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06-19-2011, 08:51 PM

Blackstar General FAQ

Have any questions regarding Blackstar? This is the area to ask it. Your question will be answered in full detail. Ask away! :)

06-19-2011, 08:51 PM

I have a question, what game engine is B* using?

Proprietary Spacetime Engine

Is there going to be any new features that the game engine supports?

Blackstar's content is very similar to Pocket Legends, other than it's four thousand years in the future. A interesting twist is that there will be areas that only certain classes will be able to access. By July, Blackstar will be the first MMO to support a PC, and mobile client on the same server. Also, Blackstar will be much vaster, and story driven. Last but not least, combat will require much more strategy. Some reviewers have described standard combat to be similar to a Pocket Legends Boss battle.

Why keep a similar UI? Is it for familiarity or connivence? or neither?

Perhaps both, The PL UI has been very successful. Why modify that which works well? Only a official answer from a Developer will answer this. I will send a PM request to Samhayne.

Will Blackstar be free like PL?

Yes, Blackstar will use the same platinum system as Pocket Legends. Platinum will be Universal, Platinum purchased on Pocket Legends can be used on Blackstar, assuming your logging into the same account on both of course. Extended content, like emotions, map packs, auction spots, inventory spots, and many more will have a slight real world cost.

And will it be compatible on a Nook Color?

Any platform that supports Pocket Legends will also support Blackstar. Blackstar will have to be approved by Barnes and Noble's. Which sounds likely, as Nook is already planning to support 3rd-Party programs, so Blackstar shouldn't have any troubles getting through inspection.

Umm isn't there a thread like this already?

Yes and no. The difference between the two threads is this is the FAQ for when the game goes live, just made a few months in advanced. Also that the Official FAQ is kind of dry and not much activity. People can ask anything they want, and get speedy, in depth answers.

I remember reading how SL will be more hardcore than PL, in that case, how much hardcore are we talking about? In what sense? :)

I believe they are referring to the massive increase in tactic required to play the game. As well as more extreme in time it takes to reach end-game. They did say that Blackstar will be much much MUCH vaster in content then Pocket Legends will be.

1) How different will BS be from PL?

Blackstar seems to have the same layout Pocket Legends has. The very big difference between Blackstar and Pocket Legends is how much more complex B* is.

How will BS be different? or is it simply going to be PL with a different skin

Blackstar will be incorporating a different playstyle. Blackstar wont be based on who has the highest level, or best gear. Blackstar will actually require well setup teams, and strategy to tackle even trash mobs. One may in which it is different, is each class has a role. Pocket Legends has this, to a level. What I mean by this is Engineer will be the only class that can do stuff such as picklock, or fix a door. Operatives would have the ability to say, shoot a elevated alarm. Allowing smooth access to certain area's undetected. Commando's would specialize in brute force. Their Keen ability to kill guards silently allows Operatives and Engineers to do their jobs uninterrupted.

2) Any difference between genders for characters?

Male/Female options will be available. *Thanks Lesrider*

3) if it is set 4000 years in the future, does this mean PL and BS share the same universe? In terms of lore and backstory?

Yes, it will be the same universe. Why? In Alien Oasis I, II, & III, the homeland "Blackstar" is mentioned quite a bit. This is obviously a easter egg planted in PL, but it is content stating they share the same Universe none the less. There are also humans in Pocket Legends. The lack of humans shows they have not boomed in civilization yet, reinforcing that Blackstar will be 4,000 years ahead of Pocket Legends.

06-19-2011, 08:54 PM
I have a question, what game engine is B* using?
Is there going to be any new features that the game engine supports?
Why keep a similar UI? Is it for familiarity or connivence? or neither?

06-19-2011, 09:01 PM
I keep forgetting the answers to these questions but...

Will Blackstar be free like PL?

And will it be compatible on a Nook Color?

06-19-2011, 09:10 PM
I have a question, what game engine is B* using?

Proprietary Spacetime Engine

Is there going to be any new features that the game engine supports?

Blackstar's content is very similar to Pocket Legends, other than it's four thousand years in the future. A interesting twist is that there will be areas that only certain classes will be able to access. By July, Blackstar will be the first MMO to support a PC, and mobile client on the same server. Also, Blackstar will be much vaster, and story driven. Last but not least, combat will require much more strategy. Some reviewers have described standard combat to be similar to a Pocket Legends Boss battle.

Why keep a similar UI? Is it for familiarity or connivence? or neither?

Perhaps both, The PL UI has been very successful. Why modify that which works well? Only a official answer from a Developer will answer this. I will send a PM request to Samhayne.

06-19-2011, 09:17 PM
Will Blackstar be free like PL?

