only attack the warrior.

12-05-2015, 08:02 AM
I know what it means lol, what does it mean by taunt on the proc description?

The ambiguity of every skill/item proc description in Arlor makes for an iffy thing to argue about. Does it mean taunt skills activating proc or every mob taunted by warrior and attacking the warrior counts for s proc?

Edit:, nvm the proc taunts enemies, e.e

Ok man, I understood

12-05-2015, 11:16 AM
Hang on a moment. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't the weapon only proc when the warrior using the Aegis HITS something, as opposed to getting hit by enemies? Or am I reading the description wrong/looking at how the Aegis works wrong?

That's the other thing I was wondering..but I figured he was talking about a complete revision of the Aegis proc.

12-05-2015, 01:21 PM
Yeeeeeaahhh that's why I felt that had to be clarified first... because from my understanding the armor buffs stack with each hit by the tank on an enemy unit, to a point where 10 buffs are stacked after which the stacked armor explodes for an AoE damage effect. Am just stating this for the benefit of explaining why the nerf is so bad... because I think you are missing the point.

The procs taunts enemies, that we have established. And the reason why the Aegis was so good before was because its armor buff proc could be effected by any hit on any enemy unit - this included skill hits e.g. CS, Windmill, SS etc. which hit multipls units. So quick armor stacking from multiple hits leads to quick explosion procs which leads to multiple taunting of enemies in a short period of time and also quick bursts of AoE damage.

Now that is lost because you can't effect the armor buff stacking from skill hits, only autoattack hits. So now tanks can't use the Aegis explosion proc to taunt enemies, because they simply can't make it proc as much. Asking them to just spam autoattack all the way in an elite run is just ridiculous. I do not think enemy hits on the tank cause the armor buff stacking, because his is not mentioned in the item description, and I have not noticed this effect myself when running with tanks in Elite maps.

Felt I needed to clarify because I think you were getting lost in your confusion with regard to tank taunts and a misconception about the workings of the Aegis proc, and thus not focusing on the issue at hand.

This. Sts keeps dissapointing warriors. The lack of communication with these under the hood changes is more than just frustrating.
If this is not intentional, a short heads up from the devs would help a lot now.
I acknowledged the value of the aegis when pvp players where unhappy with it.
I openly welcomed the bug fix with the pvp proc glitch because i want to work towards a real balance, not a series of glitches cancelling out each other and only benefitting a few.
Now we' re left with this mess again after people spend much effort or money and with no reaction from sts. bulweak 2.0

12-05-2015, 04:37 PM
Basically aegis too effective=less death thus less ankh usage, less coin stg pockets. NO BUENO... Die we must, don't forget it

12-05-2015, 05:37 PM
That bug needed to be fixed anyway but skills should be counted as hits to proc the weapon. I hope it will be fixed soon.

12-05-2015, 06:06 PM
Hi all,
this is my first post ever so basically i m a noob here so please go easy on me ;)
But i would like to say some things about the aegis proc. I checked the weapon in many different ways and here are my findings

# First to start the proc as many people have mentioned in thread u need to use auto-attack as skill attacks wouldnt start the proc.
#HOWEVER once proc has started i.e the stacking of shields has begun, skill attacks DO contribute to further stacking of the shields until it finally explodes
#Also remember how stacked shields when they explode and hit enemies, that too contributed to stacking which allowed the weapon the chain its proc? well now its a bit complicated, after stacking of 9 shields(the tenth one explodes) if u use skill attack, the shields simply explodes and no further stacking takes place, however if you use auto attack after stacking 9 shields, the shield explodes which on damage to enemies do contribute to further stacking and chaining of proc.

Hence are my observation, please correct me if any of them are wrong.

From my understanding this is probably a bug, for the way it works does not make sense. If so i would like to request sts to fix it as soon as possible, as runs would be much easier and faster as the proc as of the moment has very little value(or none so at all in elites).
And if it is not a bug and the change is intentional please look into the matter once more sts, for the mythic weapons did help warriors get runs for we were able to tank and do damage for the first time as an endgame tank.
Cheers and TY :)

12-05-2015, 08:57 PM
yes, i realize in one single attack after update, "007 team" nerf Aegis proc. please keep secret "007 team", you dont have to let us knows.
Btw, did u think we re a bunch of kiddos?

12-05-2015, 11:52 PM
Would any dev mind to at least acknowledge that the aegis proccing system has been changed and if this is a bug or was meant to be this way?

12-06-2015, 03:29 AM
Hey guys. Just wanted to say thanks for helping to surface the bugs in the new client. We know it can be stressful, but a lot of new stuff went into this latest client, and in an ever evolving game like this that often means that some bugs will slip through. A hotfix went out today to fix some of the most urgent ones and we will fix another batch in Thursday's update. Please understand that we never make "secret" game changes. You guys are way too perceptive ;) and we value our transparency! So, if you see something that was not announced, it's more than likely a bug. Just let us know and (like today) we'll fix it as soon as possible.

Just a small quote to remind STS of their own words. It is weekend, let's wait until next week and see what they say.

12-06-2015, 07:36 PM
they are on Thursday, updates?

12-07-2015, 02:31 PM
Cakes were fixed immediately on Monday, why isn't the aegis fixed?
Maybe we need some "birthday boys" to complain about the aegis....

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-07-2015, 02:35 PM
Cakes were fixed immediately on Monday, why isn't the aegis fixed?
Maybe we need some "birthday boys" to complain about the aegis....

Hope we see a fix soon!

12-07-2015, 05:17 PM
Hey there developers. We know you guys are very busy as a company. But can one of the developers please respond to this thread. All we ask is for some transparency so that our faith in the companies integrity remains intact.

12-07-2015, 06:07 PM
Why nerf it anyway..?

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-08-2015, 02:42 AM
Nott a nerf, was a bug fix..

Just posting to remind STS might nott do anything about it, sorry being the cynic e.e

It was not just a bug fix. Bug was- proc still occurs if u change the weapon. But during the bug fix how the proc happens has also been disturbed.

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-08-2015, 03:20 AM
Maybe they knew about this and fixed that too?@_@

Would be a first weapon that procs for attack skills out of the glintstone weapons at least(do any other weapons proc when for skills damage tics?)

