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01-07-2016, 03:39 PM
I'm one of those people who wasted 2 weeks farming energy essences ( marvelous drop rates ) to craft forged energy to get Recipe for Brood Crates. I crafted 170 brood crates but then again, I'm asking myself what I can do with the others 200 brood crates recipe. Were several threads asking same question " Are we able to craft after the winter event? " *Cricket sound* .

Today , surprisingly, StS manage to answer in their own way. Just closing the cool down and let us get the answer for ourself. Communication should be part of this community. Keep doing these kinda stuff and it won't be much until everyone here would have enough with this game.

During halloween event i hoarded 400 spider crates. But look... spider recipe was stashable/tradeable and AVAILABEL AFTER THE EVENT.


Recipe for Brood crates isn't gone from inventory. Put a 3,000g price to be liquidated for would be almost fair for the miscommunication you just offered. I don't like the feeling that i wasnt payed for my farming hours.


01-07-2016, 03:41 PM
True, cooldown quite short also, 3 days i think?

01-07-2016, 03:45 PM
Keep doing these kinda stuff and it won't be much until everyone here would have enough with this game.

Soon titanium soon...

01-07-2016, 03:50 PM
You are the one who bought the recipes... with no confirmation that they would be craftable.

01-07-2016, 03:54 PM
You are the one who bought the recipes... with no confirmation that they would be craftable.

For this exact reason my thread is called "miscommunication"

01-07-2016, 03:57 PM
Because they didnt specify something, doesnt mean it is a miscommunication. You bought all those recipes under the assumption that they would be like spider crates. Not specifying is not miscommunication. Also, max per recipe (if they even did that) should be 500gp. 3k gp for 300 recipes is 900k brought into the game...

01-07-2016, 04:15 PM
In past events (like 2013-14 or 2014-15 Tarlok events) in the recipe decrition it was announced as "limited time recipe".

In last Necropolis event, in the Locked Scary Spider recipe it was NOT announced as limited time - and it is NOT LIMITED TIME.

So logic: If Locked Brood recipe decription does NOT describe "limited time" it is plain logical that STS SHOULD NOT LIMIT the usage of this recipe.

Honestly I really counted on these recipes and if you can describe "consumed on use" - which we realize in the first few days anyway WHY ON EARTH you did not say: works only during event????

First I was very sure you update the servers because of THIS error.

01-07-2016, 04:19 PM
Not an error... they didnt have to specify... you made an investment. Albiet, a bad investment. You should have known there was a chance you wouldnt be able to craft afterwards. If your entire basis on this investment was STS not specifying whether or not they would be craftable, you shouldnt invest lol. Thats just a bad decision.

01-07-2016, 04:30 PM
Because they didnt specify something, doesnt mean it is a miscommunication. You bought all those recipes under the assumption that they would be like spider crates. Not specifying is not miscommunication. Also, max per recipe (if they even did that) should be 500gp. 3k gp for 300 recipes is 900k brought into the game...

1. The description of brood/spider doesn't mention nothing about a limited time to craft like previous crates recipes.

2. How i could craft so many brood if it took 4 hours to craft one crate and i had at least 370 recipe ? Do i have to mention that the recipe wasn't stashable ?

3. We asked 2 weeks before the cooldown , if we can craft crates after winter event. They didn't say nothing. It's a miscomunication

01-07-2016, 04:34 PM



failure to communicate adequately.

There was nothing saying whether it would or would not be craftable. You made the assumption based on no concrete facts. No one told you to buy 370 lock recipes... that was your own doing.

Edward Coug
01-07-2016, 05:08 PM



failure to communicate adequately.

There was nothing saying whether it would or would not be craftable. You made the assumption based on no concrete facts. No one told you to buy 370 lock recipes... that was your own doing.

This could have been pretty easily avoided. Players were asking about this before the event. How hard was it to say that a glitch allowed spider locks to be craftable after the Halloween event cooldown and that the glitch would be fixed for the winter event?

