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View Full Version : AL Moral Dilemmas

01-30-2016, 08:39 AM
So i've been through some cases where you have to make choices in the game, not just those normal choices like in anywhere in Arlor where you have to choose which way goes to the next level or the useless/quest path which leads to more exp or stuff. But some choices where you have to actually THINK.

So here are the dilemmas I faced during my time as an AL player:

1. You are a lvl 46 high-ranked warrior with a collection of mythics when you see a player selling a blood gem for 3k (must be a newcomer) in kraag, you check the auction (for confirmation) and see that it's worth a whooping 100k. Now time is ticking because another guy might, and will take advantage. What will you do?

a) ignore him and hope some other person in need of gold will take advantage
b) politely tell him the real worth of it and make his day
c) Take advantage and use the gold on stuff

2. Your friend is selling a banner worth 55k-65k in auc. You're in the country the banner represents. He sells it for 40k (friend discount) while you have 260k which is just the right amount of gold to buy a lepre which you dont have. What would you do?

a) Tell him to sell it for 50k so he can make gold himself
b) Buy it and use it
c) Buy it and sell it

3. You are in travelers outpost as a lvl 25 mage with a good gun. A random lvl 11 player gives you another gun because he gave it away in chat and you took advantage. The gun is worth 9k and you have a 7k staff just right for his level (you are PLANNING to give it to him as a gift). What would you do?

a) take the gun without giving the staff to him and sell the staff and the gun in auc for easy money
b) take the gun and give him the staff
c) give back the gun saying you don't need it and sell the staff in auc for easy money
d) give back the gun and give him the staff

That is all, Can you guess which option I chose for all three? Whoever guesses all three right gets a free sig from my shop which was originally 15k. Tell me if there are any typos :)

01-30-2016, 08:46 AM
1. B
2. A
3. D

01-30-2016, 08:55 AM
Lol :D talk about moral dilemma when you cursed at forumers who gave you advises and sympathized with you when you posted a "I'm scammed thread". What an irony :D

01-30-2016, 08:57 AM
1. C
2. D, buy lepre (no need banner, need lepre to farm km lol)
3. E, take the gun and staff then asking for more free item

01-30-2016, 08:58 AM
Lol :D talk about moral dilemma when you cursed at forumers who gave you advises and sympathized with you when you posted a "I'm scammed thread". What an irony :D

I remembered that thread, but I think it was deleted by mods..LOL

01-30-2016, 08:59 AM
1. B
2. A
3. D
But if I were you i would
1. Tell him real price but make offer to buy it for about 90k (avoid taxes in auction, win win solution)
2. Depend on the reason he sell it
3. D

01-30-2016, 09:02 AM
1. C
2. D, buy lepre (no need banner, need lepre to farm km lol)
3. E, take the gun and staff then asking for more free item

Lol, and you will get "karma"

01-30-2016, 09:07 AM
1.B (Every PPL want to be rich, I will tell him the real price and giving offer for 80k!)
3.D (everyone want to be strong and rich)

Rockingtigertiger Tiger
01-30-2016, 09:17 AM
I think more dilemma comes when u are in pvp and u have 2 friends on 2 different sides and u have to choose either of 1 side it gets really difficult tbh (not taking situation of guild over friends )[emoji43]

01-30-2016, 10:00 AM
The guy selling a blood gem for 3k is a scammer. Just sayin'. If it seems too good to be true, it is.

01-30-2016, 10:07 AM
1. B
2. A
3. D
Because thats how a true Arlorian should act

01-30-2016, 10:09 AM
Listen, to answer these questions and to answer to the future questions:

There is something in this world called the Golden Rule:

- One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself.

- One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated.

- What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself.

Those are 3 ways to say the same thing. Just don't do to others what you don't want then to do to you. You must have been raised by really nice parents, you have some good values in you. Taking advantage of someone's ignorance is not a smart move at all. Be fair, be patient, be nice and generous. Integrity, transparency, honesty and many more, you need all that.

Hope this answers your question

01-30-2016, 10:28 AM
Always do the right thing, there's already enough evil people in the world.

Also, karma is a $&@"!.

01-30-2016, 10:51 AM
1. C(cheat the newbie)
2.C (buy and sell the banner)
3.B(take the gun and give back the staff)

People will say:" Oh my he is so greedy"
But when it comes to their chance,they will make easy money
Its just human nature

01-30-2016, 12:36 PM
C ( bought dws lwl 3 for 40k few months ago xd)

01-30-2016, 02:30 PM
Take it and run **** 7k now I'll be rich ;)

01-30-2016, 02:35 PM
1. B
3.C but I'll go for D if i have enough gold for lvling later


01-30-2016, 03:10 PM
Not dilemmas at all. If i want something and its about the right price, i buy it. Otherwise i ignore it. Other people can deal w suspicious characters.

