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View Full Version : More preset gear slots please

06-07-2011, 09:58 AM
Anyone else wish we had more preset gear slots? Four dosent seem to cut it for me. I have like three rings I switch between and four sets of gear just for int alone. I'd spend plat for more. Any thoughts?

06-07-2011, 10:02 AM
This has come up before. Search it but i totally agree man

06-07-2011, 10:04 AM
Oh it has, was not sure. I'll search around for the thread then. Thanks menn

06-07-2011, 10:23 AM
Meh this was already made, let's just keep it up.

Lots of people not only have specialized gear, but also town vanity gear as well.

06-07-2011, 11:08 AM
What's the benefit of rings again?

06-07-2011, 11:08 AM
Agreed, My presets

Main: enchanted gem staff set with +9 armor ring ( I have 67 Dex) vanity crown for +1 armor
DPS: same thing but with +11 dmg ring. Vainity hat
Wand: enchanted wand/bracer set with +9 armor ring. vanity hat
Town: broom, cyber robes, ench dingy crown

I want more slots for pvp, my blast staff, town and to use the same sets but with different rings mid battle.

I can only imagin what it's like for duel spec people

06-07-2011, 11:28 AM
What's the benefit of rings again?

for me personally I use them for extra m/s on lower levels or extra damage crit and armor.

Btw a ring with 10 damage and 2 crit works wonders and fuels dreams.

06-07-2011, 02:15 PM
Agreed. And, if it isn't already possible, the ability to switch the gear sets on the main play screen without having to go to inventory to swap. I'll do runs as a semi zerker gear, and then tank as a warrior gear. Am I a noob and you can already do this on the play screen?

06-07-2011, 06:13 PM
i dont really use slots very much because i like to stick to one set lol

06-07-2011, 06:56 PM
Anyone else wish we had more preset gear slots? Four dosent seem to cut it for me. I have like three rings I switch between and four sets of gear just for int alone. I'd spend plat for more. Any thoughts?

I'm curious as to why someone would need 4 Int sets. A staff and a wand/bracer, sure, I do the same, but really am curious.

Not to mention, if they squeezed more than say 6 loadout presets on that page it would be messy/hard to tap the right one, or the possibility for it to be a pain would be there (at more than 4-6).

06-07-2011, 06:58 PM
I'm curious as to why someone would need 4 Int sets. A staff and a wand/bracer, sure, I do the same, but really am curious.

Not to mention, if they squeezed more than say 6 loadout presets on that page it would be messy/hard to tap the right one, or the possibility for it to be a pain would be there (at more than 4-6).

We could have the ability to scroll up and down

06-07-2011, 06:59 PM
We could have the scroll ability for them.

Yes, let's make an already possibly cluttered interface more complicated ;) not to mention that would slow things down having to scroll a little, which I could say defeats the whole point of quickchanging anyway.

06-07-2011, 07:02 PM
They told us they'd give us some way back during Christmas:/

06-07-2011, 07:03 PM
Dual Specs with more then one set need more then 4 sets, Booster Slots, and then Dif Sets per Dual. So 6 in total.
I can think of 4 just for the str side of my dual. Booster. Sewer Tank. Fury Tank. And Maybe even back to Hate Gear, when i need the armor but still want to do some Dmg.

Then i need a Dex Booster Set, then a Bow Set and Maybe even a talon set.

That does non include any vanity/town sets.

06-07-2011, 07:03 PM
Yes, let's make an already possibly cluttered interface more complicated ;) not to mention that would slow things down having to scroll a little, which I could say defeats the whole point of quickchanging anyway.

You could put the ones that you use for fighting and what-not in the first 4 displayed, and the ones for town in the others. You don't need speed to put on some things.

06-07-2011, 08:01 PM
I am all for this idea, but I only need 4 slots to switch from Dex to str to my wanted sets. Henchmans ---> Fortified with two buttons.

06-08-2011, 11:18 AM
As a dual bear, I personally could use at least an extra I use:
Dex Booster
STR Booster
Dex Tank (Custom Talon Set with armor ring)
Attack Bow (Custom Recurve with damage ring)

And whenever I use STR, I just manually equip from STR booster since I only use str for roundups lol.

However on my non dual characters, four is enough for me to have what I need and also have my "noob" town gear.
I'm with Moog, how do you need more than 4 on a pure INT mage??

06-08-2011, 11:39 AM
If they put the equip gear slot button next to potions or something and have the preset slots expand almost full screen when you select it. That would leave tons of room for gear slots. Not to mention could be accessed much faster. I would pay plat for the extra slots. Would be another great way to squeeze out some plat from customers. If you don't need or want more or don't need slots then don't buy. Personally I want 8 but that's just me.

As for why I would want more as an int Mage, well I like to use the same set but with a different ring. Staff set armor ring and staff set DMG ring. That's two slots right there. Next is my wand/bracer armor ring. I would like to have wand/bracer with DMG ring as well with out giving up a slot. I need my town slot haha. Also for pvp a m/r slot would be great as for I use enchanted and after I kill someone takes a bit to get mana back. Idk I guess it's just personal preference.

06-08-2011, 03:01 PM
If they put the equip gear slot button next to potions or something and have the preset slots expand almost full screen when you select it. That would leave tons of room for gear slots. Not to mention could be accessed much faster.


The ability to swap out armor without having to go to the inventory screen would be a huge plus.

06-08-2011, 04:39 PM
If they put the equip gear slot button next to potions or something and have the preset slots expand almost full screen when you select it. That would leave tons of room for gear slots. Not to mention could be accessed much faster. I would pay plat for the extra slots. Would be another great way to squeeze out some plat from customers. If you don't need or want more or don't need slots then don't buy. Personally I want 8 but that's just me.

As for why I would want more as an int Mage, well I like to use the same set but with a different ring. Staff set armor ring and staff set DMG ring. That's two slots right there. Next is my wand/bracer armor ring. I would like to have wand/bracer with DMG ring as well with out giving up a slot. I need my town slot haha. Also for pvp a m/r slot would be great as for I use enchanted and after I kill someone takes a bit to get mana back. Idk I guess it's just personal preference.

That is just complete overkill, in my opinion (but it is just that....an opinion, and it is a free PL-country). Having that many setups for a class is just.....yeah, overkill. In the time you hit the avatar button, hit the quick slot button, scrolled to the right preset with a specific ring, you could just hit avatar > ring button > equip the ring you want. I do this all the time in under 2 seconds, and it takes just as long or longer to swap out a quick slot.

06-08-2011, 04:44 PM
Dual Specs with more then one set need more then 4 sets, Booster Slots, and then Dif Sets per Dual. So 6 in total.
I can think of 4 just for the str side of my dual. Booster. Sewer Tank. Fury Tank. And Maybe even back to Hate Gear, when i need the armor but still want to do some Dmg.

Then i need a Dex Booster Set, then a Bow Set and Maybe even a talon set.

That does non include any vanity/town sets.

I manage to do just fine dual spec with 4 loadouts/booster sets. I can tweak any of those 4 if needed with the same number of button presses as you going back to the preset screen. If you need 4 diff sets just for one side of a dual spec (or 7 not counting "town/town sets" which just makes me chuckle, but hey to each their own), then you have an OCD issue :p