Yes, Blackstar will use the same platinum system as Pocket Legends. Platinum will be Universal, Platinum purchased on Pocket Legends can be used on Blackstar, assuming your logging into the same account on both of course. Extended content, like emotions, map packs, auction spots, inventory spots, and many more will have a slight real world cost.

And will it be compatible on a Nook Color?

Any platform that supports Pocket Legends will also support Blackstar. Blackstar will have to be approved by Barnes and Noble's. Which sounds likely, as Nook is already planning to support 3rd-Party programs, so Blackstar shouldn't have any troubles getting through inspection.

06-20-2011, 01:15 AM
Can you give me the APK file right now? :rolleyes:

06-20-2011, 01:22 AM
1) How different will BS be from PL?

Eg, the core gameplay of PL consists of doing quests, raiding dungeons, finding loot, and doing it all over again.

How will BS be different? or is it simply going to be PL with a different skin.

2) Any difference between genders for characters?

3) if it is set 4000 years in the future, does this mean PL and BS share the same universe? In terms of lore and backstory?

4) Will your answer to this question be no?

06-20-2011, 08:03 AM
Umm isn't there a thread like this already?

06-20-2011, 08:07 AM
I remember reading how SL will be more hardcore than PL, in that case, how much hardcore are we talking about? In what sense? :)

06-20-2011, 02:36 PM
Umm isn't there a thread like this already?

Yes and no. The difference between the two threads is this is the FAQ for when the game goes live, just made a few months in advanced. Also that the Official FAQ is kind of dry and not much activity. People can ask anything they want, and get speedy, in depth answers.

I remember reading how SL will be more hardcore than PL, in that case, how much hardcore are we talking about? In what sense? :)

I believe they are referring to the massive increase in tactic required to play the game. As well as more extreme in time it takes to reach end-game. They did say that Blackstar will be much much MUCH vaster in content then Pocket Legends will be.

Can you give me the APK file right now? :rolleyes:

Man o man... Wish I could.. :)

1) How different will BS be from PL?

Blackstar seems to have the same layout Pocket Legends has. The very big difference between Blackstar and Pocket Legends is how much more complex B* is.

How will BS be different? or is it simply going to be PL with a different skin

Blackstar will be incorporating a different playstyle. Blackstar wont be based on who has the highest level, or best gear. Blackstar will actually require well setup teams, and strategy to tackle even trash mobs. One may in which it is different, is each class has a role. Pocket Legends has this, to a level. What I mean by this is Engineer will be the only class that can do stuff such as picklock, or fix a door. Operatives would have the ability to say, shoot a elevated alarm. Allowing smooth access to certain area's undetected. Commando's would specialize in brute force. Their Keen ability to kill guards silently allows Operatives and Engineers to do their jobs uninterrupted.

2) Any difference between genders for characters?

Male/Female options will be available.

3) if it is set 4000 years in the future, does this mean PL and BS share the same universe? In terms of lore and backstory?

Yes, it will be the same universe. Why? In Alien Oasis I, II, & III, the homeland "Blackstar" is mentioned quite a bit. This is obviously a easter egg planted in PL, but it is content stating they share the same Universe none the less. There are also humans in Pocket Legends. The lack of humans shows they have not boomed in civilization yet, reinforcing that Blackstar will be 4,000 years ahead of Pocket Legends.

06-20-2011, 02:59 PM
Uhh they already said (and showed) that each class will have the option if male/female.

06-20-2011, 03:24 PM
Uhh they already said (and showed) that each class will have the option if male/female.

Were? I wanna see :D. Linkie please Mr. Les?

06-20-2011, 04:12 PM
Were? I wanna see :D. Linkie please Mr. Les?

"Mr"??????? Gasp!

Anyway, watch the e3 video of SL... And I think that transcript from the podcast interview with G.

06-20-2011, 06:46 PM
Yeah, two things. G said so at E3, and Lesrider wears a female body IRL. Made that mistake myself for a long time, including the mouthfoot part, before I ever found out... Les typically being a guy's name. Oh, and Ellyidol is a dude.

I'll be one of the guys with both male and female characters. I doubt anyone will care either way.

06-20-2011, 11:14 PM
The old Podcast link is here for those of you that didnt catch it, interview with Gary G of Spacetime Studios,
good stuff :)

06-21-2011, 11:42 AM
The old Podcast link is here for those of you that didnt catch it, interview with Gary G of Spacetime Studios,
good stuff :)

Thanks! Wow that was a lot of info. Very informative podcast indeed.

06-25-2011, 04:15 PM
1) Any details out yet on the class specifics beyond male/female commando, operative, and engineer? (Skills, general play type, gear types, group roles?)
2) Any details outing getting golden tickets into the beta?

06-25-2011, 04:48 PM
I think the Beta is only being made available on the Verizon VCast network last I heard :( Im a Tmobi so will be a while for me but good luck any V people that get in there.

Edit there is a post here all about it;