View Full Version : Deary

01-21-2016, 08:59 PM
Have anyone notice arcane deary cost $90 in usd lol

01-21-2016, 09:08 PM
90$ USD of pure hilarious souvenir lmao

and the fun behind that pet is something you should definetly try. Honestly, for a such pet, with such wonders, "CHAPEAU"!!! It's a proper pet, with a proper reputation among old players, old forumers. It wasn't meant to be for be for you. It was meant to be for the real lovers of this game, it's for the people who make this game run. Pay 90$ USD and get it now, or wait maybe in 3 years you'll have it, or maybe you loot it in the next Rengol crate. It's up to you.

Seriously, if that many people in this game had that pet, I'd seriously be mad. It's a pet that make people want to play PvE again. It makes the player so cool. People would want to play with him because he has arcane deary and the arcane island proc is just awesome. If everybody was cool... it won't be cool anymore. It will be like farming Jarl... oh poor Jarl... RIP mate.

90$ well invested TBH.

01-21-2016, 09:11 PM
Lel that's cuz it's the arcane deary, bruh

01-21-2016, 09:13 PM
It's cause it spawns portals, has random attribute buffs, and can possibly reward a group of players with a mythic ring that scales to your level

seriously, who wouldn't want a player with that type of pet in their party?

SnS (shady and surge) was cool for those green and purple pools, but this pet offers gold and free gear

01-21-2016, 11:39 PM
Yes I know guys he's a pet lol but $90 that's crazy lol I rather use $50 and buy me some plat and open massive crates ������ oh and yes I love him i just bought him for $90 lol some cash I had saved up but ye he's good!