View Full Version : Hey! I'm so confused but Hey lol!

06-18-2011, 01:02 PM
Hey guys I am new! I started the game about 3 days ago and am at LVL 15. I think I have got pretty far without knowing whats going on lol. Soo many questiions..If you want to be my friend please give me your user :D Anyways I was wondering some things...

I see people talkking about items like 20k+ and merchanting stuff but I have barely got 2k after selling everything I got farming to a store..and all of it goes away when I buy potions..where are you all getting this much money and items from lol?

Why dont any of the stores list the stats of armor/weapon...Idk what I am buying?

What/how/why do i craft items??

Lot of the drops have different color like gray/yellow..how can I know which is rare?

I am Lvl 15 enchantress with almost all pts to Intelligence but also couple to Dex..where should I train? where should I get good training stuff?

Thank you guys and Hi again!

06-18-2011, 01:11 PM
Ok the colors are simple in order from common to rarest grey white orange green purple and pink
Pink is rarest to get a lot of money is by playing in adungeon and if you get a pink or purp you dont like or need you can sell it on consignment shop at balefort castle for a price you want the stats are shown when you click buy but you dont buy till you tap accept in the buy screen and lower rarity things you dont want liguidate them it is better then selling in cs

06-18-2011, 01:37 PM
Welcome to the game and forums!!! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me or anyone else on this great forum! Also, here are answers to your questions.

I see people talkking about items like 20k+ and merchanting stuff but I have barely got 2k after selling everything I got farming to a store..and all of it goes away when I buy potions..where are you all getting this much money and items from lol?

Luck and Farming. There are items in the game that are randomly dropped that are worth a lot of gold. Like you can get items worth more than 500,000 gold. So if you are lucky, you can make a lot of money.

On the other hand, if you are unlucky, and need cash fast, then you will need to farm gold. Gold Farming is basically when you repeatedly play a map by yourself to gather as much gold and item drops as possible. The best gold farming map is Plasma Pyramid. Level 50 recommended.

Why dont any of the stores list the stats of armor/weapon...Idk what I am buying?

You know, I'm not sure. That might be a good suggestion to put into the suggestion forum to improve the game. Stores usually are based on level though. There usually only is one type of item for each level. So highest level at stores has the best stats. If you would like to suggest putting item stats in stores, make a post here. Suggestions and Feedback (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?13-Suggestions-and-Feedback)

You can tell how good stats are based on the color of an item.

Pink: Legendary - Amazing stats
Purple: Epic - Great Stats
Green: Rare - Good Stats
Orange: Uncommon - Decent Stats
White: Common - Bad Stats
Grey: Trash - Bad Stats

What/how/why do i craft items??

Crafting is taking various raw materials and combining them into new and unique gears. Crafted gear is better than normal gear.

Crafting is complicated. You can find all the advice you need on crafting here. Crafting (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?26-Crafting) Here is a basic crafting guide. Lovenus Crafting Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?22147-Lovenus-Crafting-Guide)

Lot of the drops have different color like gray/yellow..how can I know which is rare?

Refer to Question #2.

I am Lvl 15 enchantress with almost all pts to Intelligence but also couple to Dex..where should I train? where should I get good training stuff?

There are several different playing styles as a Enchantress. Check out my guide on the Enchantress. Everything you need to know can be found here. Enchantress Class Head Quarters (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?14916-Enchantress-Class-Head-Quarters)

06-18-2011, 01:47 PM
Thankyou so much for the quick help guys! I feel less confused now lol...but when do you think Ill start make big bucks with the rarer items because at Lvl 15 and the castle and forest haven dungeon I have only seen orange item...

Btw since I am most likely going to be almost full Int , when I get skill points should I add them to an older skill to make it stronger or just use it on a new skill I just earned so I can use it?

06-18-2011, 01:59 PM
Thankyou so much for the quick help guys! I feel less confused now lol...but when do you think Ill start make big bucks with the rarer items because at Lvl 15 and the castle and forest haven dungeon I have only seen orange item...

Btw since I am most likely going to be almost full Int , when I get skill points should I add them to an older skill to make it stronger or just use it on a new skill I just earned so I can use it?

Heal - You should get this skill to max right away.
Frostbite - I recommend avoiding this skill all together, unless you plan on PvPing.
Lightning - I recommend maxing this skill, and Fire Blast, as soon as you can.
Revive - Only put 1 point into Revive, and put a point into it right away.
Fire Storm - Max as soon as possible. I recommend a every other tactic with this. 1 point into lightning, one point into fire, repeat.
Ice Storm - Only put one point into it. I would add one point into it right away, so you can use the fire blast combo to greatly increase your damage.
Drain Life - This skills is very important, but not at low levels. This should be the LAST skill you start to max out.
Weakness - Very important, but do not add points into it until about level 35-40.
Nightmare - Same advice ad weakness
Mana Shield - Only put one point into this. All other points added to it are wasted.
Blessing of Vitality. - Max this after you max firestorm and lightning.
Blessing of Might - Same advice as Blessing of Vitality.