Change log reads: "+ Glintstone Aegis Proc no longer continues to apply after unequipping the Aegis"
There is no mention of anything else!

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-08-2015, 03:47 AM
That wouldn't be the first time there was a bug fix without any mention of it, yes in the past there have been other such bug fixes without mentions, ogres in elite rengol still kill after a tic passing on their red zone attack, this before was worse, ogres were glitched on at least two attacks, no mention of that either!

But then I'm sure warriors would be happy about the proc being fixed, which it might or might nott be on Thursday...

I don't understand your intentions haha!

12-08-2015, 01:52 PM
Im leaning more towards this being a bug. In most cases, if it were intentional, and a nerf, they would post it somewhere such as announcements thread or similar.

12-08-2015, 02:38 PM
Im leaning more towards this being a bug. In most cases, if it were intentional, and a nerf, they would post it somewhere such as announcements thread or similar.
Thats the same thing I feel bro, but whats upsetting ppl is the fact that theres no reply.

12-08-2015, 02:46 PM
Im leaning more towards this being a bug. In most cases, if it were intentional, and a nerf, they would post it somewhere such as announcements thread or similar.

The nerf was intentional I'm sure. Skills procing taunt/damage on the aegis was a bug but its removal makes the aegis completly worthless and with it the tank class once again. The only bug they said they were going to remove was the proc lasting even when u switch weapon and even though this was a bug too removing it has made things so bad even wt4 mobs feel OP to 'geared' tanks.

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-08-2015, 10:49 PM
Hoping for any dev to comment on the matter soon

12-09-2015, 12:53 AM
Hey guys, we appreciate the feedback related to this. I'm going to jump in related to the Warrior Mythic weapon in case there is a misunderstanding on how it works.

Each enemy hit applies a stack of an armor buff. Each stack adds 25 Armor, up to 250 at 10 stacks. Each enemy hit means a single strike may hit up to 3, and grant up to 3 stacks all at once. When you reach 10 you tip over and the armor explodes dealing AoE damage to all around and taunting them all to the tank, and the cycle begins again.

The cycle of this proc rate can be very quick, and the AoE damage output does add up, as does the implicit taunting of surrounding mobs.

Is this in line with what you are experiencing playing with this weapon? From a design perspective this is certainly a tanking weapon, and not intended to be used for massive damage. If there are suggestions on changes you'd like to see after playing with it and this knowledge, we're always open to constructive feedback.

Thanks guys!

this is sad, but looking at how carapace worded the description, it was meant to work like now, only hits from normal attacks take count...
tbh the feature is not so significant in pvp, and only help warrior greatly in pve, which will ends up helping other classes when farming, i don't get it why they need to nerf it, or why there are people who is wanting this nerfs... this is for pve, where we only directly compete with computers, not with other players

plus the scaling by member system only make it harder for non-damage dealer class or undergeared players, because most of the time they can't make up the increase of health, damage, and offense of the scaling... with this sad system, warriors need to able to do damage...

and yes, mage's new mythic weapon's proc still sucks, lol

Shobhit Chaturvedi
12-09-2015, 12:37 PM
Still no Acknowledgement of the issue :(

12-09-2015, 07:34 PM
No updates!


12-09-2015, 09:37 PM
Before the update i can do a round of wt4 solo about 2.45-3m, now it's about 3.4-4.4m, so much different

12-09-2015, 10:53 PM
Yeah, the other weapons dont proc on skill attack, but they proc at a super high rate on auto-attack.

Warriors though hit less often and it requires 10 hits to get that proc? That sounds like an unsurmountable barrier for warriors. Proc should require fewer hits, 3-5? Though warrior auto,hits really do seem slower than that of the other classes.

12-09-2015, 11:21 PM
Yeah, the other weapons dont proc on skill attack, but they proc at a super high rate on auto-attack.

Warriors though hit less often and it requires 10 hits to get that proc? That sounds like an unsurmountable barrier for warriors. Proc should require fewer hits, 3-5? Though warrior auto,hits really do seem slower than that of the other classes.

one mage fireball or proc rogue arc cause more damage in AoE. But this proc is useful against mobs that have low health, as KM3 and WT4. Use only auto-attack on elite is a joke, and a warrior does not have much damage as the other class to use skill. The aegis is not good status for damage, to be a shield.

What's bothering me is the silence. If it is a nerf, could explain it. If it's a bug so just say it will be reviewed.

12-09-2015, 11:42 PM
I made a thread about this as well. This is ridiculous and outrageous. Warriors were great before they nerfed the explosions, now they're sitting ducks compared to Rogues and Mages. Makes them almost useless in Elite maps.

Sent from my SGH-T399N using Tapatalk

12-09-2015, 11:47 PM
The nerf makes no sense. Glintstone Weapon for Warrior has no PvP value whatsoever. It's only for PvE use, and with the nerf, it's eye-cringingly less potent than before. It forces players to spam normal attack because using skills breaks the chain. I really hope it is a bug. If not, STS needs to rethink this thoroughly. They've basically ruined Warrior. Rogues and Mages are much, much better again.

Sent from my SGH-T399N using Tapatalk

12-09-2015, 11:52 PM
this is sad, but looking at how carapace worded the description, it was meant to work like now, only hits from normal attacks take count...
tbh the feature is not so significant in pvp, and only help warrior greatly in pve, which will ends up helping other classes when farming, i don't get it why they need to nerf it, or why there are people who is wanting this nerfs... this is for pve, where we only directly compete with computers, not with other players

plus the scaling by member system only make it harder for non-damage dealer class or undergeared players, because most of the time they can't make up the increase of health, damage, and offense of the scaling... with this sad system, warriors need to able to do damage...

and yes, mage's new mythic weapon's proc still sucks, lol

Unfortunately if this is how the warrior mythic weapon was intended to work....meaning it procs after "10" hits from auto attack then its a shameful design for a warrior weapon and it must be changed or tweaked. Just because the rogue and mage mythic weapons utilizes this same proc mechanic doesn't mean it should be used for warriors as well. The first problem is that the mythic warrior weapon auto attack if very slow. The second problem is its range is very very small. You have to literally be on top of all 3 mobs to even get lucky to hit all 3 mobs. With these two things, the weapon will not proc often enough to be of any significant use. STG's thinking was this "Well since the weapon can hit 3 mobs at once....well then they just have to auto-attack 3 to 4 times and that gets them 10 hits and they proc. Wow so easy." Well ladies and gentleman, I got news for you. When we auto-attack the range of our weapon is so so small we almost never hit 3 mobs at once. Most of the time its only one mob we hit (especially in this low mob count new elite map trend). So we gotta essentially swing our slow sword 10 times to proc? Think about that for a minute. That is absolutely ridiculous. In addition the proc damage of the warrior weapon is pitifully low, which is another downside.

