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View Full Version : What will happen to all the lvl 55 ?!!!!! ====>

06-21-2011, 04:59 AM
What will happen to all the lvl 55's that have over 10 000 xp ? shud they continue to 83k? or they will be lvled automatically?
anyway lvl56 Spended over 83k xp... well will they stay lvl56? or also lvled automatically?
Heads up :) thx

06-21-2011, 05:07 AM
Its already been discussed on the forums before. Your xp will be divided by 10. So if you hav 10k xp you will get 1k and will need 8.3k to lvl to 56 when cap is raised

06-21-2011, 05:10 AM
yea but lvl56 has suffered enough.... What will they do?

06-21-2011, 05:13 AM
? they will be at 56 and will have to go through another enduring battle to get to 61. lol

06-21-2011, 05:20 AM
Toons that are level 56 will stay level 56 and continue to level from that point, the extra ~75k xp they gained was for the Crown of Persistence and the recognition (and the lulz). That extra xp will not be added toward leveling to the new cap, but rather vanishes. Level 55s will have their xp divided by 10 (basically having the number in the ones column removed, or the decimal moved one place to the left) and will continue gaining xp from that point as normal.

06-21-2011, 05:20 AM
Awwwww... So i have like 14500 xp shud i lvl to 56 or just wait?
well this cap raise was really fast... 55's hasnt got all the time to lvl to 56. Well either the new items and 2 campains it'll take a moth or two lol

06-21-2011, 05:22 AM
Might as well keep trying, as any exp you earn now will only benefit you on your leveling to 60/61 or whatever the cap may be.

Who knows though, the update may come tomorrow, or it might come in a few weeks. No one knows when the update is coming, only that it's soon.

06-21-2011, 05:24 AM
Leveling is up to you at this point, if you have the free time and the gold/plat to purchase the elixirs for the long grind then go for it. If you're lacking in an area, then I wouldn't bother. A date for the cap increase isn't set yet, so you still have time but we don't know if the update was submitted (or when it'll be approved) yet so there is no real way to tell how much time you actually have. I imagine that there are plenty of players who are trying to make the journey so you should have plenty of teammates to choose from. GL.

Sorry Necro, but I would disagree with you. Having all of the xp that you work for in the coming days/weeks reduced to 10% would be devastating imo. I would either go all in or fold early.

06-21-2011, 05:28 AM
I would suggest u try. Crowns will be discontinued and I think that they look good so better to atleast give it a shot for the crown. You might pick up some pinks on the way along too.

06-21-2011, 05:46 AM
Sorry Necro, but I would disagree with you. Having all of the xp that you work for in the coming days/weeks reduced to 10% would be devastating imo. I would either go all in or fold early.

Then we shall agree to disagree!!! :D

06-21-2011, 09:51 AM
Awwwww... So i have like 14500 xp shud i lvl to 56 or just wait?
well this cap raise was really fast... 55's hasnt got all the time to lvl to 56. Well either the new items and 2 campains it'll take a moth or two lol

It's totally up to you, are you willing to make the grind? I just finished my level 56 grind in a week and a half. I would of had it done sooner, but I had work and several events, such as going out of town. Getting 56 is 16-24 hours nonstop playtime with 1.5x elixir.

06-21-2011, 10:30 AM
Man I could do it now if I wanted too, need a good party and a stash of Hot Pockets:)

06-21-2011, 10:53 AM
Awwwww... So i have like 14500 xp shud i lvl to 56 or just wait?
well this cap raise was really fast... 55's hasnt got all the time to lvl to 56. Well either the new items and 2 campains it'll take a moth or two lol

I don't know why people are saying this came out fast. Sewers came out in the beginning of February. That was about 4.5 months ago. Most people have reached 56 by now since even the casual gamer can do it. You only had to make like 600 XP a day since the release of the campaign. In fact, this is the longest we've gone without any additional high level content (quest-able gear and elite dungeon). It kind of explains why so many people quit or are on extended breaks.

06-21-2011, 12:02 PM
thats so messed up i gained 40,000xp and now i only get 4,000 thats messed up spacetime

06-21-2011, 12:42 PM
thats so messed up i gained 40,000xp and now i only get 4,000 thats messed up spacetime

Spacetime made it very clear as to what would happen after a new level cap update. Also, Level 55 is end level. Level 56 is optional content. Any exp gained/lost for optional content is not on spacetime. They gave us 4.5 months to get elite status.

Also, new cap wont be for at least another two weeks. You still can make the grind if you are committed.

06-21-2011, 12:42 PM
thats so messed up i gained 40,000xp and now i only get 4,000 thats messed up spacetime
Well you only need 43k more. I wouldn't give up just keep plugging away. I'm sure you won't have to look too hard for speed leveling groups