View Full Version : Peace out dudes and dudettes

12-05-2015, 10:02 PM
My time in PL has come to end. I enjoyed every moment of the journey. But happy time always end, and the time has come for me to make my leave. The main reason for my departure would be my education, my grades have been quite "lack luster". Secondly, would be that I no longer have that much time to go on PL most of the time. I would like to thank so many of you for making my time here enjoyed. PL was a big part of 2 years of my life. But sadly the world moves on, and I'll move with it :).

I would like to give out lots of love to

Stepypoo (meow)
Befs (yay, I'm so happy for you :D)
Humiiii (for giving me the best guild experience ever)
Leila (for being the best fellow guildmate)
Ilovehunt (for just being himself)
Argumental (I miss you :()
Gxld (I miss you bruh <3)
Girlprodigy (for teaching so much of PL)
And lastly to the best guild in the world <Lord> (screw you artplay)

I sure there are many people that I forgot to name, but I cant remember from the top of my head :sleeping:

I'll miss all of you (mostly, unless your jun)

This will wrap up my goodbye :(. You might never see me IG (Ive deleted the app and have no intention of redownloading it)
I will still somewhat active on the forums (myb check every 3/4 days)

Super Sexy Thanks To Befs and Stepypoo

12-05-2015, 11:06 PM
Good Bye and Good Luck, always remember keep the toilet sit cover close after use.

12-06-2015, 09:06 PM

Plis teach to life w/o groan.



12-10-2015, 07:48 AM
Nooooooooo groan.. Will miss you