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View Full Version : Your Goals in Pocket Legends?

06-17-2011, 05:41 PM
So, been looking for ways to entertain myself in PL while waiting for the next big update. What are your goals? Mine are...

Level 56 on Apollo, my bird: Completed

Level 56 on Bodyguardz, my bear: Halfway there

Max Gold Cap: 8.2 mil out of 10 mil, almost there! Don't want to sell any items though :(.

Making my mark on twinking: Completed, in level 20 that is. Should try my hand at other levels.

PVE Ratio Twink: Completed, got to 6k kills.

Anyone else?

06-17-2011, 05:56 PM
Level 56 on Slushie-Done
Level 56 on Slush- 3/4 there
Custom set-Done
Get 2 sewer 2 fury set up on my bear- Done
Show the new kids who it's done in end game pvp-Done
Make a mark with my twink slushiehd-Hmm..kind of, atm I'm 2100-930

06-17-2011, 06:15 PM
Collet all the pink and level up bear to 56 :)

06-17-2011, 06:15 PM
Re-play entire game, this time with quests.

Status: reached L44 today. One more level for all kinds of great upgrades!

06-17-2011, 06:20 PM
Re-play entire game, this time with quests.

Status: reached L44 today. One more level for all kinds of great upgrades!
Hope you're having fun with all of those Alien Oasis quests. ;)

06-17-2011, 06:22 PM
Get Rauen to 56 - done
Get Rauen to 100k kills - done
Get Grievousangel to 56, currently at 55
Get Diffie to 56, currently at 54
Get immortal bird/bear/mage to level ?? without dying - sigh, a work in progress. :)

ETA: stuff

06-17-2011, 06:31 PM
Get to 56 - Failed
Get two 56's - Failed
Max Gold Cap - 500k tops. Maybe I've had 2m total in my whole PL career. T.T
Make My Mark on Twinking - Failed
PvE Ratio Twink - Yay, got to 100 - 0 before dying. -.-

I'm an average player. :o

06-17-2011, 06:31 PM
56 on Otu -- done
Get a bear to 55 -- done
Remake my bird -- 23/55

Nothing else really...

EDIT: Actually, one other. Make a "be my cookie"contest.

Ehdeet: now 33/55... woohoo, 10 levels in a month.

06-17-2011, 06:48 PM
Get my mage to 50-done
Get my bear to 55- Almost there

06-17-2011, 06:49 PM
Get all three classes to 56- almost done, bird is getting there

Get all three classes in topnotch gear - done, 2 custom recurve sets, fury/sewer mix for bear, and full mega mage sets

Reach the gold cap - nowhere near it, I'm broke!!

Help new players rock at pve as hard as I do- this will never end, always will be new players that need to be taught.

Not be a failure at pvp someday - who knows, I suck at pvp.

06-17-2011, 06:52 PM
56 on Otu -- done
Get a bear to 55 -- done
Remake my bird -- 23/55

Nothing else really...

EDIT: Actually, one other. Make a "be my cookie"contest.

You know people will copy that mess.
I do NOT want to go back to Balefort or FH and see random people copying COOKIE and annoying the hell out of me.

06-17-2011, 07:02 PM
You know people will copy that mess.
I do NOT want to go back to Balefort or FH and see random people copying COOKIE and annoying the hell out of me.

Thought you liked it? How much of a prize would I need to put to make people embarrass themselves that much? 500k? 1m?

06-17-2011, 07:05 PM

Thought you liked it? How much of a prize would I need to put to make people embarrass themselves that much? 500k? 1m?

I like DOING it.
I do not like it being DONE to me.

No dirty teenage thoughts please, especially the ones I'm thinking now.

06-17-2011, 07:09 PM
I like DOING it.
I do not like it being DONE to me.

No dirty teenage thoughts please, especially the ones I'm thinking now.

Not following...

06-17-2011, 07:11 PM
Have 5m at one time - Failed
See atleast 7m in a trade window - Failed
Get full fury - Failed
Get full fortified - epic failed

Getting money is impossible as you see.

06-17-2011, 07:11 PM
Not following...

I like Bugging people.
But I don't like people Bugging me. :)

06-17-2011, 07:13 PM
I like Bugging people.
But I don't like people Bugging me. :)

I see.... well, you'll be able to do it in town if I did it. Not too many forumers would compete I think.