If the developers choose to keep the mechanics of mythic warrior weapon proc to be dependent on auto-attack. Then please increase the range of the weapon and decrease the amount of hit required to 5.

Plus if the developers want to use this argument that they just want this to be a tanking weapon to help with taunt. Well guess what....It barely procs which means we barely get any taunting boost......sooooooo.

12-10-2015, 10:37 AM
weapon was great and the only effect had at game was just ppl want tanks at elites! i had to hv fun at elites as tank from cap 36!

12-10-2015, 02:05 PM
Unfortunately if this is how the warrior mythic weapon was intended to work....meaning it procs after "10" hits from auto attack then its a shameful design for a warrior weapon and it must be changed or tweaked. Just because the rogue and mage mythic weapons utilizes this same proc mechanic doesn't mean it should be used for warriors as well. The first problem is that the mythic warrior weapon auto attack if very slow. The second problem is its range is very very small. You have to literally be on top of all 3 mobs to even get lucky to hit all 3 mobs. With these two things, the weapon will not proc often enough to be of any significant use. STG's thinking was this "Well since the weapon can hit 3 mobs at once....well then they just have to auto-attack 3 to 4 times and that gets them 10 hits and they proc. Wow so easy." Well ladies and gentleman, I got news for you. When we auto-attack the range of our weapon is so so small we almost never hit 3 mobs at once. Most of the time its only one mob we hit (especially in this low mob count new elite map trend). So we gotta essentially swing our slow sword 10 times to proc? Think about that for a minute. That is absolutely ridiculous. In addition the proc damage of the warrior weapon is pitifully low, which is another downside.

If the developers choose to keep the mechanics of mythic warrior weapon proc to be dependent on auto-attack. Then please increase the range of the weapon and decrease the amount of hit required to 5.

Plus if the developers want to use this argument that they just want this to be a tanking weapon to help with taunt. Well guess what....It barely procs which means we barely get any taunting boost......sooooooo.

Ur right this is how the weapon was intended to work. This is the true form of the weapon they decided to give to warrior this season. Useless in pvp as always but this time with the added bonus of being totally useless in pve too. Comparing it to a bulwark is an insult to the bulwark and all the great memories it gave all tanks before they nerfed the bulwark curse. I think they play a joke every season on the tank class with these shields by introducing them as a proper weapon and then dramatically nerfing it when people make threads about them. Accepting constructive user feedback on forums is good and all but would be nice if every tank weapon isn't destroyed every time someone makes thread complaining about it. Also the worst part about this is the lack of warning before and the lack of response since the silent nerf.

Loyallivnlife Ceo
12-10-2015, 02:46 PM
Yea they should have left the aegis alone no warrior going to sit there and auto 10 attacks!!! If they do that it is the dumbest weapon for a tank in the game for the simple fact that he losing aggro autoing!!!

12-10-2015, 03:54 PM
If they don't fix it, Warrior won't be viable for Elites anymore.

Sent from my SGH-T399N using Tapatalk

12-11-2015, 01:43 AM
Juggernaut is a great improvement, no doubt.. but it only makes Warrior last longer. No one wants a pure tank in Elite, lol.. because it takes too long to kill anything.

Sent from my SGH-T399N using Tapatalk

12-11-2015, 03:17 AM
They just fixed jugg, whatever changes that are being made to a specific class needs to be made one step at a time to avoid overly drastic changes to class balance and to allow players time to adapt and test the effects of those changes. I would advise everyone to be patient and at least for now try to test if the changes to jugg have made a positive difference to gameplay.
Breaking a weapon & fixing a skill, of the same class, is not called class balance.

12-11-2015, 03:50 AM
The first nerf in AL's history I can think of was a warrior sword that had a 100% crit proc. STS decreased the proc rate. So why not increase the proc rate of the Aegis now? And why don't we get any comment by Devs?

12-11-2015, 04:22 AM
i am very disappointed with the silence... the change is real, and aegis' users aren't idiot, we don't need to be a genius to realize the change, because how significant it was, and because of the significance, we deserve some explanation here

12-11-2015, 04:35 AM
It is quite obvious why they fixed this. Warriors are not intended to clear mobs as fast as mages can. Warriors will be buff but not this kind of buff. Its hilarious why people keep pushing to return something that can ruin the game. Mages waited for years for a decent buff that will not affect class balance much and warrior will never be an excemption for this one. I will just return what other class always tells a mage not to beg for buf and to switch to other class. Hey warrior, make a mage or a rogue, it is part of the game.

12-11-2015, 05:08 AM
So you're saying Warriors should just make a Mage or a Rogue? Why not just anex the Warrior character from the game? With all due respect, your argument makes no sense at all. Warriors, even before the Devs stripped the weapon of its ONLY use, made Warriors at least have a nice and steady damage output, enough to stay relevant in Elite maps. Rogues and Mages were still better, but at least Warriors were decent. Now it's depressing how slow and painful it is to kill just one enemy. May I remind you that the Glintstone Weapon has no PvP value whatsoever, unlike your Gun and the Rogue's Bow; Our Aegis was only for PvE, and now it's basically destroyed. STS needs to listen to the majority and make a better decision. At this point, we don't want a new weapon. A new weapon would mean they have to make new ones for Rogue and Mage, as well, which would take months. All we want is our Aegis back to the way it was so we can stay relative to the game.

It is quite obvious why they fixed this. Warriors are not intended to clear mobs as fast as mages can. Warriors will be buff but not this kind of buff. Its hilarious why people keep pushing to return something that can ruin the game. Mages waited for years for a decent buff that will not affect class balance much and warrior will never be an excemption for this one. I will just return what other class always tells a mage not to beg for buf and to switch to other class. Hey warrior, make a mage or a rogue, it is part of the game.