01-30-2016, 08:55 PM
Lol :D talk about moral dilemma when you cursed at forumers who gave you advises and sympathized with you when you posted a "I'm scammed thread". What an irony :D

Another irony is I thanked ur reply xD. Well I guess that's a stage of every forumer, or maybe not every, or any. But the past is done (see that lame lame lame x3 excuse from me lels). I'd give you a free sig for you to stop ruining my reputation xD. Oh wait there goes another curse at a good guy XD

01-31-2016, 01:36 AM

C is not my favorite or something but ....

01-31-2016, 02:31 AM
The guy selling a blood gem for 3k is a scammer. Just sayin'. If it seems too good to be true, it is.

Are you dumb? It could be a returning player who doesn't know how to check Auc.

01-31-2016, 02:39 AM
Hmm I don't get the 3.C. You give him the gun back but can still sell it?

01-31-2016, 03:30 AM
Hmm I don't get the 3.C. You give him the gun back but can still sell it?

Fixed, you sell the staff and you give back the gun which is what I mean.

01-31-2016, 03:48 AM
The guy selling a blood gem for 3k is a scammer. Just sayin'. If it seems too good to be true, it is.

How do you propose he would pull of the scam? And where is the benefit? Even if he gave a fury jewel, 3k is still a decent price for one. Everything isn't a scam. Some people are genuinely unaware of prices.

01-31-2016, 04:07 AM
I'm coming up with my own answers bruh

1. D Buy it for 40k because lepre will drop soon anyway
2. D He is a scammer, IGNORED
3. D

01-31-2016, 04:38 AM
So i've been through some cases where you have to make choices in the game, not just those normal choices like in anywhere in Arlor where you have to choose which way goes to the next level or the useless/quest path which leads to more exp or stuff. But some choices where you have to actually THINK.

So here are the dilemmas I faced during my time as an AL player:

1. You are a lvl 46 high-ranked warrior with a collection of mythics when you see a player selling a blood gem for 3k (must be a newcomer) in kraag, you check the auction (for confirmation) and see that it's worth a whooping 100k. Now time is ticking because another guy might, and will take advantage. What will you do?

a) ignore him and hope some other person in need of gold will take advantage
b) politely tell him the real worth of it and make his day
c) Take advantage and use the gold on stuff

2. Your friend is selling a banner worth 55k-65k in auc. You're in the country the banner represents. He sells it for 40k (friend discount) while you have 260k which is just the right amount of gold to buy a lepre which you dont have. What would you do?

a) Tell him to sell it for 50k so he can make gold himself
b) Buy it and use it
c) Buy it and sell it

3. You are in travelers outpost as a lvl 25 mage with a good gun. A random lvl 11 player gives you another gun because he gave it away in chat and you took advantage. The gun is worth 9k and you have a 7k staff just right for his level (you are PLANNING to give it to him as a gift). What would you do?

a) take the gun without giving the staff to him and sell the staff and the gun in auc for easy money
b) take the gun and give him the staff
c) give back the gun saying you don't need it and sell the staff in auc for easy money
d) give back the gun and give him the staff

That is all, Can you guess which option I chose for all three? Whoever guesses all three right gets a free sig from my shop which was originally 15k. Tell me if there are any typos :)

1. I continue playing the game
2. I continue playing the game
3. I continue playing the game

Then 10 years later, I look back and laugh out loud

01-31-2016, 06:37 AM
1. A (ignore scammer)
2. B
3. B

Lisa Crossgrove
01-31-2016, 07:50 AM
Ok I have a conversation from a level 46 scammer and myself. I'm usually very diligent about trades. But this guy got me, switching at the last minute. His ign is Wagkasumabat. 120k for lepre and he gave me lunar pendant at last minute. I have our whole conversation if you would like to see it.

01-31-2016, 08:15 AM
I think more dilemma comes when u are in pvp and u have 2 friends on 2 different sides and u have to choose either of 1 side it gets really difficult tbh (not taking situation of guild over friends )[emoji43]

What is dilemma? Just fight for your team.

