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View Full Version : [feedback] conic area is not for melee attacks

01-26-2016, 11:33 PM
as you might already realized, it is very hard for melee weapons/attacks/skill to actually cleave opponents,

i'm guessing that it is because the aoe shape is a conic one, in this scheme, to make an attack/skill hits many opponents, enemies must be placed at the furthest range of the conic, the place where it has the widest coverage...
it contradicts the concept of melee attacks, where closer is better. with this conic aoe, melee attacks/skill in AL is more like a ranged attack with a very short range...

please consider to review the system
thank you

01-28-2016, 06:42 AM
I would like our attacks to have attack-range indicators (like red zones of bosses but in a different colour other than red to avoid confusion) so we know what we are doing with those melee weapons. Right now I am sure a lot of us miss shots while doing the guessing game with range.