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View Full Version : multiple suggestions regarding elixirs

06-18-2011, 02:45 PM
Ok, idea #1. 30 minute 1.5x gold elixirs, given the current price jump between 5 and 30 minutes plat only elixirs (5 minute x2 xp pot is 1 plat, 30 min is 5 plat, so 5x), prices could be as follows:

30 minute 1.5x single stat xp/damage/armor elixir: 10000 gold (2000 gold x 5)
30 minute combo 1.5x elixir : 60000 gold ( 12000 gold x 5)

Idea # 2: haste elixirs. I don't mean the speed potion that increases movement speed. A haste potion would reduce skill cooldown (not gcd) times by xx%, depending on level of elixir bought.


06-18-2011, 02:52 PM
I like the way the elixirs are set now. If there were a 30 minute elixir bought with gold, there would probably have to be an hour elixir bought with plat.

06-18-2011, 02:56 PM
I like the way the elixirs are set now. If there were a 30 minute elixir bought with gold, there would probably have to be an hour elixir bought with plat.
Not necessarily, the 2x and 3x pots would all still be plat only. :D

06-18-2011, 03:27 PM
I actually love this idea. It gives people who don't have much real life money a chance to use effective potions.

Right now, 30 minutes of wicked dumpster punch costs $1.25 dollars if you bought 800 platinum. Then if you buy the typical amount of platinum that buyers buy, 165, a 30 minute dumpster costs $2.42 dollars a pop. At those prices, a gold only 30 minute elixir is really needed.

Even scarier.. If you buy 30 platinum deals, wicked costs $3.32 dollars.

06-18-2011, 07:58 PM
Maybe 15 minutes (rest as OP suggested), unless they do as DawnInfinity said and made new 1 hour plat ones (which would be nice). The jump in time and strength makes the plat ones a better value, which entices people to buy them.

Haste I have to disagree with, the x3 damage is already bad enough.

And to add one of my own, change the luck aspect (especially if you bring in a luck only potion again). Right now it is basically useless, I've been using them for a while and almost never see You ARE lucky... and then it might mean green in stead of orange. My suggestion for Luck would be a simple modification, on the second roll (assuming you made the 35% luck roll already) remove any chances of a nothing drop. Odds to have luck do something would remain the same, only difference is that the odds of actually getting a drop or a better drop would increase (making it actually useful). If testing shows that increases it too much (which I doubt it would), maybe remove have the chance of getting 0.

06-18-2011, 10:09 PM
30 minute 3x Damage/3x Armour pots sold individually would be nice too.

Can't deny, these two must be the most commonly used elixirs to farm with, would not hesitate spending plat for a 30 minute 3x version of the damage pot.

06-19-2011, 07:29 AM
They should make a elixir that's lasts a whole run :)

06-19-2011, 10:33 PM
In the end, nothing will change, simply because space-time is making some nice money off charging ridiculous amounts for platinum, and overpricing all platinum items in the shop. I wish it would be changed :S