View Full Version : Guys Please Help!

12-22-2015, 10:15 AM
Ok so basicaly i was farming ren gols in kraken mine three and in about an hour i made 80k in my stash i had 600k and then i went auc and bought a lepre pendant then it start lagging and i got disconnected i couldnt reconect for a while.Then i finaly got back on and in my inv my lepre or gold wasnt there i checked in auc house neither lepre or gold was there i checked in stash and wasnt their ether i do not kno wats happend.But i lost 680k gold and lepre not even their please help

12-22-2015, 02:32 PM
wrong section >.>
And this is a weird bug, never heard of it...
Do you have any SS?

12-22-2015, 03:19 PM
Ok so basicaly i was farming ren gols in kraken mine three and in about an hour i made 80k in my stash i had 600k and then i went auc and bought a lepre pendant then it start lagging and i got disconnected i couldnt reconect for a while.Then i finaly got back on and in my inv my lepre or gold wasnt there i checked in auc house neither lepre or gold was there i checked in stash and wasnt their ether i do not kno wats happend.But i lost 680k gold and lepre not even their please help
But basically, yeah, that's happened to my friend before. He lost gold then it came back bit by bit, then he'd lose it again :/ I think he got it back though. Pm a mod/dev about it and see if they can help you.

12-22-2015, 03:28 PM
What I'm guessing happened is that your AL client sent the packet request to the server to confirm that you used X amount of gold to buy an item from the CS,
then before the server could react to send the data packet back to your device to confirm that you receive a lepre, you lagged and disconnected before the packet
could reach your device :/

best contact support.spacetimestudios.com

12-22-2015, 04:50 PM
Thank u guys for advice ill try contact a dev but i dont think anythings going to happen :/

12-22-2015, 05:23 PM
Thank u guys for advice ill try contact a dev but i dont think anythings going to happen :/
Ok. Here's what I do: Instead of emailing them via gmail or yahoo, I contacted one dev/mod via the forum. Contact Seoratek, or Roninmoro, even. They should be able to assist you. I contacted them several times about different things, and they answer the next time they're on. If you email them, it should take like 3-4 days for them to respond because a lot of people are emailing them. Or, I know one company, when I emailed them totally ignored me every time. I'm not saying STS is like this, but try this method I told you about instead. Hope this helps! :)

12-22-2015, 09:01 PM
Ive done all of this. Still do not have my stuff. *shrug*

12-23-2015, 04:41 PM
We're mostly fellow players here, like you, so there is nothing we can do. You have to contact support via email at support@spacetimestudios.com or go to their support site (http://support.spacetimestudios.com) and start a ticket. You should only pm a moderator if support doesn't follow through. You have to work with the system or you're going to get ignored.

12-23-2015, 07:38 PM
I've heard many people complain about missing items and gold. That's one of the reasons I never put gold in my stash.

12-24-2015, 07:00 AM
Ye the stash has been acting weird for a while. As ruizhe said, data packet exchanges allow gold/items to be stashed or unstashed - However, there possibly may be a bug for the stash ad I also have been seeing gold and items disappearing from my stash even when I did not disconnect.

12-24-2015, 07:57 AM
Like you have gold to put in your stash



Go home avik, you need some rest. :d

12-24-2015, 08:03 AM
Daaanngg...I keep all my gold in stash because I'm afraid I'll "accidentally" spend it like on potions or something I like that I see, instead of saving up for arcane or mythic stuff, which I really need.

12-24-2015, 08:31 AM
Daaanngg...I keep all my gold in stash because I'm afraid I'll "accidentally" spend it like on potions or something I like that I see, instead of saving up for arcane or mythic stuff, which I really need.

The bugs of disappearing items/gold make it kinda risky (although it shouldn't be like that). Anyways, I personally can never say "no" to myself when I really want something, farming gold isn't too complicated in al nowadays.