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06-07-2011, 10:57 AM
Both beggers.

I went on as Acule and they asked me for some money to buy some pots.

Gave 200 of each pot and 5k.

Changed to Zyt same people same lines.

Asked me for 5k so they can get some pots.

Told them I was Aculeas.

Stopped messaging me.

Went on as Lannfear,

Same people same deal.

Do not give to these bums... honestly... do these people have any respect at all? It just burns me up knowing I gave to spam beggin farmers instead of players who honestly need the help.

06-07-2011, 11:03 AM
Which is why you must never feed the beggars. Let them waste their time, gets really borin really fast.

06-07-2011, 11:06 AM
I wish ignore worked across all ignored person's toons.

06-07-2011, 11:07 AM
Had a beggar pm me once. Gave them 20k.
There's a story called "If you give a mouse a cookie"

06-07-2011, 11:13 AM
I know but every now and then I like to be nice and share some of the good fortune I've had in game. I know others like to do the same and I'm just trying to make sure people are aware of these specific players.

06-07-2011, 11:16 AM
I know but every now and then I like to be nice and share some of the good fortune I've had in game. I know others like to do the same and I'm just trying to make sure people are aware of these specific players.

I gave away 200k to a player. Know why? I trusted him.
You have no way of knowing if a random player will be any good. I once helped out this guy. Next thing he does is powerlevel with his new gear and ask me to keep joining him. And more stuff of course.

Play with people first, learn if they deserve a prize or not.

Edit: for example, while leveling a bear in ao1 I found myself a awesome bird and an awesome Mage. Guess what I plan on doing if they stay awesome ;)

06-07-2011, 11:19 AM
I know but every now and then I like to be nice and share some of the good fortune I've had in game. I know others like to do the same and I'm just trying to make sure people are aware of these specific players.

It's so much nicer if you actually give to people who are trying to learn the game and who could benefit from the help. If they're standing around in town begging they are most likely not learning the finer points of the game. If they are running dungeons and trying their hardest but could benefit from better gear I love giving stuff out.

06-07-2011, 11:21 AM
That's wise.

Makes me wish I kept one Toon at a lower lvl.

06-07-2011, 11:25 AM
That's wise.

Makes me wish I kept one Toon at a lower lvl.

Make a new one! I'm telling you, it's so fun to run the lower levels. :D

It is a good reminder, though, that most beggars are just scammers hoping to get as much as they can. I mean, if it is real life and you have kids starving at home and no other way to work, begging is a little more understandable but this is a game with absolutely no reason to beg! None!