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View Full Version : Level 10 items prices

06-11-2011, 10:08 AM
Hello folks!

Today, before my battery died, I saw someone selling an Orcish bow in Balefort. It was something like 300k-700k. Something seems so wrong with this. How can a level 10 afford this unless he/she has a higher alt? And even if this is the case, why should they spend so much for a twink while they can waste their money for their higher tier alt?
These items should costs between 10k and 20k IMHO.

Show your opinions here.

06-11-2011, 11:28 AM
Drop rates are drop rates, rarity is rarity. If the item is rare and hard to loot, why should it be "between 10k and 20k"? The items have a demand, whether it be for town gear, or for a twink. Most of all, they're fairly new, so they haven't been farmed out yet. Can't blame people for getting the most that they can. It's no different from artisan and expert leathers.

06-11-2011, 11:44 AM
They can afford it because it's fake money. Yes, some of it is higher level players just wanting one of these items. There ARE collectors out there. There are also new players every day who figure out merchanting pretty darn quick -- it's a pretty simple market.

The price isn't just what people-who-can-use-the-item-and-nothing else can afford. It includes all the people, including higher levels, who WANT the item. I know it's hard to understand, but there are higher levels who collect certain equips, particularly cool-looking ones. When ALL of these "collectors" are satisfied, you'll start to see the price drop.

Solution: saturate the market, i.e. go farm FH already!

06-11-2011, 12:01 PM
Lets put it this way- most lvl 10-25 mains do not use the best gear. Its just sooo hard to afford stuf at these low levels. Those that do loot them. But most people either collect low lvl pinks for twinks- or for mules. I personally have spent wayyy more on lvl 10-30 gear than on my lvl 55 end gear. I just like the lower part of tge game much better. Remember

Supply anf demand. People will sell for as high as people will buy.