01-07-2016, 05:08 PM
I posted in the thread when it was asked.... and so did others. This is not the first event where we have had special event crates. There have been at least 10 such events over the past 3 years, and each and every time, the event crates can no longer be crafted after the event cool down is over. Why would you think suddenly this time would be different? In the absence of any communication from STS on the matter, you should assume there are no changes to what has been in the past.

Now if they were to make a change and not announce it, then I could see players being upset. But there was no change here. It's the same as it was during the Halloween event, the Elondrian event, the Goblin event, last year's Winter event, last years Halloween event, etc......

There was no "miscommunication" here, perhaps a lack of reading comprehension though.

01-07-2016, 05:16 PM
I posted in the thread when it was asked.... and so did others. This is not the first event where we have had special event crates. There have been at least 10 such events over the past 3 years, and each and every time, the event crates can no longer be crafted after the event cool down is over. Why would you think suddenly this time would be different? In the absence of any communication from STS on the matter, you should assume there are no changes to what has been in the past.

Now if they were to make a change and not announce it, then I could see players being upset. But there was no change here. It's the same as it was during the Halloween event, the Elondrian event, the Goblin event, last year's Winter event, last years Halloween event, etc......

There was no "miscommunication" here, perhaps a lack of reading comprehension though.

I personally did not buy any recipes as I expected such a development. However based on the way things worked with the massive spider crates it would have been logical to assume that those would work the same way. Most people would not base their actions on something in the distant past, but rather on recent events.

Anyway it would have been a simple courtesy to the cherished customers of the company to answer one of the countless questions on this topic, before it is to late.

Further limiting the number of crates in this way makes little business sense imho. After all the more crates there are, the are going to be opened and the more revenue would sts make, no?

Edward Coug
01-07-2016, 05:25 PM
I posted in the thread when it was asked.... and so did others. This is not the first event where we have had special event crates. There have been at least 10 such events over the past 3 years, and each and every time, the event crates can no longer be crafted after the event cool down is over. Why would you think suddenly this time would be different? In the absence of any communication from STS on the matter, you should assume there are no changes to what has been in the past.

Now if they were to make a change and not announce it, then I could see players being upset. But there was no change here. It's the same as it was during the Halloween event, the Elondrian event, the Goblin event, last year's Winter event, last years Halloween event, etc......

There was no "miscommunication" here, perhaps a lack of reading comprehension though.

There wasn't a miscommunication. But there was a lack of communication.

You could have made a very similar post if the opposite had happened and players who didn't buy recipes were complaining. "Players should have known to stock up on recipes because Halloween signaled a change in the way event crates worked. It had never happened before, so clearly, it was going to be different going forward."

01-07-2016, 05:31 PM
There wasn't a miscommunication. But there was a lack of communication.

You could have made a very similar post if the opposite had happened and players who didn't buy recipes were complaining. "Players should have known to stock up on recipes because Halloween signaled a change in the way even crates worked. It had never happened before, so clearly, it was going to be different going forward."

Yeah a simple text would help warn players not to save them recipes example *NOT CRAFTABLE AFTER WINTER EVENT* all caps for extra seriousness lolz

01-07-2016, 05:34 PM
The onus is on STS to set the right expectations for each event. We didn't even know the end date of the event until it was confirmed by STS late last week. The last event (Halloween) had crates that were craftable post-cooldown. They acknowledged it was an error and decided not to correct it. That situation leaves players with a very mixed message and many sought to get an answer but there wasn't any answer from devs.

Titanium or any other players who made the same decisions he did shouldn't be faulted for anything. This is a public relations error that needs to be corrected. When any company makes errors like this it loses customers and their future spending if they fail to resolve it properly.

01-07-2016, 06:13 PM



failure to communicate adequately.

There was nothing saying whether it would or would not be craftable. You made the assumption based on no concrete facts. No one told you to buy 370 lock recipes... that was your own doing.

