View Full Version : What is the best gear possible for a level 45 dual spec bear?

06-17-2011, 06:50 AM
Breaking down into all four categories, what would be the best gear possible?

Shield: (regardless of whether you actually use a one handed weapon or not)

06-17-2011, 07:17 AM
Dual spec of what two specs?

06-17-2011, 01:12 PM
Dual spec I'd assume STR/DEX. However u should be more specific. Do u mean str equip or dex equip? Also "best" means different things to different ppl. For one person "best" gear on dual spec bear might mean bow with high damage/dps and gear adding damage/crit (ring included); while for others it may mean tanky str gear - sword 'n' shield set with massive armor and dodge. It's all about what do u want to achieve with ur gear and what would be ur task in a party (if u even strive to be useful).

06-17-2011, 08:42 PM
Oh boy. I didn't think it would be that comolicated but you're right. Its str/dex spec. I switch btw dex range gear and str defensive gear or full offensive gear depending on party. Obviously there are a lot of variations out there for us bears, but I'm interested to hear what you guys think are the best gear depending on how you play it.