View Full Version : 55 Eq Advice

06-18-2011, 01:33 AM
I'm stuck trying to figure out where to go, I currently have about 1.1m in gold.

During runs I've been using SK bow + drainers, seems to work fairly well.

For bosses, or runs with a good mage, I use bagmans + raid hat.

Looking to upgrade, was looking at SK or RR but honestly can't decide. SK looks fairly nice for survivability and not having to use pots so much, but most runs I don't use pots until the boss anyway. Comparing to what I have now, I'd be losing a bit of armour and dodge, to gain mainly the mana regen... doesn't feel really worth it to me.

RR is what I was leaning towards, as it of course has the upgrade path to customized.

Any advice?

06-18-2011, 01:35 AM
If your current setup is working for you, no reason to spend a lot on expensive gear now....just keep saving up. Some of the better archers in the game made it to 56 using Bagman's all the way, or had Sentinel and rode it til 56. I used RR cap/RR armor/SK bow all the way to 56 and it worked for me, if you can afford the Raid leather.

Yes, the other gear is nicer stat-wise, but may not be worth the cash if you don't have as much money as you like :) Maybe spring for a RR cap for a little added crit/damage for pretty cheap might be a start :D

06-18-2011, 02:42 AM
Sewer king offers less damage, but enough high mana and health regen. If you don't mind burning pots, then you're best off with raid roach though, as it offers the maximum damage. Personally, I rode to sentinel all the way to 55 and then upgraded to raid roach.

Raid roach is basically a slightly better version of bagmans. The difference is not that big.

06-18-2011, 02:19 PM
I've been thinking about a mix of SK and RR, but the prices and lack of dodge always make me turn away. When I'm lazily farming, I always tend to end up using my Sentinel cap + leather and underling autobow loadout. Bagman's and underling's are pretty similar, but for some reason I prefer underling. Maybe I should experiment more with a mix of sewer items, then I could free up the sentinel talon set for my bear.

06-18-2011, 06:16 PM
I'm level 55 and I'm using Full Drainers Talon set with Cyber Wing of the void and I switch out to Full Raid Recurve set for boss fights. I like the high dodge from drainers because the fire pits used to always slaughter me when I wore full raid throughout sewer runs.

06-18-2011, 08:39 PM
I think I'll go for raid, with the plan to upgrade (someday when rich) to custom. Now just need to find someone selling them at a little nicer price.

Might think about dual speccing at some point too, could be fun.

06-18-2011, 08:52 PM
I find this set up to look pretty enticing, just for me, when your 56 though. Custom Crown of Persistence, Sewer King's Leather, Sewer King's Scarab Bow, with killer canary face. No vanity. It looks well and does plenty of damage, as well as good in defense and covering enough regen.

For 55, I'd reccomend, RR Helm replacing the COP.

06-19-2011, 01:37 PM
I find for little money investing in Underling's Armor and Helm with a Sewer King Bow is a perfect mix of regens and dmg for sewer runs. I use Raid Roach Recurve all the time because I am a damage monkey and don't care about spending pots, but the Sewer King with Underlings is a great tradeoff and costs like 80k gold max.