12-11-2015, 05:16 AM
Fixing a broken skill is a step towards class balance. Class balance like Rome wasn't built in one day).

They didn't "break" any weapon, unless you consider a much needed weapon fix before reinstating the elephants of Arlor as the pudgy tanks they have always been in PvP(and fixing twink warrs in PvP e.e).

One thing I would like to mention is how warriors are fixating on the aegis fix instead of hoping for a better set(like glintstone) in the next expansion or a better damage output weapon in the winter event(honestly a sword and shield is easily outgunned by a splintered mage stick in elites). Even if they don't provide something for warriors to deal even more damage after the 3 axes in the glintstone set, I doubt STS doesn't mean to provide warriors with another skill buff...

Class balance is something the warriors have been asking for what? One year?e.e

Mages had to beg, shout, cry, moan,threaten and leave the game before we were given a shield which was half as good as a pets shield(nekro hurr hurr), or our heal was buffed so that the squishies of Arlor could hold their ground somewhat in PvP. It's ironic this jugg buff considering how OP warriors were in PvP during the maul age or as a matter of fact in most of the initial seasons(based on how OP twink wars were)
I suggest you read my reply to ElDorado, Avikk. Like I said in my reply, our Aegis is strictly for PvE. It has NO value in PvP whatsoever. Your Gun and Rogue's Bow have use in both areas and are pretty OP. A Rogue's Bow proc clears all the enemy mobs in the area with just one proc, but Warriors can't have something decent going for them? My reply to ElDorado was also directed towards you; I just forgot to include your quote. Bottom line: Warriors need Aegis back to the way it was in order to be somewhat balanced to how OP Rogues and Mages are in PvE with their Glintstone weapons.

12-11-2015, 12:26 PM
Any moderator response to this would be greatly appreciated even if it is to inform warriors that the aegis will not returned back to the way it was. The silence before and after the nerf is the most maddening thing about all this.

12-11-2015, 07:45 PM
They unable to reply because they already test to verify the problem & the results is...

Glintstone Aegis is still the same as it were before the updates. Its just our mind playing tricks.

12-11-2015, 08:07 PM
They unable to reply because they already test to verify the problem & the results is...

Glintstone Aegis is still the same as it were before the updates. Its just our mind playing tricks.
Our minds aren't playing tricks. As players have already stated before, their runs have been TWICE as slow as before. A run in WT4 that takes 3:00-3:30 mins now takes 4:30-5:00mins. Elite runs went from 12-15mins to 22-25mins. I suggest you watch videos of Warriors playing with Glint Aegis before this huge problem. It's nothing compared to what it is now.

12-11-2015, 08:14 PM
No it isn't, before the update the proc would activate by any hit and now only hits made by basic attack, I have noticed how some warriors didn't see that much difference and it's because they weren't using the right skills for it.

12-11-2015, 08:16 PM
No it isn't, before the update the proc would activate by any hit and now only hits made by basic attack, I have noticed how some warriors didn't see that much difference and it's because they weren't using the right skills for it.
This is perfect. Thank you, Hellsunk. If you didn't notice a difference, Frox, it's because you weren't using skills like Windmill.

12-11-2015, 09:53 PM
probably froxanthar was trying to be sarcastic :p

since devs replied like that for previous obvious change...

12-11-2015, 10:18 PM
How it was changed to AL Suggestions and Feedback?

If it has been moved to feedback, so it was a nerf? It should have been removed for Technical Issues and Bugs.

12-11-2015, 10:21 PM
If I understood correctly, skill attacks and the Aegis proc itself (instead of only basic attacks) went on to make Aegis work its proc more often (intentionally or otherwise) and this has been changed by sts and that is what the OP's issue is?

That brings me to the next question...do other classes' weapon procs depend only on basic attacks or proc attack and skill attacks too?

12-11-2015, 10:51 PM
If I understood correctly, skill attacks (instead of only default attacks) went on to make Aegis work its proc more often (intentionally or otherwise) and this has been fixed by sts and that is what the OP's issue is?

That brings me to the question, do other classes' weapon procs depend only on default attacks or skill attacks too?

This is complicated. First, understand how the aegis works.

1- When you hit an enemy you gain a shield
2- You need to hit 10 enemies to create an explosion
3- Skill hits 3 enemies, even if they were made to hit 4 of them
4- An explosion creates a new shield with 3 hits, provided you have enemies to it

What has changed after the update?

1- The first hit should be done with a normal attack, to gain a shield
2- After that, you can use skill to increase the amounts of hit to generate the explosion
3- If you have 9 hits and uses a normal attack, then the shield explodes and you get a new shield
4- If you have 9 hits and uses a skill, the shield explodes and not get a new shield. We need to return to 1

The problem is at 1 and 4. You need to use normal attack not to break the fast chain of explosions. But this type of attack is very slow and has a short range.

If you are thinking this is very OP. Know that it was made this the beginning for this.

Hey guys, we appreciate the feedback related to this. I'm going to jump in related to the Warrior Mythic weapon in case there is a misunderstanding on how it works.

Each enemy hit applies a stack of an armor buff. Each stack adds 25 Armor, up to 250 at 10 stacks. Each enemy hit means a single strike may hit up to 3, and grant up to 3 stacks all at once. When you reach 10 you tip over and the armor explodes dealing AoE damage to all around and taunting them all to the tank, and the cycle begins again.

The cycle of this proc rate can be very quick, and the AoE damage output does add up, as does the implicit taunting of surrounding mobs.

Is this in line with what you are experiencing playing with this weapon? From a design perspective this is certainly a tanking weapon, and not intended to be used for massive damage. If there are suggestions on changes you'd like to see after playing with it and this knowledge, we're always open to constructive feedback.

Thanks guys!

If it was a moderator who moved here. I wish it were for Technical Issues and Bugs.

12-12-2015, 12:32 AM
main complaint is uninformed change

and then, is there any rules that weapon's proc need to be triggered only by normal attacks? elondrian bulwark's heal doesn't work like that, afaik, elondrian bow self-heal also works per any damage you made, and although not a weapon, proc from arcane ring, eggshell, and skull gem work on every skill hit, and if you slot skull gem to a weapon, it's technically become the weapon's proc

and also, you might don't know how frustrating it is to hit enemies with a bulwark, there is little to no assistance in targeting when hitting with melee weapons, best way is to stand still, hitting enemies, but have you ever tried in on rengol maps? not trying to dodge stunning red zones only makes you great clown/sitting duck

12-12-2015, 01:13 AM
Why is this under suggestions & feedback?

How much more feedback do you want before you fix the aegis? Or...do you even intend to fix the aegis at all?
Where is your response to our feedbacks?
We are not suggesting you to empower this weapon any further.
We are not suggesting you to fix this weapon. We are asking you to fix something that you already gave us in the first place.

12-12-2015, 01:55 AM
This is complicated. First, understand how the aegis works.

1- When you hit an enemy you gain a shield
2- You need to hit 10 enemies to create an explosion
3- Skill hits 3 enemies, even if they were made to hit 4 of them
4- An explosion creates a new shield with 3 hits, provided you have enemies to it

What has changed after the update?

1- The first hit should be done with a normal attack, to gain a shield
2- After that, you can use skill to increase the amounts of hit to generate the explosion
3- If you have 9 hits and uses a normal attack, then the shield explodes and you get a new shield
4- If you have 9 hits and uses a skill, the shield explodes and not get a new shield. We need to return to 1

The problem is at 1 and 4. You need to use normal attack not to break the fast chain of explosions.

So in a nutshell, we need basic attacks to make the proc explosion work. If skill attacks and also basic attacks would contribute towards the proc ocurring, then the proc cycle would be endless isnt it?

12-12-2015, 01:57 AM
So in a nutshell, we need basic attacks to make the proc explosion work. If skill attacks and also basic attacks would contribute towards the proc ocurring, then the proc cycle would be endless isnt it?
It wouldn't be endless, but it would be decent. Elite maps don't have big mobs, so it takes a while to chain explosions.

12-12-2015, 02:07 AM
It wouldn't be endless, but it would be decent. Elite maps don't have big mobs, so it takes a while to chain explosions.

If elite maps dont have big mobs, big mobs can be created there. Simple. We can ask for bigger mobs in elite maps.

So what you are asking for is that one weapon should be singled out and made immune to the rules of procing? No other weapon enables skill attacks to contribute to procs. Its unfair for mage and rogue when they only have basic attacks for procing their weapns.

And the Aegisis basically stacking armor and is a tanking weapon, as Carapace has mentioned. Even though it wasdesigned to be a tanking weapon, its AOE damage does add up and thats a bonus.

If we need a solely damage-oriented weapon, we could ask for one for the coming expansion or future event. How is it reasonable to give a weapon so much armor and damage (through very quick and almost endless proc cycles) at the same time? I think sts has thoroughly analysed this and then made changes :encouragement:

12-12-2015, 02:33 AM
If elite maps dont have big mobs, big mobs can be created there. Simple. We can ask for bigger mobs in elite maps.

So what you are asking for is that one weapon should be singled out and made immune to the rules of procing? No other weapon enables skill attacks to contribute to procs. Its unfair for mage and rogue when they only have basic attacks for procing their weapns.

And the Aegisis basically stacking armor and is a tanking weapon, as Carapace has mentioned. Even though it wasdesigned to be a tanking weapon, its AOE damage does add up and thats a bonus.

If we need a solely damage-oriented weapon, we could ask for one for the coming expansion or future event. How is it reasonable to give a weapon so much armor and damage (through very quick and almost endless proc cycles) at the same time? I think sts has thoroughly analysed this and then made changes :encouragement:
The solution isn't just "bigger mobs." As other players hace stated, their runs have slowed almost TWICE as long as before, and that's due to the inability to chain procs. So you're saying it's fair for a Rogue's ONE proc to annihilate more than 30 enemies at once (all within a huge area) but it's unfair for a Warrior to be able to chain procs? Let me ask you something.. When you see Parties for Elite, do you ever see them ask for Warriors? They never ask because Warriors suck in every aspect other than being tank and tanks aren't needed in Elite maps. Your argument is very ill-prepared and without any logical sense. If you really want to balance the game, you'd be supporting the majority of this forum. STS needs to acknowledge the mistake they've made and fix it, but they haven't even replied to us, yet. It's disheartening to see they're not taking players into consideration. This topic has more than 5,000 views and 120+ posts. This is outrageous, STS.

12-12-2015, 02:45 AM
It's fair because this weapon/proc are design and meant for PvE only. So we warriors could get an invite to Elites or Planar Tombs. That is the main TARGET of this weapon.

The bad side of this weapon is PvP. Is there any normal human who use Aegis would try to hit range class in PvP using basic attack? Does the attack is a guarantee hit? No, we need our skills to do it. Unlike bows and guns, their normal attack is auto-aim which makes the arrows and bullets can hit the target behind you.

To be exact, both of Glintstone gun and bow procs are good in PvP and PvE while the sword-shield is only good in PvE. Is this the fairness?

12-12-2015, 02:48 AM
It's fair because this weapon/proc are design and meant for PvE only. So we warriors could get an invite to Elites or Planar Tombs. That is the main TARGET of this weapon.

The bad side of this weapon is PvP. Is there any normal human who use Aegis would try to hit range class in PvP using basic attack? Does the attack is a guarantee hit? No, we need skills to do it. Unlike bows and guns, their normal attack is auto-aim which makes the arrows and bullets can hit the target behind you.

To be exact, both of Glintstone gun and bow procs are good in PvP and PvE while the sword-shield is only good in PvE. Is is the fairness?
I completely agree with you, Frox.

12-12-2015, 01:56 PM
It's fair because this weapon/proc are design and meant for PvE only. So we warriors could get an invite to Elites or Planar Tombs.

Among other things, maybe the actual reason some of the warriors dont get an invite to pve parties for Elites and Planar Tombs is the fact that they are not maxed out. But they still get very vocal on multiple forum threads attempting at making sts believe in the need for buffs.. sigh.

12-12-2015, 02:02 PM
Among other things, maybe the actual reason some of the warriors dont get an invite to pve parties is the fact that they are not maxed out.

