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View Full Version : report for nothing

01-23-2016, 06:36 AM
Hi dear, players !
I want ask if i change my mind to buy something thats enough to report me ?
Mightyass told me he and his guild will report me cuz i dont buy his amulet ..

01-23-2016, 06:46 AM
good u didnt buy.... to buy smth from such a player...
ofc u cant get get reported for this
dont worry

01-23-2016, 06:47 AM
Don't be scary. It's blackmail from him. Just leave guild and put them to ignore list.
Sts won't ban you for something like that


01-23-2016, 07:20 AM
You are not supposed to get banned unless you've actually done something that is forbidden, so you should not worry about it.

01-23-2016, 05:42 PM
Lol they cant report you for not buying amulet. Nobody can force you to buy anything

01-23-2016, 06:56 PM
don't worry buddy. the bad man won't get to you.

01-23-2016, 07:01 PM
If you are lucky, him and his guild will get the ban for harassment when they check his logs. Let's hope that happens. Good luck.

You will encounter many threats on the internets. Good to learn early that most of threats are crap.

01-23-2016, 11:39 PM
Dear OP, you said you changed your mind to buy the item.
I hope you did not make him pull it out of auction & then changed your mind because this is a very dirty trick that many ppl are playing.
You should refund him the listing fees if you did that.

01-23-2016, 11:49 PM
He told Mightyass he wanted to buy the item clean. The item was socketed with 2 standard finesse, so Mightyass agreed thinking he was sure buyer. However, right after she took out the jewels, he changed his mind and decided not to buy it anymore. So this means that he wasted Mighty's time and she have to wait 16hrs to put back both jewels.
I dont think this is the spirit arcane legends players should have, and this guy should refend Mighty some gold to compensate for her time wasted.

01-23-2016, 11:53 PM
He told Mightyass he wanted to buy the item clean. The item was socketed with 2 standard finesse, so Mightyass agreed thinking he was sure buyer. However, right after she took out the jewels, he changed his mind and decided not to buy it anymore. So this means that he wasted Mighty's time and she have to wait 16hrs to put back both jewels.
I dont think this is the spirit arcane legends players should have, and this guy should refend Mighty some gold to compensate for her time wasted.
Well I never socket anything but I agree with cursebaby(only if this is what cursebaby said was true) that this guy should at least give a few k back so to compesate for the the lost gold and time

01-24-2016, 12:18 AM

"Gimme this item or I'll report you, and you'll be banned"


"My dad/mom is a STS dev, I'll tell them to ban you if you don't give me that item"

or even this

"Gimme this item, or I'll ban you because I'm a dev"

Are all just pathetic attempts at trying to scam someone over an item.

Lets look at this logically.
Even if their dad/mom/themselves worked for STS, they can't ban without a legitimate reason, else they get in trouble with the boss
And just because a mass amount of people report you, they're all shooting themselves in the foot. Because false reporting can ban the player who made that false report.

Another thing, if you see someone in global chat saying "everyone, report [NAME] for scamming". Know that one report is enough for the STS support staff to start investigating. And you, as someone being told to report another player, you only read one side of the story. Trying to report another player, possibly innocent, will land your account in trouble.