Bro.. dont try to he sts's lawyer because u have no chance. Just because u maybe waisted ur tokens in vanities and not on recipes like some other players that dosent make u the defence leader here. Ppl r frustrated of course because they took a decision to buy something that is useless now. Not like other events. Thats the "NOT FAIR" part. I bet that u still have some spider crates that u try to sell. Must this be the reason why u r so against the brood lockeds.

01-07-2016, 06:42 PM
Its not bout the word "misunderstanding" here.. i guess everyone knows what this thread is about.
I think too, that it wasnt fair, or it was a mistake, not to sign the crates as not useable/craftable after event.
Of course sts has to sign nothing, but then its not a game where they hold the community up high. If sts would sign nothing at all as limited i would understand.
But they do. And in the brood crates not. Thats why player presumed they will be craftable also after event. I guess everyone can and should understand that. There will be always those people who say its peoples own fault blablabla...
And plus, not everyone has englisch as first language. I understood all and dont care about grammar. That just shows you dont have more to add... just leave it aside...

01-07-2016, 06:44 PM
This is a bit LOW don't assume all people at forums are english speakers FYI there are tons of other language too you know incase you don't have an idea ;)

I clearly asked if his first language was english. Thus, I did not assume his first language is english. How did you not comprehend that?

Also, I have spent years studying japanese and agree that every person should be bilingual.

Still... I dont understand how it was low of me to ask him to improve his grammar if his first language is english...

01-07-2016, 06:46 PM
Its not bout the word "misunderstanding" here.. i guess everyone knows what this thread is about.
I think too, that it wasnt fair, or it was a mistake, not to sign the crates as not useable/craftable after event.
Of course sts has to sign nothing, but then its not a game where they hold the community up high. If sts would sign nothing at all as limited i would understand.
But they do. And in the brood crates not. Thats why player presumed they will be craftable also after event. I guess everyone can and should understand that. There will be always those people who say its peoples own fault blablabla...
And plus, not everyone has englisch as first language. I understood all and dont care about grammar. That just shows you dont have more to add... just leave it aside...

I found it hard to full understand his post, please refer to my previous comment. Same applies to you.

01-07-2016, 06:54 PM
Not an error... they didnt have to specify... you made an investment. Albiet, a bad investment. You should have known there was a chance you wouldnt be able to craft afterwards. If your entire basis on this investment was STS not specifying whether or not they would be craftable, you shouldnt invest lol. Thats just a bad decision.

i agree to this....i also bought alot of brood recipes and yah im so disappointed but i realized that kitwotsukeke has a point.... sts did not say something about "crafting brood crate after event" its our fault cuz we assumed that it will be craft-able after event..we should have think about it "PLAY SAFE"...those who bought brood crate recipes is like doing "a gambling thing" cuz we are not really sure if its craft-able after event, and still!!!!! WE bought recipes, knowing those consequences ....honestly its our fault cuz we assumed.... in real life...its called FRIENDZONE :banana::banana::banana: HUGOT

01-07-2016, 06:56 PM
You couldnt full understand his post?
Hmmm. Then you should read it again. I had no problems with that.
I prefer also to stay on topic here and not searching mistakes in others and lead the discussion in a wrong direction.
I think its fair if sts listens and at least trys to find a solution for all those people who also bought maybe plat to run and earn tokens for the recipe.
Thank you
( no need to act smart here)

01-07-2016, 06:59 PM
Act smart? Change the direction of the conversation? I asked a question. By all means, let us stay on topic.

You bought the recipes, the recipes are to be used to make brood locks. You made that choice to by them. No one forced you to do it.

Use this experience for the future and think before you make such large investments.

Also, gather concrete proof before assuming something is just going to happen.