I've seen Maxed out Warriors. I know a Warrior (can't disclose his name apparently) with a full Glintstone set, on the leaderboard as one of the best Warriors, and has around 733DPS with Aegis. He still gets no invites to Elite or Planar; he only runs with his Guild. Being maxed out isn't the problem. Warrior just doesn't have enough Damage output to be viable in Elite maps. The best Warrior I've seen had an Ollerus Maul with Singe, reaching an outstanding 1,009 Damage with the Rage and Ollerus buff. Isn't it sad that, although his stats are that high, his damage output is tremendously low compared to Rogues and Mages? You're probably not a Warrior, otherwise you'd know that.

12-12-2015, 02:47 PM
It's a little blue troll posing as a warrior. Maybe he thinks this person is the only tank who says the same thing? I suggest he reads the countless threads started by pro end game maxed out warriors. Every tank has come to the same conclusion. The tank class is basically obselete in pve no matter what your gear. When the aegis was procing from skills the chain explosions it created made tanks temperorily useful in elites and people actually ran random elite when they saw tanks on the map. With the silent nerf everything is back to normal. And the tanks are left standing by the road with a useless weapon which already gave insignificant armor bonus and now never procs.

12-12-2015, 06:04 PM
Even a maxed out tank doesn t add much to a party nowadays. i played a maxed out mage, rogue and tank this season and decided to focus on tank again after the glintstone set and aegis arrived. The difference between a fairly geared tank and a maxed out tank in pve is not too big with an intelligent setup. The difference between a maxed out tank and a fairly geared rogue or mage in pve in terms of usefulness is huge.
In general, at end game level, tanks get parties because they have friends, not because they' re needed. The big mobs from earlier seasons which made a tank mandatory are replaced by sparse mobs with one hits even a tank can t prohibit better than nekro.
This is not about gear levels and cheap buffs, it is about one third of the game population asking for pve relevance again.

12-13-2015, 07:13 AM
I think I know what's going on now. After the update any skill attack has same effect that changing weapon.
Its a bug, the skills charge the proc if it's activated but it will only explode once then you have to spam normal attack again, the shields stack but only one explodes.

12-13-2015, 08:16 AM
Hi guys,
For all those people who thinks that this nerf/change is justified keeping in line with the other mythic weapons, here is my view on the matter:
1)I have personally played warriors a long time and from PVE perspective all I did was to hold aggro and believe me auto-attacking does not let you hold aggro. Its the skills that allow us to hold aggro.
2)Considering the role of a warrior and the fact that the aegis glintstone is a non-ranged weapon it makes sense to proc it on skills.
3)Now let us take example of some other weapons from previous seasons that were not for wars but people didn't complain about them
a)Rouge mythic daggers- Procced if you auto attacked anywhere. Was not required to hit enemies
b)Elondrian gun - Procced shield if you attacked anywhere. Was not required to hit enemies.
There can be other weapons but I have personally used them and hence referred here.

Seeing the fact that this weapon was nerfed(imo yes) and also the Juggernaut skill was buffed and then nerfed again(thank god it was not the same damn cat again for causing the lag), I suspect that warriors are not going to viable for a few months atleast. :)

Thanks for your time.

New igns in game:
War: Idieyou
Rouge: Poopularity
Mage: Gameofmages

12-13-2015, 07:57 PM
Can one of the developers or mods respond? At this point I'm not even hoping for a fix of the weapon. Just a response like "Yes or No we did not change the weapon." Or "Yes we changed the weapon because we felt it was the right thing to do as a company" Or " We are looking into it" Or even "You guys! We don't secretly nerf weapons. You guys are just too overly sensitive." Please don't ignore us. Respond please. if this post was moved from General discussion to suggestions and feedbacks then someone had noticed it from ur staff.

12-13-2015, 10:15 PM
Can one of the developers or mods respond? At this point I'm not even hoping for a fix of the weapon. Just a response like "Yes or No we did not change the weapon." Or "Yes we changed the weapon because we felt it was the right thing to do as a company" Or " We are looking into it" Or even "You guys! We don't secretly nerf weapons. You guys are just too overly sensitive." Please don't ignore us. Respond please. if this post was moved from General discussion to suggestions and feedbacks then someone had noticed it from ur staff.

What happened was that one of the people who did not agree with buffing the Aegis reported the thread so a moderator can move it to Suggestions and Feedback (AKA, the place where threads go to die). Well played, LOL! :/

12-13-2015, 10:18 PM
What happened was that one of the people who did not agree with buffing the Aegis reported the thread so a moderator can move it to Suggestions and Feedback (AKA, the place where threads go to die). Well played, LOL! :/
Is that right..? We could just make another thread on AL Technical Issues and Bugs, if that's the case..

12-13-2015, 11:05 PM
If you really want to balance the game, you'd be supporting the majority of this forum. STS needs to acknowledge the mistake they've made and This topic has more than 5,000 views and 120+ posts. This is outrageous, STS.

The majority is the same majority that ridiculed that guy who brought up the changing-weapon-bug/glitch on the Aegis in the first place. The majority is the same majority that hides event bugs/exploits from sts and curses the minority guy who complains. Its human nature and the majority always wants a bit of unfair advantage. Decisions should be based on thought and testing by devs 70% and 30% on forum public opinion for the game to be healthy. Half of AL does not use the forums. What we see here is not what everybody wants. Vpns and alts can be used to increase the number of views, thank and post as different people to make it seem like the thread is very popular. If everytime sts makes its decisions based on the number of thanks/views/posts on a thread, people are encouraged to believe that all they have to do is follow the herd to bring on a buff, whether that buff is really needed or not.

And I do agree that for PVE runs, warriors were not asked to be in. Quote me on that. But let me explain. Maxed out rogues who already have the dps/damage do not require tanks also to be a damage class. Tank has a role - tanking and holding aggro. The Jugg buff already added to tanks role. A tank's role cannot extend to magic spells and ranged-class damage in the same way that mages and rogues cannot have venge and jugg. Period. But the problem is that (as you perhaps already know) in current elites, the best pets and gear combined with ankhs and pots are already giving the rogue the survival/durability they need so that tanking is not required much.

The solution is, as many others have already mentioned in other threads, is to give tank's VB a party buff so that they are useful and essential to the party.

