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View Full Version : lvl 30 war bird... help?

06-21-2011, 10:36 PM
My skills are
Im planning to respec and get rid of avian scream, but what should i put the skill into?
And my combo is break shatter blast blind repulse then root, also im havin trouble with beating mages.. can somebody tell me a good strategy against them?
Please feel free to give me any advice about it thanks

06-21-2011, 10:44 PM
I'm not the best at 30.. but
VS birds, root first. The reason it's maxed it b/c of the dodge debuff it gives.

VS mages, at 35 I've always blast-break'd(maxed break). I don't like them hitting me, and proceed with the rest of my skills. I can't really say for 30, although I would recommend going 35, the extra skill points are nice and a lot of warbirds have gone there.

06-21-2011, 11:21 PM
Heres my build. It was done before you could lvl you skills to 6 so it ma beed to be tweeked.


For mages:
Buff evade and focus. Then run up and use shattering scream. Then quickly use break armor followed by blast shot (blast shot nocks off the mages mana shield and also is in the cruel scream combo) after that prefore blinding shot and then repulse. If they are still alive try and get the cruel blast again to finish them off. Rember to tap as quickly as you can.