06-17-2011, 08:07 PM
Get myst to 56 - done
Get hotdream to 56 - a boy can...dream;) had to...sorry...
Make a lame cheesy pun with part of my name in this post - done
Break 10 mil - done
Break 50K PvP kills - nope, 35K ish:(
Make a twink at least one every 5 levels - done up to 35 once I level my Mage to 25:p
Get all the vanity shields in game - goal set yesterday:p still missin PL shield heh
Sell my enchanted wand and bracer - still selling!
Break 50K PvE kills on one character - too Many alts to focus on one:p (looks for squiggly line) ~ not done

I like how all my "not done" goals don't just have a "nope", but an explanation or a side-note:p

06-17-2011, 08:30 PM
I always get happy when I get my next 10K kills but I don't go crazy trying to get there. Just made 40K. yay!

I'm about to finish snowballs! yay! That is about as epic as hitting 56 for me lol.

I'd like to get Pandamonee to 50 something or other so I can use him in the sewers if we ever need a bird.

Continue to make friends.

Finish all quests. I think I need like 40.

Eventually learn how to play CTF or PVP but I get too tense. The game is about winding down for me, not getting all worked up.

other than that, no huge goals. I just kind of enjoy the perfect blend of fun social interactions and being able to play if I don't feel like talking.

06-17-2011, 08:46 PM
I always get happy when I get my next 10K kills but I don't go crazy trying to get there. Just made 40K. yay!

I'm about to finish snowballs! yay! That is about as epic as hitting 56 for me lol.

I'd like to get Pandamonee to 50 something or other so I can use him in the sewers if we ever need a bird.

Continue to make friends.

Finish all quests. I think I need like 40.

Eventually learn how to play CTF or PVP but I get too tense. The game is about winding down for me, not getting all worked up.

other than that, no huge goals. I just kind of enjoy the perfect blend of fun social interactions and being able to play if I don't feel like talking.

I can teach you how to be not tense in PvP. It's quite easy :). When I began PvP, I remember I used to get very worked up about it, but now, trolling and such barely bothers me AND if you are simply nice to them back, it annoys the hell out of them.

06-17-2011, 08:48 PM
Some others hehe:

Aww. Forgot:/

Panda, I can maybe try and help ya with PvP some time:)

06-17-2011, 08:48 PM
I can teach you how to be not tense in PvP. It's quite easy :). When I began PvP, I remember I used to get very worked up about it, but now, trolling and such barely bothers me AND if you are simply nice to them back, it annoys the hell out of them.

That, and try the 5v5 CTFs. They're very casual.. IMO... if you're feeling lazy, forget your combos and just spam skills.

For the most part, people there are nice.

06-17-2011, 08:50 PM
Some others hehe:

Aww. Forgot:/

Panda, I can maybe try and help ya with PvP some time:)

I made a new goal, in order to get me re-interested in PL. Get my failure, powerleveled elf; Poseidon, to 52, for farming BS. Dropped 1.6 mil on a shadow set just for it, figuring, if you can't spend money to bring you the items you want, what's the point of it? :D

06-17-2011, 08:53 PM
Thanks you guys! I might try it. I just get all worked out when trying new things--I think I have a hypersensitive fight or flight response (I'm sure some would surely attest to this ;)) Not because of anything anyone does.

Range, the first time I played with you I was so nervous because I was like, "he's famous!" Then I died in CTK and I was like, "D'oh! he's gonna never want to play with such a noob again!" hehe

See, I just get way to spazzed out.

I'm sure that some day I'll pick up the reins and just go for it with PVP, though, but for now I'm just not bored enough with PVE :)

(I'll bug you guys when I'm ready though!)

06-17-2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks you guys! I might try it. I just get all worked out when trying new things--I think I have a hypersensitive fight or flight response (I'm sure some would surely attest to this ;)) Not because of anything anyone does.

Range, the first time I played with you I was so nervous because I was like, "he's famous!" Then I died in CTK and I was like, "D'oh! he's gonna never want to play with such a noob again!" hehe

See, I just get way to spazzed out.

I'm sure that some day I'll pick up the reins and just go for it with PVP, though, but for now I'm just not bored enough with PVE :)

(I'll bug you guys when I'm ready though!)

LOL! Idk why people think that about the famous thing. You know as well as I, I'm just a normal player, nothing special about me. As for the CTK, I didn't even notice you dying, lol. I die more then anybody I know. My bird, Apollo is 33k kills and 3.3k deaths, I believe. Rofl.

06-17-2011, 08:56 PM
my goals right now is to get expert leather for my twink and to get more pvp kills than my pve kills....
I already have more deaths than my pve deaths....And those two pve deaths were from lag...BUt yepp...

06-17-2011, 08:59 PM
LOL! Idk why people think that about the famous thing. You know as well as I, I'm just a normal player, nothing special about me. As for the CTK, I didn't even notice you dying, lol. I die more then anybody I know. My bird, Apollo is 33k kills and 3.3k deaths, I believe. Rofl.