12-13-2015, 11:32 PM
The majority is the same majority that ridiculed that guy who brought up the changing-weapon-bug/glitch on the Aegis in the first place. The majority is the same majority that hides event bugs/exploits from sts and curses the minority guy who complains. Its human nature and the majority always wants a bit of unfair advantage. Decisions should be based on thought and testing by devs 70% and 30% on forum public opinion for the game to be healthy. Half of AL does not use the forums. What we see here is not what everybody wants. Vpns and alts can be used to increase the number of views, thank and post as different people to make it seem like the thread is very popular. If everytime sts makes its decisions based on the number of thanks/views/posts on a thread, people are encouraged to believe that all they have to do is follow the herd to bring on a buff, whether that buff is really needed or not.

And I do agree that for PVE runs, warriors are not asked to be in. Quote me on that. But let me explain. Maxed out rogues who already have the dps/damage do not require tanks also to be a damage class. Tank has a role - tanking and holding aggro. A tank's role cannot extend to magic spells and ranged damage. Period. But the problem is that (as you perhaps already know) in current elites, the best pets and gear combined with ankhs and pots are already giving the rogue the survival/durability they need so that tanking is not required much.

The solution is, as many others have already mentioned in other threads, is to give tank's VB a party buff so that they are useful and essential to the party.
I was so outraged, I made an account for this forum the day I posted on this one. It's a brainless decision; Warrior is of no use to a party of Rogues and Mages without the Glintstone Proc being the way it was before. Even with a party buff, it's still more efficient to have a Rogue than a Party Buffing Warrior. STS Devs should test that. If they base 70% of their decision on testing, then we would have it fixed by now. We're not asking for Warriors to be OP and annihilate the game.. We're asking for Warriors to be somewhat useful again. This is outrageous and the silence looks horrid on their costumer service.

12-13-2015, 11:36 PM
Even with a party buff, it's still more efficient to have a Rogue than a Party Buffing Warrior.

How? I think that depends on what the party buff is. We cannot just say it now lol even before it has come.

12-14-2015, 12:28 AM
The majority is the same majority that ridiculed that guy who brought up the changing-weapon-bug/glitch on the Aegis in the first place. The majority is the same majority that hides event bugs/exploits from sts and curses the minority guy who complains. Its human nature and the majority always wants a bit of unfair advantage. Decisions should be based on thought and testing by devs 70% and 30% on forum public opinion for the game to be healthy. Half of AL does not use the forums. What we see here is not what everybody wants. Vpns and alts can be used to increase the number of views, thank and post as different people to make it seem like the thread is very popular. If everytime sts makes its decisions based on the number of thanks/views/posts on a thread, people are encouraged to believe that all they have to do is follow the herd to bring on a buff, whether that buff is really needed or not.

And I do agree that for PVE runs, warriors were not asked to be in. Quote me on that. But let me explain. Maxed out rogues who already have the dps/damage do not require tanks also to be a damage class. Tank has a role - tanking and holding aggro. The Jugg buff already added to tanks role. A tank's role cannot extend to magic spells and ranged-class damage in the same way that mages and rogues cannot have venge and jugg. Period. But the problem is that (as you perhaps already know) in current elites, the best pets and gear combined with ankhs and pots are already giving the rogue the survival/durability they need so that tanking is not required much.

The solution is, as many others have already mentioned in other threads, is to give tank's VB a party buff so that they are useful and essential to the party.

When 100 percent of actual warriors on the forums say the same thing it can be taken as a representation of how the entire class feels. The issues with the cakes and the aegis nerf affected a lot of people negatively and some of them acted badly towards the people who pointed it out to the forums but this doesn't mean the majority is always wrong. Yes I agree with u that this games needs to be 70% testing before hand and 30% forum feedback after release. The nerf everyone on this thread is talking about was done after the initial release of the weapon, without any warnings or complaints and the universal feedback has been that it has had a very negative impact on the tank class. That's how democracy and businesses works. You give the people what they want.
You acknowledge that maxed rogues don't need warriors in elites which means u realize the warrior is obselete in pve. Why then do u not want this situation to change? Wouldn't u (as a warrior) like to be invited to an elite once because ur actually needed and not out of pity by friends and guildmates?
VB Party buff? No one tanks elites with VB it serves no purpose in elites. Many others didn't suggest a VB party buff they suggested a class damage buff that has nothing to do with VB just if all three classes present on map. But I guess u would know that if u were ever invited to tank an elite on ur warrior. Don't feel bad though, no other tank has been invited either for the last two seasons.

12-14-2015, 02:17 AM
Many others didn't suggest a VB party buff they suggested a class damage buff that has nothing to do with VB just if all three classes present on map. But I guess u would know that if u were ever invited to tank an elite on ur warrior. Don't feel bad though, no other tank has been invited either for the last two seasons.

If I am not invited for runs on my Tank, that does not mean I will want to be a damage/dps class on my tank. Thats the rogue's job. That being said, the usefulness or worthlessness of a party buff skill upgrade for tanks depends on what that team-buff is. The team buff can be anything, not necessarily this or that. It can be decided by sts what party/team buff is best for a tank's usefulness in elite runs. It is not reasonable to give knee-jerk reactions even before the idea has been implemented. :)

12-14-2015, 02:43 AM
If I am not invited for runs on my Tank, that does not mean I will want to be a damage/dps class on my tank. Thats the rogue's job. That being said, a party buff skill upgrade which will be useful to the whole party in pve and will make a team-buffing tank be chosen over an extra rogue depends on what that team-buff is. It is not reasonable to give knee-jerk reactions even before the idea has been implemented. How can we say that a team-buffing skill upgrade for tanks will not be useful for elite runs? :)

Bro how will a VB skill buff that gives the entire party damage be useful if no tank currently uses VB in elite? VB doesn't have taunt and it's only function is increasing damage output and gaining mana in PvP. Most tanks go with 3-4 taunt skills in elite. HoR can't be replaced. Jugg offers armour and taunt as well as self heal. The other two skills are usually attack skills like CS SS or windmill. I'm sure if VB is upgraded to give a damage boost a lot of tanks will try it out in elites but as it is a skill without taunt or added survibilty a class buff seems a more practical and easier to implement solution. Tanks will be able to hold aggro and the whole party will benefit regardless of whether the tank is using VB or not. We have already seen the effect the temporary jugg buff had on server and the subsequent roll back.
If u are not being invited to runs on ur tank u will make a rogue or a mage to farm. The question tanks are asking is why aren't we being invited to elites? The answer we are given is that added damage in the form of a rogue/Mage makes a run go faster than a tank maintaining aggro 100% and healing everyone every time. This means that a maxed out warrior doing their job perfectly is still not good enough for an elite pro pt run. This is what is causing the demise of the warrior from pve. No tank wants to be a damage dealer cause it goes against the very nature of tanking but neither do we want to remain in pve obscurity. The third of the population not being able to enjoy or even take part in PVE is therefore not pleased when there are silent nerfs to a weapon that many considered a god-send for the warrior class.

