View Full Version : Ignore list

06-25-2011, 08:38 AM
So a friend and I were testing what happens when we ignore someone. What we found out was that if I ignore someone he is removed from all my chars and I cannot see his msgs or his emotes. For him - it just looks like I deleted him and he can still message but would never know(can see my msgs too). So this is all good. But what we also found was that the ignored person can see my games on global list(where we go to when we press join a game) and join my games yet. I sometimes ignore players who really dont know what they are doing and ruin the runs so if I host wouldnt want him to join my games so he should not be able to even see my game on the list. I know that I can boot him but I dont always keep track of people I ignored so better if they cant see my games at all. Would be good if this can be implemented. Views?

06-25-2011, 09:00 AM
So a friend and I were testing what happens when we ignore someone. What we found out was that if I ignore someone he is removed from all my chars and I cannot see his msgs or his emotes. For him - it just looks like I deleted him and he can still message but would never know(can see my msgs too). So this is all good. But what we also found was that the ignored person can see my games on global list(where we go to when we press join a game) and join my games yet. I sometimes ignore players who really dont know what they are doing and ruin the runs so if I host wouldnt want him to join my games so he should not be able to even see my game on the list. I know that I can boot him but if I dont always keep track of people I ignored so better if they cant see my games at all. Would be good if this can be implemented. Views?You bring up a good point. I don't see this being all that difficult to implement into the game.

06-25-2011, 09:12 AM
I assumed thats what happened already, i second your opinion.

06-26-2011, 07:42 AM
good idea

06-26-2011, 08:51 AM
Not a bad idea. I would like to see the person being ignored get a message that they have been ignored. Also spam gets auto ignore after the 3rd message of same txt. If a person started started spamming he would get over 20 ignores maybe it would make them stop.

Pocket Legends Characters Timbabird -55 Oldsillymage -55