Order you should work on first. Top to Bottom

Heal - Level 6
Revive - Level 1
Lightning - Level 6
Firestorm - Level 6
Mana Shield - Level 1
Blessing of Might - Level 6
Blessing of Vitality - Level 6
Weakness - Level 6
Nightmare - Level 6
Drain Life - Level 6

Frostbite - 0 (3-6 for PvP)

You can get the most out of all skills by doing the every other tactic I Listed above. You can do this with Lightning===Firestorm. Blessing of Vitality===Blessing of Might. Weakness===Nightmare. That way you can have all possible spells unlocked in the most effective order.

The level I listed is also the end level skill build you should use. That is one of the most effective builds for Enchantresses in the game.

06-18-2011, 04:02 PM
You guys are great, ty so much for quick help! :D

Looks like I only have 1 auction slot...? Is there any way to gain more without platinum?

Also I have a lot of items collected from training but Idk how much they are worth street wise to auction? I would sell at shop but it looks like they give very little money.....I have lot of gray, orange and green (?) items

Edit: I am Lvl 15 and I heard that there is a cap of certain lvl being able to farm certain lvl items like (twink?) I dont think I have got anything that rare beside couple orange items...does this mean I missed on possible rarer stuff or is there not a lot of rare items that can be gathered at forest haven and belfort castle?

06-18-2011, 04:30 PM
Looks like I only have 1 auction slot...? Is there any way to gain more without platinum?

No, unfortionently, auction slots cost money. My advice to you is to wait on buying auction slots. This game has a lot of free and low price content. So don't allow yourself to get turned off by extended game content costs. Also, all you really need is 5 spots, and it is a one time purchase. 5 spots really only costs like $3.50 anyways. STS does a really good job at keeping content cheap.

Also I have a lot of items collected from training but Idk how much they are worth street wise to auction? I would sell at shop but it looks like they give very little money.....I have lot of gray, orange and green (?) items

My advice is to sell everything to the store that is grey, white, orange and green. There are very few rare items in the game that are those colors. You can always check though. So all you have to do is go to the Consignment Shoppe, and look up the item that you wish to sell, and see it's price. You can also ask for price checks or check item list guides in the traders section of the forum. Traders Market (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?16-Trader-s-Market)

06-18-2011, 04:38 PM
You guys are great, ty so much for quick help! :D

Looks like I only have 1 auction slot...? Is there any way to gain more without platinum?

Not without platinum, but you can without buying platinum. Use the Earn Free Platinum button in the plat(short for platinum) store.

Also I have a lot of items collected from training but Idk how much they are worth street wise to auction? I would sell at shop but it looks like they give very little money.....I have lot of gray, orange and green (?) items

Phar answered it

Edit: I am Lvl 15 and I heard that there is a cap of certain lvl being able to farm certain lvl items like (twink?) I dont think I have got anything that rare beside couple orange items...does this mean I missed on possible rarer stuff or is there not a lot of rare items that can be gathered at forest haven and belfort castle?

It's because some items are scaled, but everyone in your group must be a certain level and below to get these items. You'll also have to get their threat level down for this to work. (Link for threat levels) (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16108-Know-thy-self-know-thy-enemy.-A-thousand-battles-a-thousand-victories.)

06-18-2011, 05:03 PM
Thankyou again and again guys...I am little embarassed feel stupid..

So Phar you are telling me I should sell all my items even green and orange to any stores like ellie the enchantress for cheap?
Because I look at the buy at cosign store and lot of items ppl were selling that I had was worth a lot
I still can't figure out how to check price value at the consignment shop in the belfort castle? (Edit: Do I just type search and look for how much people are selling?)

My game account is unregistered ...do I have to start over if I want to play game in different phone or can I register it?

06-19-2011, 10:44 PM
Hey and welcome to PL and the forums. You can add me igns and I can help you out in the game.

Yes, you should sell most of the items you get from farming.
Just search for the items you're trying to sell and see if they are worth 10k or more. (just my personal low for selling items) If they are you should try to sell it.
There really isnt a set price from items in the cs....kinda something i dont like about it.

Did you check your email recently? Usually SS sends you an email to finish registering your acc.