Lisa Crossgrove
01-31-2016, 08:18 AM
146314 this is more of the scammer c146314onversation

01-31-2016, 08:34 AM
Hmmm , I think almost everybody would cheat the newbie if they would cheat the newbie if they would be in that situation , easy money is easy money XD

Lisa Crossgrove
01-31-2016, 08:52 AM
No this is where u are wrong. I have never cheated anyone. I tell people when they are selling stuff too low. I sell stuff lower than auction (to guildmates-way lower than auction) I usually buy higher (when I can afford it). Treat people how u want to be treated and game would be wonderful. I love this game. Only game on my phone that gets played. I love the people I get to meet daily, I love my guildmates, who allow me to chat up a storm. I love helping people. But scammers are terrible people. Btw wagkasumabat has told me he will make it right. (I'll post as soon as he does) we shall see.

01-31-2016, 10:01 AM
1. I would do the option C, I could be interested to buy the blood gem for 3k but then I would tell him what is the real price

2. The option C cuz I can sell it for 50k

Ign: Diviners (mage)

01-31-2016, 10:03 AM
[QUOTE=Diviners;2383891]1. I would do the option C, I could be interested to buy the blood gem for 3k but then I would tell him what is the real price

2. The option C cuz I can sell it for 50k

3. B cuz I wouldn't know the price of staff xD

Ign: Diviners (mage)

01-31-2016, 10:05 AM
So i've been through some cases where you have to make choices in the game, not just those normal choices like in anywhere in Arlor where you have to choose which way goes to the next level or the useless/quest path which leads to more exp or stuff. But some choices where you have to actually THINK.

So here are the dilemmas I faced during my time as an AL player:

1. You are a lvl 46 high-ranked warrior with a collection of mythics when you see a player selling a blood gem for 3k (must be a newcomer) in kraag, you check the auction (for confirmation) and see that it's worth a whooping 100k. Now time is ticking because another guy might, and will take advantage. What will you do?

a) ignore him and hope some other person in need of gold will take advantage
b) politely tell him the real worth of it and make his day
c) Take advantage and use the gold on stuff

2. Your friend is selling a banner worth 55k-65k in auc. You're in the country the banner represents. He sells it for 40k (friend discount) while you have 260k which is just the right amount of gold to buy a lepre which you dont have. What would you do?

a) Tell him to sell it for 50k so he can make gold himself
b) Buy it and use it
c) Buy it and sell it

3. You are in travelers outpost as a lvl 25 mage with a good gun. A random lvl 11 player gives you another gun because he gave it away in chat and you took advantage. The gun is worth 9k and you have a 7k staff just right for his level (you are PLANNING to give it to him as a gift). What would you do?

a) take the gun without giving the staff to him and sell the staff and the gun in auc for easy money
b) take the gun and give him the staff
c) give back the gun saying you don't need it and sell the staff in auc for easy money
d) give back the gun and give him the staff

That is all, Can you guess which option I chose for all three? Whoever guesses all three right gets a free sig from my shop which was originally 15k. Tell me if there are any typos :)
And I can do my own sig 😊
Anyway thanks

Ign: Diviners (mage)

02-01-2016, 01:13 AM
No this is where u are wrong. I have never cheated anyone. I tell people when they are selling stuff too low. I sell stuff lower than auction (to guildmates-way lower than auction) I usually buy higher (when I can afford it). Treat people how u want to be treated and game would be wonderful. I love this game. Only game on my phone that gets played. I love the people I get to meet daily, I love my guildmates, who allow me to chat up a storm. I love helping people. But scammers are terrible people. Btw wagkasumabat has told me he will make it right. (I'll post as soon as he does) we shall see.

Umm.. If you actually pointed out to people when they sell too cheap like you claim you do, I don't think you would have gotten scammed in the first place. I am not saying its justified to scam. Its really not, but let's not make false claims shall we?

02-01-2016, 03:43 AM
0k in stash
1 c
2 c
3 a

1m in stash
1 a
2 b
3 b or c

10m in stash
1 b
2 a
3 d

Current gold in cash: 15k :C

Sent from my LG-H540 using Tapatalk

02-05-2016, 08:08 PM
Another irony is I thanked ur reply xD. Well I guess that's a stage of every forumer, or maybe not every, or any. But the past is done (see that lame lame lame x3 excuse from me lels). I'd give you a free sig for you to stop ruining my reputation xD. Oh wait there goes another curse at a good guy XD

I did not ruin you rep, you did. But you can re-build it with humility not curses and free sigs (not a fan).

But, anyway past-is-past. Good luck on your future endeavors.

King Feris
02-06-2016, 06:31 AM
1. A
2. A
3. A

02-09-2016, 02:38 AM
2.A( i dont like using banner anyway)

02-10-2016, 12:39 AM
1. C
2. C
3. A

when u called it dilemma, then i called it advantage