View Full Version : bored, so i have a question.

06-21-2011, 10:32 PM
What do you all think of my new bearded dragon tank?


06-21-2011, 10:37 PM
Cool, it looks really awesome. I would be scared to be near one though ;)

06-21-2011, 10:40 PM
Cool, it looks really awesome. I would be scared to be near one though ;)

Are you kidding? Start misting them in the face, and they look soo cute. Only animal I'll call that.
Or at least my old one did, died around a year ago. :/ 9 years old.

Anyway, comparing it to mine, it's quite different. Originally, I had something similar, but it never went on any of the rock/gravel. The only thing it wanted was sand and old logs, so we replaced the rocks and gravel with sand and logs and it went everywhere in the tank.

06-21-2011, 10:43 PM
Looks awesome. What's it's name?

06-21-2011, 10:55 PM
I will be using red sand eventually, its just expensiveish.. but for now shes doin ok on the rocks and woodchips, and theres a towel underneath the slate where she likes to sleep. i just bought the tank for 400 bucks. And her name is waffles. She's really friendly and loves to be carried around the house. She basically just is in the tank at night and during feedings, other wise she likes to get out and explore. Ill try find a good close up pic.


She has really nice colors after she sheds too.. this was taken before I changed the setup.. oh, and shes one year old and i raised her from the size of my thumb to the 20 inches or so she is now. And she gets bigger every week still.

06-21-2011, 11:10 PM
Whats her stats? And what build are you using?

06-21-2011, 11:16 PM
It appears she may be sporting the Snipers Demon Claw, she must be an Archer. She looks awesome btw.

06-21-2011, 11:23 PM
I think she wearing the copperheads croc scale armor.

06-21-2011, 11:35 PM
LOL. She looks amazing! I think she's got a bit of voodoo in her.

06-22-2011, 12:17 AM
Awesome name. :)

06-22-2011, 03:47 AM
Whats her stats? And what build are you using?


06-22-2011, 04:06 AM
Shes hybrid spec, obvs. She has four lizard legs equipped and croc scale leather O.o

06-22-2011, 06:41 AM
can i buy? i wanna make a lizard lance with the head :cool:

06-22-2011, 12:05 PM
can i buy? i wanna make a lizard lance with the head :cool:
that's so mean!

psst, I'll buy for 100k *wink wink*

06-22-2011, 12:49 PM
Very pretty! I can't believe you raised her from a baby! So cool :D Nice set up

Whats her stats? And what build are you using?

LOL I literally lol'd

06-22-2011, 01:06 PM
It would make a good build with the fiery bow of doom

06-22-2011, 01:51 PM
ok i have many retiles and beardies is one but... is thay hay pls tell me is sand or u really need a change of habatait. I guess stons are alright, but everything els looks fine with the cage. do u mind if i ask what are you feeding her?

These gentle beasts are from Australia but are now readily available due to their willingness to breed in captivity. Bearded Dragons make a wonderful pet for both beginners and advanced reptile keepers. Due to their docile nature and relative small size (usually 16-20 inches) they have become quite popular in recent years. These beautiful creatures are highly recommended for families with small children also due to their seeming love for attentionWhen you decide to buy a Bearded Dragon, whether from a breeder or Pet store, look it over carefully. Some things you should notice right away is how alert and active the Dragon is, you don't want a Beardie that can't lift it's head or looks lethargic. When you walk up to the enclosure the Beardies should be watching you with interest and should have bright and alert eyes. You also want to check them for sores, burns, external parasites or any deformities. Make sure there is no pus or other gunk built up in the eyes, nose or mouth area also. Many Beardies will be missing toes or bits of their tail, this will not cause them any discomfort as long as the wound looks healed and shows no sign of infection. One of the most important things in my eyes is to look at the size of the Beardie. I do not recommend Beardies under 6 inches in total length. Baby Beardies can be very fragile and more apt to become ill or overly stressed. It much easier to care for a more developed Bearded Dragon. There is some facts i think importent

06-22-2011, 06:31 PM
Heres waffles watching wipeout with me ^_^


06-22-2011, 07:29 PM
Its not hay, its sawdust and thats what shes been raised on since she was a baby, 2 1/2 inches long. I feed her romaine lettuce, green beans, peas, and carrots and broccoli once in a while, as too much isnt good for a beardie. As for her carnivorous side, she dines on crickets every day, super worms once a week, both gutloaded, and then when im feeling generous i get her a pinky mouse to keep her nutrition up, maybe once a month or two. I was told to raise her on this sawdust, as baby beardies have bad aim when they catch their food and sand will literally shred their insides if too much is consumed. She's been totally fine for the year shes been alive. Ive heard mixed reviews on using sand, it has to be the right kind, and dry, clean, and natural.

The best thing for a dragon is actually newspaper, but thats super ugly lookin so i use a towel under her basking rock where she sleeps and the sawdust on her eating/cool side of the tank. On payday i plan to redo the tank with pebble base as it is now and then red sand on top, so as to cut down on sand costs. Its 25 bucks for a small bag of the recommended kind. And i need about 4 of them. She'll be fine either way but i think the sand will be more pleasing to the eye, and shes plenty big enough to have a sand tank now, seeing as how i hand feed her and she never even once caught my finger, meaning her aim is good enough to not consume non food materials while she eats.

Ive taken the time to make sure there is nothing in the tank that is sharp and made sure any rocks and sticks in there have been thoroughly washed with a chemical free mixture. I would say so far so good as she has a wonderful disposition and is never crabby or dormant, except when she sleeps. At this very moment she is splashing around in her tub and hunting crickets lol.

I hope that all this info makes u feel better about my setup. Im a total animal lover, have a cat named zeus and a doberman named vader, a pacman frog named p, and a chameleon that i dont wanna name, because chameleon is a sweet word lol.. so yea im always improving their habitats and reading up on the creatures i keep. Heres another fun story, i rescued a baby raccoon as a kid and raised it to full size, bottlefeeding it and everything lol. It was really cool watching it wash its food in a seperate bowl than its drinking water and other neat things raccoons can do and learn.