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View Full Version : Need help fighting 66 bears as a 66 mage

01-03-2016, 11:33 AM
I am struggling to beat them atm.
From what I heard, 66 mages are better than bears so im a little worried
My build is: 9 buffs, 9 frost, 9 weakness, 1 ms, 1 rev, 8 heal, 1 ice, 6 fire, 6 drain and 6 light
All help is appreciated.

01-03-2016, 11:54 AM
you call yourself a mage but you have 6 light and drain and fire

get 9 drain, light, fire go down on the frost and i dont think weakness is any good
secondly are you using a wand set, or are they using angel
if you use staff/facing off against angel your at a disadvantage

not quite sure if 9 ms is any good at l56, but you could test it out

01-03-2016, 01:04 PM
They seem easy to me :O Probably angel, but u should have capped light, drain, and fire for nuke. Also keep heal at 7(?) from there upgrades are useless.

Take from weakness, and put frost at 7. Nightmare > weakness here imo, especially because it takes from bears' dodge.

01-03-2016, 02:16 PM
Thanks you two very much
Any tips or strategies regarding beating a bear in a fight?
I dont think kiting is enough

01-03-2016, 02:25 PM
Use 4 frost so you can get more on nightmare( which I agree with befs). Tbh, you only want frost to freeze your target. As for killing bears, ask those 2 geniuses. Idk.

01-03-2016, 04:45 PM
Hey vap!
I don't use debuffs and I beat most 66-70 bears fairly easy. I use 9 frost and that pretty much gets them stuck until they stomp or they dodge it. When u see that they r about to cast beckon, quickly tap dat ms and heal right after, i would recommend fire frost as the main combo against bears.

01-03-2016, 09:56 PM
Hey vap!
I don't use debuffs and I beat most 66-70 bears fairly easy. I use 9 frost and that pretty much gets them stuck until they stomp or they dodge it. When u see that they r about to cast beckon, quickly tap dat ms and heal right after, i would recommend fire frost as the main combo against bears.

The 9 ice will make no difference in freeze time, since the time frozen does not go up after 9 or 7.

I also hold off on ms until they actually have me, don't wanna waste ur mana and be a sitting suck.

What i do is fire, ice, heal off hs, all while running back, and try to do as much damage as u can before they can cb / cs u.

01-04-2016, 07:04 AM
or you could cry and move to l80

01-04-2016, 05:33 PM
heal after their HS and stay away from slashes. the bulds up there are good enough^

01-08-2016, 01:01 PM
or you could cry and move to l80

I could but leveling that much would make me cry even more so nty.