View Full Version : Solution to balanc game and solve pvp gold losses feeding pets

12-15-2015, 03:03 PM
I believe that sts can balance game this way... Reconfigure gold reward via duel. Make it a worth playing by finding the best of the best pvp players in game. Leading champions make most gold from staying on top. Warrior, Mage and rogue champions (tank vs tank make heal auto deactive, no one will die if they play healing). Now this is how balancing toons comes in, champions vs each other example tank vs rogue or mage 1 vs 1 and vise versa pet rotation and no pet duel is necessary here, you'll see the weakness in each toons and pet benifits.. They also could get the privilage, if you see fit, before releasing item, to test all new items add or reduce dmg where necessary and buff or nerfs suggested by community. Recognizing top ten players is a good idea just in the event a pvp clash review is needed.. Lastly I'd love to 5 vs 5 clash against devs with fair amount of stats balance on both sides or at least one developer on each side <---- haha I'm a dreamer that will never happen.. Thank you for reading :)

12-15-2015, 03:10 PM
Balanc<------ balance.... correction haha

12-15-2015, 04:51 PM
Yes, lets give the top ten dummy farmers rewards cause a banner isn't enough yet!

12-15-2015, 04:54 PM
I'm going off topic. But when we have an endgame tank who holds the most kill in DUEL with 3.8k kills and 1 death ( 1 death - i didn't mistyped ) I'm asking myself if it's worth to make tanks more "overpowered"

12-15-2015, 05:03 PM
I'm going off topic. But when we have an endgame tank who holds the most kill in DUEL with 3.8k kills and 1 death ( 1 death - i didn't mistyped ) I'm asking myself if it's worth to make tanks more "overpowered"

Good point you got there.
Gotta agree with ya.
Tanks are really hard to kill in a duel.
One of my nab friends beat me 3.0 >_>

12-15-2015, 05:18 PM
Good point you got there.
Gotta agree with ya.
Tanks are really hard to kill in a duel.
One of my nab friends beat me 3.0 >_>

Lmao. He is talking about dummy farmers btw. Thank you for showing how deep the fear goes.

nice to see u treat ur friends with the same respect you show people on forums.

12-16-2015, 04:50 AM
I'm not talking picking players of the leader board you have to start in duel keep winning until you reach the top this have nothing.. And you have to duel #10, 9, 8,7.... Work you way one at a time winning each match before u can duel #1 let's say you duel #10 and win then you hit duel for #9 and he is offline as soon as he is online you both get an alert to duel..

12-16-2015, 05:00 AM
I'm going off topic. But when we have an endgame tank who holds the most kill in DUEL with 3.8k kills and 1 death ( 1 death - i didn't mistyped ) I'm asking myself if it's worth to make tanks more "overpowered"

I'm sure you have been in enough clash to see how much kills tanks get at the end off clash. tanks get the least amount kills...and thats fact lots of kills means you overpowering? Luck if I get 10 kills in a 3 hour clash no joke...

12-16-2015, 05:02 AM
I'm not talking picking players of the leader board you have to start in duel keep winning until you reach the top this have nothing.. And you have to duel #10, 9, 8,7.... Work you way one at a time winning each match before u can duel #1 let's say you duel #10 and win then you hit duel for #9 and he is offline as soon as he is online you both get an alert to duel..

I was thinking about the same. You should go in duel and wait there for a random opponent to join who is same duel-kdr's tier as you. I seen so many dummy farmers with this duel crap. If people see your gear and it's lower than theirs.. they will ask for a duel. Cowardness of this makes me laugh out loud. You are supposed to learn how to fight than getting there with op gear having no idea how to charge attack.

I'm sure you have been in enough clash to see how much kills tanks get at the end off clash. tanks get the least amount kills...and thats fact lots of kills means you overpowering? Luck if I get 10 kills in a 3 hour clash no joke...

That was me being sarcastic. It's an endgame tank who dummy farmed his way up with 3.8k kills and 1 death in duel. I know pretty well how many kills tanks get in clash .

12-16-2015, 05:20 AM
Good point you got there.
Gotta agree with ya.
Tanks are really hard to kill in a duel.
One of my nab friends beat me 3.0 >_>

You see we all expect to kill tank easy and not spend the time to train and learn how to be a skilled player... When I vs I can tell a pro player by the first or second attack depending on their timing with pet as and how they use skills I know if Im going win or lose before fight end.. I pretty much know how much damage I can handle all rogues use different styles in vs but one is most deadly no chance of win and you die fast.. You not killing your "Nab!" Friend is no reason to nerf tanks.. What about vs some rogue you die before you realize they even attack you?

12-16-2015, 05:20 AM
How about if sts just removes Pets completely from pvp and implements special pvp gear :_).

12-16-2015, 05:30 AM
I was thinking about the same. You should go in duel and wait there for a random opponent to join who is same duel-kdr's tier as you. I seen so many dummy farmers with this duel crap. If people see your gear and it's lower than theirs.. they will ask for a duel. Cowardness of this makes me laugh out loud. You are supposed to learn how to fight than getting there with op gear having no idea how to charge attack.

That was me being sarcastic. It's an endgame tank who dummy farmed his way up with 3.8k kills and 1 death in duel. I know pretty well how many kills tanks get in clash .

Yes the numbers are next to impossible with that much kills all PvP players would have known him and call him the immortal tank...Tanks die that's what we do to keep team alive..

12-16-2015, 11:15 AM
Calling someone nab isn't a form of disrespect...

It comes down to the person the word is directed to misinterpret it as disrespectful.

Friends love calling each other nabs especially when they are nott nabs e.e

Nab means catching someone doing something wrong... Noob is informal for inexperience...

12-16-2015, 11:46 AM
To sit and wait for duel is not gona work properly best on the duel leaderboard (independent of the present LB) let's say the top 50 on it have a duel option to thier name maybe it possible to jump 3 person based on your duel points but you lose more pionts for making that risky jump... Lets say your standing on board was 20 you jump to fight #17 on the board if you lose you'll role back to 23 person in 18,19,21 gain an advantage move up by one. Based on fights when you offline your numbers will constantly change but but your profile could have and estimated time you'll possibly be online... Yes a duel profile of fighters with on and offline viewing possibilities... Also guys I'd like this to be a golden opporrunity to to gain some gold. pvp is as much apart of game as pve but lacks gold I spend like 100k a week feeding pet.. A system to gain gold in PvP is not a bad idea hard to function in game without it...

12-16-2015, 12:16 PM
Seen this in many games, quite fun working your way up in the ladder! +1

12-16-2015, 01:23 PM
Calling someone nab isn't a form of disrespect...

It comes down to the person the word is directed to misinterpret it as disrespectful.

Friends love calling each other nabs especially when they are nott nabs e.e
Hey avikk nab! [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji23] [emoji12]
Back to topic... I happy that duels don't count to our kdr... I saw so many dummy farmers which are super duper op in duels( look at my kdr dude! Imma OP!) That's just lmao. Funny thing is that even if they have better stats they won't accept duel... Like most community said before we should have option to hide our duel kdr or just remove it. It don't count anyway