Hehe I know now but I was really intimidated and since this is the first video game I've played in about 24 years I think I was really too hard on myself. It took for some people to say, "you're really good!", for me to go, "okay, I can lighten up on myself" :)

06-17-2011, 09:02 PM
Hehe I know now but I was really intimidated and since this is the first video game I've played in about 24 years I think I was really too hard on myself. It took for some people to say, "you're really good!", for me to go, "okay, I can lighten up on myself" :)

Lol, nice :). One of the only people I know to take video games very seriously, lol. I was a utter noob at the 45 cap, couldn't figure out PvP and didn't know to buff before you ran into a battle, yep. It was pretty bad. Thelonearcher helped me out with that. Dawn was there with me since the very beginning :). Can't forget that. I think she was my first friend in PL, if I'm not mistaken.

06-17-2011, 09:08 PM
I made a new goal, in order to get me re-interested in PL. Get my failure, powerleveled elf; Poseidon, to 52, for farming BS. Dropped 1.6 mil on a shadow set just for it, figuring, if you can't spend money to bring you the items you want, what's the point of it? :D

Elves never stay looking powerleveled. They kill too much, and you don't need to try, like on a bear, beckoning into corners. Any mage can spam skills and look pro ;)

06-17-2011, 09:10 PM
Elves never stay looking powerleveled. They kill too much, and you don't need to try, like on a bear, beckoning into corners. Any mage can spam skills and look pro ;)

Level 50, 2.3k kills 213 deaths. Barely use him. Powerleveled was an understatement. That being said, I have used elf's quite a bit in PvP, I'm not noob at the tactics at all, just my stats are pretty pathetic on him. I feel like just remaking him and leveling him the normal way.

06-17-2011, 09:12 PM
Mineis to get all characters to 56

06-17-2011, 09:13 PM
Get my bear to 56

06-17-2011, 09:25 PM
Level 50, 2.3k kills 213 deaths. Barely use him. Powerleveled was an understatement. That being said, I have used elf's quite a bit in PvP, I'm not noob at the tactics at all, just my stats are pretty pathetic on him. I feel like just remaking him and leveling him the normal way.

Frankly, if I leveled all my toons again, by the time I hit 55 I'm guessing I'd have:
Mage: 30k -- I mainly followed my group until level 50.. didn't really get mages, didn't think the buffs did anything, didn't have drain, maxed icestorm, didn't combo, etc. Had 2k kills at level 45. By the time I got to 51, where I finished cyber, I had 13.5k. And now I have just over 25k. I'll be planning to remake her after I remake my bird.
Bear: 20k(Just leveled him, hit 20 about 1k xp before the level)
Bird: 20-25k -- remaking, 2k kills at level 23 -- On my first bird, it was suicide. Didn't really get anything.. didn't get focus until level 50 or so, had maxed restore and meditation. I think I had around 6k kills at level 30, but going from 30 to 50, I just followed higher levels. I didn't know anything, other than that I leveled faster, and faster, and faster. Hit 50 with 7k kills.

Anyway, just rambling now... but after remaking my bear... more people power level than I had previously thought.

06-17-2011, 09:31 PM
LOL! Idk why people think that about the famous thing. You know as well as I, I'm just a normal player, nothing special about me. As for the CTK, I didn't even notice you dying, lol. I die more then anybody I know. My bird, Apollo is 33k kills and 3.3k deaths, I believe. Rofl.

33K kills? ;)

@Panda, you know as well as I parth plays for fun;) I'll be happy to try and help ya with PvP. I'm by no means the best, but I wouldn't say I'm totally horrible:p

06-17-2011, 09:33 PM
Get a bird to 55 (complete)
Get a bear to 55
Get a Enchantress to 55
Make my twink level 12
Make another twink level 25

06-17-2011, 09:57 PM
My current goals:

10k PvP kills

15k PvE kills

Be a panda

06-17-2011, 10:47 PM
Finish looting 2 complete sets of BS Pinks (1 of Sewer) and craft one complete set. Already have all the recipes.
Currently missing 4 BS pinks and 3 Sewer pinks for Set 1. Have doubles of a bunch of the more "common" pinks.

Finish 3rd set of FN quests which I just started. I try to do about 100 snowballs worth in one sitting. It doesn't take my bird too long when just killing the first few mobs in Snowball and rmk'ing.

Already have all crafted FH armors.

At some point I'll go for all the SSC and new FH pinks.

06-17-2011, 11:28 PM
Get a 55 char: done
Get a decent set for my mage - in progress
Get a character to 56 - I'm not sure if I'm going to do this before the level cap raise.
Get decent at endgame pvp - about to start it
Get another 55 - a bird is almost lvl 10
Twink a bit - done!
Become good in twinking - taking a break atm.