12-14-2015, 05:58 PM
I said it already, long time ago, that the biggest scammer in AL is STS. Why tanks should be useful? If proc works, they hit more taking pve kill from dps, not to mention pvp... how sad...

On top there's very dirty n unclear/unfair policy regarding making changes n informing about them! Why don't u inform me about nerf the same way u inform about buff? Ur very selective! Misinformation on purpose or u stopped using brains. I must guess what's going on coz STS decided to scam me again...

whole community knows there is very strong opposition towards tanks among STS who play on DPS themselves, they just scarred to admit it publicly.

12-14-2015, 08:38 PM
To who it may concern that say Warrior suppose to tank, Warrior suppose to protect parties. You are incorrect.

Most Warrior/Tanker/Knights role in other games not just purpose for holding aggro & make the team survive, they also can do massive destruction/high damage skills with a fair cooldown too.

Just take a look on what Warrior and Defender can do in the old Risk Your Life or Gladiator and Destroyer in the Dragon Nest SEA.

We know Arcane Legends want to be different but sometimes different is just complicated. Especially if you want to balance the game between high level and lower level. This will makes end game Warrior weak and unable to achieve what Warrior was design to be in AL.

Anyway, this thread will die on its own.

12-14-2015, 11:09 PM
I said it already, long time ago, that the biggest scammer in AL is STS. Why tanks should be useful? If proc works, they hit more taking pve kill from dps, not to mention pvp... how sad...

On top there's very dirty n unclear/unfair policy regarding making changes n informing about them! Why don't u inform me about nerf the same way u inform about buff? Ur very selective! Misinformation on purpose or u stopped using brains. I must guess what's going on coz STS decided to scam me again...

whole community knows there is very strong opposition towards tanks among STS who play on DPS themselves, they just scarred to admit it publicly.
This is exactly how I am feeling. I spent 2mil plus on buying the weapon plus jewels for it & now it works like a 100k deep blade of assault. :(
This is exactly like a case of those people whole switch para gems for elon life shards in the trade window.

12-15-2015, 03:45 PM
I blame the warriors of AL. We have not been vocal enough on forums and that seems to play a huge part in what gets buffed or nerfed in game. As mentioned it even plays a part in which threads get moved where. If AL can see the overall outrage of all warriors on how they have handled these issues they may be be inclined not to make huge changes to the warrior class based on what mages and rogues want and not what is best for the warrior class.

12-15-2015, 04:15 PM
I blame the warriors of AL. We have not been vocal enough on forums and that seems to play a huge part in what gets buffed or nerfed in game. As mentioned it even plays a part in which threads get moved where. If AL can see the overall outrage of all warriors on how they have handled these issues they may be be inclined not to make huge changes to the warrior class based on what mages and rogues want and not what is best for the warrior class.
I think if we all made separate Forums, it might make STS more aware that we Warriors aren't a silent faction. You could all make different forums, if you'd like, or you could join the new one I'll make. It'll be titled "Warriors Need Glintstone Back - Balance The Game!"

12-15-2015, 06:17 PM
I think if we all made separate Forums, it might make STS more aware that we Warriors aren't a silent faction. You could all make different forums, if you'd like, or you could join the new one I'll make. It'll be titled "Warriors Need Glintstone Back - Balance The Game!"

I have been trying bro. We have a couple of threads going in general discussion (despite all the attempts to derail them) and would love to help you on any thread you start. Our collective voices cannot be ignored for long.

12-15-2015, 06:26 PM
I have been trying bro. We have a couple of threads going in general discussion (despite all the attempts to derail them) and would love to help you on any thread you start. Our collective voices cannot be ignored for long.
Thanks, man. That's what I was thinking. I made it, for those of you who want to support it and voice your opinions. We're too many players who are asking for something that makes sense. I don't think we can be ignored for so long. People are already quitting the game.

12-16-2015, 01:13 AM
Still waiting on a response from STG. Please show us you are a responsible gaming company who strives to be transparent and listens to their customers.

12-16-2015, 03:12 PM
Two weeks, over 150 posts in this thread and several other threads about the same matter and not a single reply. No talking about a fix/change, just a sign that the developers respect their community and the transparency they want to have in this game.

P.S. other game breaking bugs are piling up in the mean time :(

12-16-2015, 10:35 PM
Two weeks, over 150 posts in this thread and several other threads about the same matter and not a single reply. No talking about a fix/change, just a sign that the developers respect their community and the transparency they want to have in this game.

P.S. other game breaking bugs are piling up in the mean time :(
Warriors have been scammed bro.

12-16-2015, 11:50 PM
Warriors have been scammed bro.

Not the first time either. I still wasn't over what happened to the bulwark. Now this :hopelessness:

12-18-2015, 07:19 PM
Breaking News:

This was brought to my attention earlier today, and I believe it is an unintended side effect from the fix for the bug related to the effect being active even after you equip a different weapon.

Long story short, there won't be a fix for this until next year as we are all out of the office for the most part. It is however, on my list of things to look into when I return. It was not our intent to "stealth nerf" anything, just to fix the bug that previously existed.

Apologies for the time it took to respond to this feedback.

01-23-2016, 03:35 PM


01-23-2016, 03:55 PM
niceee, but i can assure you, it was improved in recent update,
now, skill attacks count toward the proc, but you need to start the proc with normal attack, every cycle,
but still, it is nowhere near to the power of aegis when it was first released