01-07-2016, 07:03 PM
i agree to this....i also bought alot of brood recipes and yah im so disappointed but i realized that kitwotsukeke has a point.... sts did not say something about "crafting brood crate after event" its our fault cuz we assumed that it will be craft-able after event..we should have think about it "PLAY SAFE"...those who bought brood crate recipes is like doing "a gambling thing" cuz we are not really sure if its craft-able after event, and still!!!!! WE bought recipes, knowing those consequences ....honestly its our fault cuz we assumed.... in real life...its called FRIENDZONE :banana::banana::banana: HUGOT

I am glad that you understand the situation.

I am all for the brood lock recipes to have their liquidation value increased, not to appease those that bought the recipes, but because everything has a value. Yes, I took a gamble that broods wouldn't be craftable after event, so I would make 1-2m easy in a week. BUT. If I was wrong, it would have taken 3-4 weeks to achieve the profit I will in a single week. Overall it was a safe investment, either way I would profit. The recipe investment was an all or nothing bet. Sadly, many people were not prepared for the nothing part.

01-07-2016, 07:06 PM
Me already deleted 225 recipe lock brood from inventory -.-

01-07-2016, 07:14 PM
Me already deleted 225 recipe lock brood from inventory -.-

Ouch. Should have kept them incase STS raised liquidation or allowed for crafting them.

01-07-2016, 07:20 PM
Lets say sts were to change the liquidation price, players who already liquidated the recipes would complain...............
Lets say sts were to allow you to be able to craft brood locks, players who bought brrod locks at the increased price would complain.........

01-07-2016, 07:26 PM
Lets say sts were to change the liquidation price, players who already liquidated the recipes would complain...............
Lets say sts were to allow you to be able to craft brood locks, players who bought brrod locks at the increased price would complain.........

I have already thought the same thing, but what is the point of even bringing it up? People will have issues with anything done because it will always negatively affect at least one person.

Unless its pizza. Everyone loves pizza.

01-07-2016, 07:34 PM
Lets say sts were to change the liquidation price, players who already liquidated the recipes would complain...............
Lets say sts were to allow you to be able to craft brood locks, players who bought brrod locks at the increased price would complain.........

if its the case, maybe sts will not change anything now cuz in either way around, thr is always a "complain" unless sts can make other solution for this, for the benefits of the two "the one who assumed and the one who used the recipe before event ends" ..like selling those recipes for 2-5k each maybe? just my opinion tho....

01-07-2016, 07:38 PM
if its the case, maybe sts will not change anything now cuz in either way around, thr is always a "complain" unless sts can make other solution for this, for the benefits of the two "the one who assumed and the one who used the recipe before event ends" ..like selling those recipes for 2-5k each maybe? just my opinion tho....

Attempt to fix for one group, you hurt another. People cant accept losing in a gamble.

01-07-2016, 07:39 PM
Ouch im waste 1500 token :(

Sent from my ASUS_T00F using Tapatalk

01-07-2016, 07:53 PM
Ouch im waste 1500 token :(

Sent from my ASUS_T00F using Tapatalk
me too...well lets accept it...we know the consequences tho, 50/50... its a GAMBLE " a way to make a profit and a way to waste it..."

Edward Coug
01-07-2016, 07:58 PM
Attempt to fix for one group, you hurt another. People cant accept losing in a gamble.

Players who got caught holding the bag have a legitimate gripe. This was entirely avoidable. There were many threads about this before, during, and after the event. I don't think it was too much to ask for even a one word - yes or no - response. It would be one thing if event crates had been that way forever. But they changed last event.

This is coming from a player who crafted all of his broods BEFORE the event cooldown ended.

01-07-2016, 08:02 PM
Players who got caught holding the bag have a legitimate gripe. This was entirely avoidable. There were many threads about this before, during, and after the event. I don't think it was too much to ask for even a one word - yes or no - response. It would be one thing if event crates had been that way forever. But they changed last event.

This is coming from a player who crafted all of his broods BEFORE the event cooldown ended.

Yes, they could have said something, but people took the risk KNOWING that sts never confirmed or denied if they would remain craftable. It was a gamble. Some lost, some won.

01-07-2016, 08:06 PM
Ouch. Should have kept them incase STS raised liquidation or allowed for crafting them.

np, me already have 100000000m gold hehe

01-07-2016, 08:14 PM
np, me already have 100000000m gold hehe

yah right...thats the right thing to do bud, ACCEPTANCE ..you took the risk and win! thats better :) and if u took the risk and failed! well, ACCEPT IT..

01-07-2016, 08:15 PM
Yep. You either win or lose.

01-07-2016, 09:28 PM
STS usually reply on unnecessary, trolling & flaming thread but not on informative thread when people asking specific questions and infos.

Probably people will make golds with this locked crates recipe which you dont like. But you have to know too that to open it, people spend plats. Unless, you get less because of free offer.

Anyway, communication for the community need to be improve.

01-08-2016, 12:25 AM



failure to communicate adequately.

There was nothing saying whether it would or would not be craftable. You made the assumption based on no concrete facts. No one told you to buy 370 lock recipes... that was your own doing.

Listen, all it took was for STS to add 'Only craftable during event' yet this lazy company can't be bothered. They can't be bothered to communicate with us either on these issues, countless people asked during the event if they would still be able to use Brood recipes and as usual we get no answer.

If we look at the event just passed - Halloween - we see that the Spider crates were still craftable which was obviously going to lead us to believe Brood would still be craftable... unless told otherwise.

It's becoming a joke logging in and having the rug pulled from under you.

01-08-2016, 12:41 AM
I'm one of those people who wasted 2 weeks farming energy essences ( marvelous drop rates ) to craft forged energy to get Recipe for Brood Crates. I crafted 170 brood crates but then again, I'm asking myself what I can do with the others 200 brood crates recipe. Were several threads asking same question " Are we able to craft after the winter event? " *Cricket sound* .

Today , surprisingly, StS manage to answer in their own way. Just closing the cool down and let us get the answer for ourself. Communication should be part of this community. Keep doing these kinda stuff and it won't be much until everyone here would have enough with this game.

During halloween event i hoarded 400 spider crates. But look... spider recipe was stashable/tradeable and AVAILABEL AFTER THE EVENT.


Recipe for Brood crates isn't gone from inventory. Put a 3,000g price to be liquidated for would be almost fair for the miscommunication you just offered. I don't like the feeling that i wasnt payed for my farming hours.


You could have earned much gold, but it was risky.
You failed so its YOUR fault.

01-08-2016, 01:07 AM
Whelp, there goes my plans of making money :/
Now I've got a bunch of unused brood lock recipes,
useful for nothing but a paperweight...

01-08-2016, 01:33 AM
I believe miscommunication is the wrong term. That would suggest there was some form of communication attempted. I think this falls more in the category of uncommunication. As in there was no communication attempted.

Few weeks of wasted tokens. No big deal, cept the boxes from last event u could still craft afterward. I feel scammed. But it not like I didn't expect it with the shaddy lack of communication. Moving forward (while watching my back).

01-08-2016, 05:28 AM
Here's something to consider as well....

Sometimes STS wants the players to attempt to guess what will happen. There are lots of things that have happened in the game over the years that we never had any advance notice of. It's part of what makes the game fun.

Imagine if just the opposite had happened. Imagine if the Brood crates were indeed craftable after the event was over. Then the few players who saved all those recipes would have struck it rich.

When STS is indecisive, I think it is by design and you have to decide if you want to gamble. Sometimes gambling will pay off. For example, remember back last year when there was double drop odds on reinforced gems in the Arena? Prices on reinforced glacial gems dropped to only 8-10k. I decided to buy a ton of them and stock them away. That could have been a terrible decision if a better gem had been released shortly afterward, which was always a possibility. However, instead of that happening, gems were discontinued a few months later, and now I am able to sell those reinforced gems for over 300k each. The net result is a 20-30m profit for me.

Not every such investment for me has always paid off. I bought up a bunch of arcane shards when the price was 1m thinking that it was so low that the price would soon go back up. And now look at the price of shards, less than 200k.

Remember that this is just a game, and STS makes it so unpredictable intentionally to make it more interesting. So you had a bad investment this time.... Maybe next time it will turn out better.

01-08-2016, 05:44 AM
Situation is like its vry hard to judge sts( next to imposible), like they said sns wont b back in future bt its here again in massive ren lock,

And regarding these brood lock... personally I feel its gud brood lock recpies not craftable ny more ,

M sure 70-80% ppls hv brood lock recpies many carring 100+, some hoarding 500+, few hoarding 50+,

In this situation price will go up of brood locked aswell items drop from these lockes ( when brood lock no more craftable),

Assume we still can craft brood lock... lock remains 32-40 k or goes down coz of high supply could go down from large ren lock,
items exclusive to brood lock also will b cheap,

High supply lowers the price,

Me also hoarding 300 + recpies, bt still happy coz I feel this step is saviours of market.

Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk

01-08-2016, 06:20 AM
As you know in advance that all the recipes from the event no longer be in use and maybe recipe spider crate is mistake so why now must cry like yesterday to play this game

01-08-2016, 07:10 AM
You could have earned much gold, but it was risky.
You failed so its YOUR fault.

1. STS didn't mention in the brood recipe crate description nothing about a limited time to craft brood crates

2. I managed to craft 170 brood crates ( 4 hours craft time ) . Also I was able to have get another 190-200 recipe after the event went into cooldown. The 2 weeks event wasnt enough for me to craft all my crates since they weren't tradeable/stashable like the spider ones. My logic works like this p2p way and f2p way. If they weren't stashable/tradeable i had to use platinum to craft so i can get rid of them faster or to continue crafting after the event how much i want.

3. How could i make gold after this event with a loss of 2000 tokens ( 200 recipe left in my inventory ) ? Crafting a brood bow which costed 1500 tokens to make it? 170k in cs. So rich , yea !

01-08-2016, 07:15 AM
I have also wasted my tokens on recipes, total 200+ combining two acc. I wasted almost all of my token for this junk recipes.

I agree with others, sts should have said written 'limited time use' in description of recipe.

Most old crate recipes were nt consumed on use, so only one recipe and a lot of crates could be crafted, also few recipes needed essense which were nt available after event, thus having a reason to nt being able to craft those recipes.

Bt like spider crates recipe, brood recipe could also be made usable after event. Bt sts had other plans, unexpectedly making them useless.

As the above players said, either sts should increase liquidation value or make brood crates craftable for 15days/1 month, as we have jst 5 crafting slot.

01-08-2016, 08:05 AM
Here's something to consider as well....

Sometimes STS wants the players to attempt to guess what will happen. There are lots of things that have happened in the game over the years that we never had any advance notice of. It's part of what makes the game fun.

Imagine if just the opposite had happened. Imagine if the Brood crates were indeed craftable after the event was over. Then the few players who saved all those recipes would have struck it rich.

When STS is indecisive, I think it is by design and you have to decide if you want to gamble. Sometimes gambling will pay off. For example, remember back last year when there was double drop odds on reinforced gems in the Arena? Prices on reinforced glacial gems dropped to only 8-10k. I decided to buy a ton of them and stock them away. That could have been a terrible decision if a better gem had been released shortly afterward, which was always a possibility. However, instead of that happening, gems were discontinued a few months later, and now I am able to sell those reinforced gems for over 300k each. The net result is a 20-30m profit for me.

Not every such investment for me has always paid off. I bought up a bunch of arcane shards when the price was 1m thinking that it was so low that the price would soon go back up. And now look at the price of shards, less than 200k.

Remember that this is just a game, and STS makes it so unpredictable intentionally to make it more interesting. So you had a bad investment this time.... Maybe next time it will turn out better.

i agree to this...its just like opening a locks...its up to u if u wanna take the risk...if u failed then SORRY better luck next time

Edward Coug
01-08-2016, 09:44 AM
Here's something to consider as well....

Sometimes STS wants the players to attempt to guess what will happen. There are lots of things that have happened in the game over the years that we never had any advance notice of. It's part of what makes the game fun.

Imagine if just the opposite had happened. Imagine if the Brood crates were indeed craftable after the event was over. Then the few players who saved all those recipes would have struck it rich.

When STS is indecisive, I think it is by design and you have to decide if you want to gamble. Sometimes gambling will pay off. For example, remember back last year when there was double drop odds on reinforced gems in the Arena? Prices on reinforced glacial gems dropped to only 8-10k. I decided to buy a ton of them and stock them away. That could have been a terrible decision if a better gem had been released shortly afterward, which was always a possibility. However, instead of that happening, gems were discontinued a few months later, and now I am able to sell those reinforced gems for over 300k each. The net result is a 20-30m profit for me.

Not every such investment for me has always paid off. I bought up a bunch of arcane shards when the price was 1m thinking that it was so low that the price would soon go back up. And now look at the price of shards, less than 200k.

Remember that this is just a game, and STS makes it so unpredictable intentionally to make it more interesting. So you had a bad investment this time.... Maybe next time it will turn out better.

I think you have found an excellent way to excuse sloppiness. While I don't think everything should be announced ahead of time, I think a public log of glitches should be kept. That you were able to craft spider crates after the cool down was clearly a glitch. By not admitting it was a glitch, they don't have to admit they made a mistake. They can just rely on apologists to say things like, "They were just keeping us on our toes."

By the way, I also have made a fortune off of rein gems. That situation was very different. They did tell us what jewels were coming. The real gamble we took was on whether the gems would continue to scale. That is an instance where I don't mind the devs keeping us in the dark. Glitches, however, should always be publicly acknowledged.

01-08-2016, 10:32 AM
Situation is like its vry hard to judge sts( next to imposible), like they said sns wont b back in future bt its here again in massive ren lock,

And regarding these brood lock... personally I feel its gud brood lock recpies not craftable ny more ,

M sure 70-80% ppls hv brood lock recpies many carring 100+, some hoarding 500+, few hoarding 50+,

In this situation price will go up of brood locked aswell items drop from these lockes ( when brood lock no more craftable),

Assume we still can craft brood lock... lock remains 32-40 k or goes down coz of high supply could go down from large ren lock,
items exclusive to brood lock also will b cheap,

High supply lowers the price,

Me also hoarding 300 + recpies, bt still happy coz I feel this step is saviours of market.

Sent from my GT-I8262 using Tapatalk

@ bold, just curious did they really say that ? (Link pls ). What i believe is, they said "sns will not return at ursoth 2015 event". Things like that called misscommunication too isnt it ? :wink:

01-08-2016, 11:52 AM
Hey guys. I do apologize for the misstep. I'm looking into this now and will post updates on this thread when I have them: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?289931-INVESTIGATING-Brood-Lockeds-No-Longer-Craftable

01-08-2016, 01:02 PM
sts, imo if u gonna change it again or if u gonna make the broodcrate craft-able again, ur not really solving the problem...those who hoarded brood crate and those who just deleted those recipes cuz they think its useless now: will be the one who gonna complain again.....

Edward Coug
01-08-2016, 01:07 PM
sts, imo if u gonna change it again or if u gonna make the broodcrate craft-able again, ur not really solving the problem...those who hoarded brood crate and those who just deleted those recipes cuz they think its useless now: will be the one who gonna complain again.....

There is value in admitting a mistake, though, and taking action to avoid a similar mistake in the future. I hope an accurate glitch log comes out of this or a renewed effort at better communication.

01-08-2016, 02:02 PM
Hey guys. I do apologize for the misstep. I'm looking into this now and will post updates on this thread when I have them: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?289931-INVESTIGATING-Brood-Lockeds-No-Longer-Craftable

Oh.....well I kind of deleted the recipes I bought since they were no longer craftable, so if this gets changed will I now somehow get them back?

01-08-2016, 02:48 PM
Hey guys. I do apologize for the misstep. I'm looking into this now and will post updates on this thread when I have them: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?289931-INVESTIGATING-Brood-Lockeds-No-Longer-Craftable

It's not going to help as I've already deleted all my recipies. If you do change it, will you be restoring all those deleted recipies?

01-08-2016, 05:55 PM
Thank you for listenening sts.
Sorry for those who deleted.

01-08-2016, 06:02 PM
Ys this is a no win situation, sts should have stuck to their guns and not caved in to the masses of people taking a gamble, now those that complained once again will get a windfall because sts can't keep a decision, the people that crafted them already lose because the market will bottom out and those players that deleted the recipes because they weren't craftable lose out.. This is a lose lose situation.. Either way sts loses face, the brood crate market will crash because of over saturation in the market.. Lose/lose

01-08-2016, 06:17 PM
More crates = more player use plats = more myth weapons...
Dont understand why its a lose situation.
Where was all that anger at the spider crates?
True, player who deleted too fast will lose.
Thats the bad part but ones should always wait until sts makes a decision.
Even people who didnt invest in recipes were stunned to see that you cant craft and understand the frustration of those who invested.
Most people just expected that due to last events.
Im very glad that sts heard and does understand. I cant compare this situation with gambling. I lost also already gold due to gambling in this game and won on the other side. I would never complain about that.
But this problem was that cuz of no signing " limited time use" or so ever, many many people were sure its like in some previous events. In the end its important that sts understands the situation and not some people who have problems now with the situation that others stashed recipes and will make good gold. On the other side they didnt make gold with other items they bought for tokens.
Same happened with spider crates and no one had a huge problem with it.
Still... big thanks to sts !

01-08-2016, 07:14 PM
You should never delete recipes even if they are no longer usable. There have been several instances in the past where an event recipe was usable the following year in the same event.

01-08-2016, 07:49 PM
You should never delete recipes even if they are no longer usable. There have been several instances in the past where an event recipe was usable the following year in the same event.

It's all good, I think rengol locked are still worth more as the best you can loot from brood locked is the maul and whim eggs. Earning 10k each brood crate craft at 300+ recipies is around 3m gold? Sucks but I've lost more to deflation :(

I'm just happy that I achieved plat tier on a few toons as the snow machine banner is OP! I wear it more than my little hearts xD

Edward Coug
01-08-2016, 07:52 PM
It's all good, I think rengol locked are still worth more as the best you can loot from brood locked is the maul and whim eggs. Earning 10k each brood crate craft at 300+ recipies is around 3m gold? Sucks but I've lost more to deflation :(

Do they contain SnS?

01-08-2016, 08:01 PM
ohhh yah iknew it..sts will make the brood crate craft-able again cuz its a profit to thr company!!

many supply of brood locks=brood locks will become cheap=alot will open brood locks using plat= more profit for the company....
to those who crafted brood locks on time..sorry i guess you lose....lets accept the fact that sts will always be in favor in "terms of plat demand"...well its for the benifits of the company.....ofcourse all online games is a bussiness, its not just sts......we should understand that....but now be ready for the next complain sts im sure those who deteted those recipes will complain again.."endless complain"GL .ahahaha i admire STS for their patience...:banana::banana::banana:

01-10-2016, 04:12 PM
i thought the reason why sts make the lock recipes unstashable and untradeable was to limit players of what they decide to craft in a limited time span, i think making/attempting to make the recipe craftable after the event make the limitation losing its meaning...

except the limitation was not intended

01-11-2016, 12:53 AM
Guys, unless you have a specific quote that backs it up, it doesn't do much good to speculate. We appreciate you all and understand how frustrating this is, but please keep all comments constructive and don't blame other players one way or the other.
I'm going to close this thread now, please see http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?289931-INVESTIGATING-Brood-Lockeds-No-Longer-Craftable for updates and our plan for future events so this doesn't happen again. Thanks!!