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06-17-2011, 07:12 AM
So I level my dex bear Bekkoned on my own in FH.
I respecced my skills to make it for PvP I got rid of taunt.
I leveled up again and it automatically put it on taunt when I had respecced it off taunt.....
Im kinda mad I wasted 2 plats for nothing at all

06-17-2011, 10:12 AM
I don't know what the skill order (with respect to what skills become "available" as you level) is nowadays but I know things got moved around. Did you have taunt originally before (the skill order udpates), or is this a character you just started?

If it's a character you just started in the last few days, it doesn't sound like a scenario that is properly happening. Sounds like a bug. Contacting support about the plat may help too.

06-17-2011, 08:20 PM
Before the skill was re-applied onto

06-17-2011, 08:22 PM
If you respec'd before you learned that skill, you're going to have a problem.

06-17-2011, 08:28 PM
No not before after......

06-17-2011, 09:02 PM
Reason 1---You had created this character and recieved Taunt before the update which changed the order the skills were received. Therefore, when you respeced and then leveled up Taunt was given another skill point because that was the order it would have been given if you had started a new character after the update.

Reason 2---It might be a bug and you should email STS to get confirmation on if it is or not...

Reason 2 seems more realistic to me.

06-17-2011, 09:08 PM
Reason 1---You had created this character and recieved Taunt before the update which changed the order the skills were received. Therefore, when you respeced and then leveled up Taunt was given another skill point because that was the order it would have been given if you had started a new character after the update.

Reason 2---It might be a bug and you should email STS to get confirmation on if it is or not...

Reason 2 seems more realistic to me.

Yep, exactly! :).

As for the YouTube link in the signature, is that allowed? I'm completely for it and all, but don't think it's appropriate for the forums. I have nothing against them, actually have a few of them as my friends, just don't think it's appropriate for forums, you know? Sorry if you think I'm insulting you, don't mean it like that in anyway.

06-17-2011, 09:54 PM
Yep, exactly! :).

As for the YouTube link in the signature, is that allowed? I'm completely for it and all, but don't think it's appropriate for the forums. I have nothing against them, actually have a few of them as my friends, just don't think it's appropriate for forums, you know? Sorry if you think I'm insulting you, don't mean it like that in anyway.

Why would it be an issue? I've had it for a while and no complaints or requests to bring it down. It's not inappropriate, IMO, and actually sends a good message...

06-17-2011, 09:58 PM
Why would it be an issue? I've had it for a while and no complaints or requests to bring it down. It's not inappropriate, IMO, and actually sends a good message...

Because, a little while back, something similar happened. Justg (Or another developer) took it down. I'm talking like 3-4 months ago. So, yeah.

06-17-2011, 10:07 PM
Because, a little while back, something similar happened. Justg (Or another developer) took it down. I'm talking like 3-4 months ago. So, yeah.

Without knowing the specifics I can't compare and say if my sig falls into the same category. If the devs ask me to I will take it down, although reluctantly. Otherwise, I'll just keep promoting the message of tolerance.

06-17-2011, 10:09 PM
Without knowing the specifics I can't compare and say if my sig falls into the same category. If the devs ask me to I will take it down, although reluctantly. Otherwise, I'll just keep promoting the message of tolerance.

Just want to let you know, I'm all for it! Don't get me wrong. I have NOTHING against them :).

06-17-2011, 10:34 PM
So I level my dex bear Bekkoned on my own in FH.
I respecced my skills to make it for PvP I got rid of taunt.
I leveled up again and it automatically put it on taunt when I had respecced it off taunt.....
Im kinda mad I wasted 2 plats for nothing at all

wow that blows man

06-17-2011, 11:03 PM
yeah i encountered this same problem when i twinked a bear. it needs to be fixed. if you respec it continues to apply the new skills to the "auto learn" skills pre lvl 10 it seemed for me.

06-17-2011, 11:08 PM
Either way Tuant isnt a terrible skill to have for PVP anyways.... it adds dodge which is especially important with dex bears :-)

06-17-2011, 11:19 PM
For level 12 I don't need it...