I guess I've still a lot of things to do!

06-18-2011, 03:11 AM

Learn how to play a mage - Working on it.
Items to get - Shadow set, MM set, Fury sword,shield. Not enough gold -_-
PvP - Someday.

06-18-2011, 03:52 AM
Getting my main nazgulking to 56: Done.
Getting all my main high level char equipped with just the best pinks: Almost (just need 1 Fury Fighter shield for my bear and I'm done)
Finish ALL the quests for all my chars: Progressing...
Getting my bandit char to complete all the quests: Progressing...
Getting my bandit char to 55 and equipping it with the best gear: Progressing...

06-18-2011, 04:44 AM
New goal: get my mule to 32 to rock the awesome collectables I got (surprise hehe)
Level new twinks. A bear to 10, a Mage to 15, another Mage to 25: bear: Lv 1. Mage: need a name. Mage: need a name.

06-18-2011, 11:30 AM
Hmm i want to lvl my mage from 35 to 50, abd put on my favorite set ever- rift gear.
- it would be cool to be a guardian
- uhhh live to see te day pvp gets revemped.

06-18-2011, 11:34 AM
Get level 56 on Pharcyde
Get Community Shield
Get Pocket Legends Shield
Be the first level 20 in Blackstar
10k forum posts by the end of the year

Old Goal - Collect all limitted time vanity items. - Foiled by surprise fiery antennae. *Cries*

06-18-2011, 11:36 AM
Did you change your username? If so, cool...

My main goal and only goal is to get a full 4 piece shadow set...*sigh* :) I daydream about it sometimes

06-18-2011, 11:37 AM
Did you change your username? If so, cool...

My main goal and only goal is to get a full 4 piece shadow set...*sigh* :) I daydream about it sometimes

I assume you weren't here then when shadow items were 5-10k a piece :).

06-18-2011, 11:39 AM
I assume you weren't here then when shadow items were 5-10k a piece :).

Oh no I was! I just didn't have much gold at the time. I regret myself now by not buying the shadow robe when it was around 200k.

06-18-2011, 11:43 AM
Here's my stab at it: (deep breathe)

Bear to 56: Check

Mage to 56: Check

Bird to 56: Almost at 51 and those who know me KNOW how determined I am!

Leaderboard for kills: Taken a hit due to leveling bird, but im over halfway there.

Make some close friends: I feel I am blessed with great PL friends!

Learn how to pvp: Uggh... that's all I can say.... Uggh

Maintain a decent gold flow: Getting pretty good (or lucky) at it.

Help others to better the game: To me, this has been most important. My gold stash and personal goals take hits cause of my affinity to help others. Ive given tons of gold, high value pinks, time, and knowledge to allow others to enjoy the game. It gives me great joy to see others happy and excited because of a service I have provided.

All in all, I consider myself pretty accomplished and have enjoyed my gaming experience. Thanks to all who have helped along the way and to those I'm just now getting the opportunity to know.

06-18-2011, 01:11 PM
Here's my stab at it: (deep breathe)

Bear to 56: Check

Mage to 56: Check

Bird to 56: Almost at 51 and those who know me KNOW how determined I am!

Leaderboard for kills: Taken a hit due to leveling bird, but im over halfway there.

Make some close friends: I feel I am blessed with great PL friends!

Learn how to pvp: Uggh... that's all I can say.... Uggh

Maintain a decent gold flow: Getting pretty good (or lucky) at it.

Help others to better the game: To me, this has been most important. My gold stash and personal goals take hits cause of my affinity to help others. Ive given tons of gold, high value pinks, time, and knowledge to allow others to enjoy the game. It gives me great joy to see others happy and excited because of a service I have provided.

All in all, I consider myself pretty accomplished and have enjoyed my gaming experience. Thanks to all who have helped along the way and to those I'm just now getting the opportunity to know.

Oh my...well good luck!

07-25-2011, 08:57 PM
my 700k goal and possibly becoming 56 before update without any pots:)

07-25-2011, 08:58 PM
Ooo.. old thread. I wonder if we could edit our posts to see how many of these we have achieved?

The Flash
07-25-2011, 09:11 PM
You should do what i do.
Get 3 characters to 56. Finished

All quest done for all 3 characters. Finished

Collect every pink in game. Have 513

Get gold max cap. 6mil (collecting the pink brings this down all the time lol)

My personal idea: get whatever character you like and have one for every 5 levels with best gear. Have 5, 10,15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 43. I choose bird.

07-25-2011, 09:24 PM
get my warbird simnar to 50: 51!

make a succsesfull twink: IMPOSSIBLE! (for me anyway...)

get full lvl 51 fury set for my warbird : ALSO IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME