View Full Version : Farming is getting stupid...

06-01-2010, 02:54 PM
Spacetime you guys gave us the new boss beat down map.... And people are still killing one boss from it and restarting. I love the new map and I think it should stay. I'm just suggesting can you guys only allow a character to create a game once a every minute? I'm tired of joining a game to actually play the level then I get kicked because either I'm not there to farm or join and the game ends right then...

06-01-2010, 03:05 PM
Solid Idea. There should be a 5 minute span between game creations, but by implementing that you could also implement a replay button.

06-01-2010, 03:35 PM
Solid Idea. There should be a 5 minute span between game creations, but by implementing that you could also implement a replay button.

It could be more than 5 minutes too... cos 5 minutes is a short time when you think it only takes like 3 minutes to go in the game kill boss and end it... the 5 minutes to wait and repeat. Thats only 8 minutes a run... still way to kind to farmers. I think like 20mins to half an hour would be better and more reallistic because you should know when your starting a game that your going to play all of it otherwise you wouldnt have started it.

06-01-2010, 03:40 PM
I'll tell you whats even more stupid than farming, and that is the outragious prices floating around for items...100k? 200k? 300k? 400K!? Really? Was there a thread I haven't read on the pricing of items, or are people really that FN greedy?

06-01-2010, 03:43 PM
I'll tell you whats even more stupid than farming, and that is the outragious prices floating around for items...100k? 200k? 300k? 400K!? Really? Was there a thread I haven't read on the pricing of items, or are people really that FN greedy?

I do agree with this. If you want to stop farming, then the prices will have to reflect it.

06-01-2010, 03:47 PM
Stop farming = higher prices. Less supply means you pay more not less.

Was everyone playing pocket legends in Econ 101?

06-01-2010, 03:55 PM
I do agree with this. If you want to stop farming, then the prices will have to reflect it.

This is true, but theres no way I'm gonna spend plat or real money for gold like some "Un-named" people...
And on another note, if they do implement an 10-15 minute delay on hosting games and prices for items do go up, I'd like to see the OLD OLD item selling prices.

06-01-2010, 03:59 PM
Stop farming = higher prices. Less supply means you pay more not less.

Was everyone playing pocket legends in Econ 101?

I don't know if you can directly correlate farming to prices. And even if you could, I don't think you could say supply/demand is entirely based on said relationship.

I think you can correlate farming to scarcity, at least in a market system context, however. Or at least show a direct path.

PS - Esus, yeah they're that greedy. Just consider in game spam for a moment.

06-01-2010, 04:03 PM
i think they should have just made the level with just strictly bosses in it because this is just another level to exploit farming techniques i.e pull boss and kill then get out... maybe have 3 or 4 in one corner and the other 3-4 in another corner in this case it will be challenging... i don't know just an idea... maybe kinda stupid lol

06-01-2010, 05:30 PM
You guys have some good points but you gotta remember that right now, farming is basically the only thing end-game players can do exclusively.

I don't think its good either. But theres gonna have to be a substitute.

06-01-2010, 05:32 PM
I don't think a time interval between game starts would do much of anything. People would just get in groups and take turns hosting, or switching characters or even accounts. It's really not to bad as is. Most groups I see farming kill at least three bosses, and a number of crocs on the way. I suppose making Zeke tougher to reach, or maybe sticking Frogmar right in the corner with him might be a good move, but I like the map a lot.

06-01-2010, 05:42 PM
Spacetime you guys gave us the new boss beat down map.... And people are still killing one boss from it and restarting. I love the new map and I think it should stay. I'm just suggesting can you guys only allow a character to create a game once a every minute? I'm tired of joining a game to actually play the level then I get kicked because either I'm not there to farm or join and the game ends right then...

The damn level was basically made for farming. >_>

06-01-2010, 05:44 PM
the tactic now is to pull just the boss and let the other mobs go back to their original position, or people running through the instances leaving mobs and killing bosses

in this case bosses should be doing alot more aoe damage, aoe damage that healers should be healing

but i agree that there isnt much else to do in this game so farming is pretty much all, i havent farmed in a while, just because i dont need the money, or items and i find it boring

people are greedy yup, more apparent in this game i found, especially in towne with all that spam

06-01-2010, 05:50 PM
I agree with all of you, the new 'more challenging' map is the easiest to solo to date. An easy fix out of this is to make specific items dropped by specific bosses and MAKE THE GAME MORE CHALLENGING! People farm for items because they don't want to pay 100-400k for a hat and in the process get a lot of items they don't care about. The other reason people farm is that there is nothing else to do; PvP is pretty lame, there are no quests, there are no crafts, there are no tough bosses. Another content update (alien oasis) is more than likely going to cause 2 days of enjoyment and then it will be the exact same boredom for another month.

06-01-2010, 06:05 PM
I agree with all of you, the new 'more challenging' map is the easiest to solo to date. An easy fix out of this is to make specific items dropped by specific bosses and MAKE THE GAME MORE CHALLENGING! People farm for items because they don't want to pay 100-400k for a hat and in the process get a lot of items they don't care about. The other reason people farm is that there is nothing else to do; PvP is pretty lame, there are no quests, there are no crafts, there are no tough bosses. Another content update (alien oasis) is more than likely going to cause 2 days of enjoyment and then it will be the exact same boredom for another month.

I agree with him

06-01-2010, 06:05 PM
You speak volumes of truth Rannos...if only the next dungons level cap was to 45 rather than 40...what am i thinking, that'll never happen...sigh...

06-01-2010, 06:38 PM
You speak volumes of truth Rannos...if only the next dungons level cap was to 45 rather than 40...what am i thinking, that'll never happen...sigh...

Excuse me kind sir, I have for thee a gift.


06-01-2010, 06:51 PM
Excuse me kind sir, I have for thee a gift.


Ahh yes...I have seen this amazing news in another thread...Sneaky sneaky Devs...

06-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Unfortunatly, in my opinion, the game currently is built for farming:

1. You can jump to any level in a campaign without having to work your way through each level to get to the big fights.
2. There is no rime or reason to item drops. If certain bosses always dropped a certain item, or at least type of item.
3. Trading and selling is an absolute joke.

Not sure of any real solution to this. Its meant to be a pocket game that you can play for 30 mins so they can't really change anything. I think it just is what it is.

06-01-2010, 08:10 PM
I like the cut of your jib, Gavry.

06-01-2010, 08:23 PM
I think I may have a possible solution.

Add a new type of New Game mode. Rules are as follows:

1. You have to start from the first map in a campaign.
2. You have to play through sequentially.
3. You can't join a group once its started.
4. Bosses will ALWAYS drop pink. A selection of items relevant to the boss type.
5. Sub-bosses ALWAYS drop pink or purple. A selection of items relevant to the boss type.

That way people can still farm, and maybe get the same number of items over the same time, or get an organised group together and play through for guaranteed items.

What do you think?

06-01-2010, 08:37 PM
Well at least the market's item prices with gold would go down...

06-01-2010, 08:43 PM
I like the new boss brawl... BUT I don't like that often my whole team ends up with nothing but white... The boss brawl drops the worst loot of any level... I think spending 100K on something is fine if that's what someone wants to do. Everyone plays differently. Personally, I'd rather trade items w someone. I traded w Beester and made a new friend... But, I think all the differences in how we all play make things interesting...

I think the five minute idea is fair... It's a good idea....

But please give some great boss drops in the brawl!

Better yet, save the best drop for when the last croc of the level is killed even if it's not a boss... It's win-win...

06-02-2010, 07:45 PM
I agree with all of you, the new 'more challenging' map is the easiest to solo to date. An easy fix out of this is to make specific items dropped by specific bosses and MAKE THE GAME MORE CHALLENGING! People farm for items because they don't want to pay 100-400k for a hat and in the process get a lot of items they don't care about. The other reason people farm is that there is nothing else to do; PvP is pretty lame, there are no quests, there are no crafts, there are no tough bosses. Another content update (alien oasis) is more than likely going to cause 2 days of enjoyment and then it will be the exact same boredom for another month.

THIS is why I support a more in depth game. I dont understand everyone that wants the game to stay as a co-op hack an slash.

06-02-2010, 09:44 PM
I like hack and slash!!! And im not alone.
Besides see nothing wrong with item prices... If u dont have the money to buy the best itens u have to ways of solving the prob: buy stuff u can afford even if its not the very best, or play more time to get stuff u can sell or trade!!

Mmorpg or hack and slash people are going to farm anyways just because one thing: they want to..
None of those cazy or not so crazy ideas are going to stop people from farming. That's called free will.