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View Full Version : Quick guide to vBulletin discussion boards

06-25-2011, 01:09 PM
Hello everybody!

After reading multiple posts of ppl saying they won't know shuch features to exist i decided to make this quick guide for using vBulletin boards. I will go trough all the mostly used, and good to know features of vBulletin. Hopely this helps some people since I think we have here multiple users who is using vBulletin boards first time in their life.

Things i will include into this guide:

- Posting new thread, how to do it correctly and into correct section.
- Posting reply to existing thread, and other variables of it. ( using quote and multiquote option )
- Basic tags being used on posts and image attachmenting into post.
- Editing your existing posts.
- Reporting posts to staff.

So let's get trough this all.

1. Posting new thread, how to do it correctly and into correct section?

- If you have anything you need to post into forums, most important is that it is located at right section of forums. So let's first think that you have found bug in game and would like to report it, then you first click from main forum (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forum.php) proper section where is bug reports done. So lets see, we have first three main forums ( star legends, pocket legends and spacetime studios forums ). Bug is in pocket legends so we choose that forum. Then there is located sub-forum called "Technical Issues and Bugs". ( http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?11-Technical-Issues-and-Bugs ) That's the correct section we want to report it, so we go into that sub-forum. Now we have found correct section for our thread. Let's post it.

- When posting new thread into sub-forum we click "post new thread" - button. Located at top left corner. Now few important notices. Title, is name of your thread what will be shown to everybody, it's informational about what are your writing about, so anyone whos interested about your title and wants to read/discuss will go to read your thread, use title what somehow say in few words what you writing about. ( As example if you have found bug on quest your example would be "Bug at quest" ). Then we have bigger text box where we will post more detailed what you want to discuss about.

2. Posting reply to existing thread, and other variables of it. ( using quote and multiquote option )

- So when you browse forums and find thread about something you want to give opinion too ( or just reply for some reason ). Open thread and scroll down all the way to bottom of page. There is possibility to quick reply by just writing your comment into box and then click " Post quick reply" ( It's located right bottom corner of text box ). Also if you want to you can click "Go advanced" if you need to use more options on making reply.

- Using quote and multi quote option is pretty useful when you want to direct your answer to certain user/post. Right bottom corner of each forum post is button "Reply with quote", click that and it will quote that post on your reply so it's easy to answer into certain post of thread. Multi quote is very useful also to replying multiple posts on same thread, button to do this is located next to right from "reply with quote" - button. Using this feature is bit more complicated but still easy, each post you want to write reply hit this button and it's icon will change. When you have clicked all posts you want to reply scroll to bottom of site and hit "Reply to thread" - button and those quotes will appear into text editor at bottom of site. Them write reply to each of your chosen messages and click "post quick reply". ( or alternally go to advanced if you want to )

3. Basic tags being used on posts and image attachmenting into post.

- vBulletin boards is using multiple code tags to do different type of things on post, here is some most common examples.

- Bold text inside of [B] tags.
[I] - Italic text inside of [I] tags.
[U] - Underline text inside of [U] tags.
[IMG] - With this code you can attach image to being shown on your post. Usage of this command is pretty simple. First you need link to your image, it need to be "direct link" to image, which ends with image file extension, .jpg/.jpeg/.bmp/.gif/.tga or any else. Then usage of this is [IMG]http://www.link.to/your/image/here.JPG[/IMG ] (without space on closing tag).
[URL] -With this tag you can attach link into your text and name it what you want to, here is example how it works. sts home website[/URL ] (without space on closing tag) and end result looks like this -> [URL="http://www.spacetimestudios.com"]sts home website (http://www.spacetimestudios.com)

All of vBulletin tags started like abova and when you want to stop certain tag being working you close it with [/your tag here]. Same way but "/" into beginning of tag text.

[B]4. Editing your existing posts.

- Did you write wrong? Or forgot to add something into your post? Don't worry you can always edit your post afterwards so wont need to doublepost into same thread. ( It's also more nice to edit all info into one post that post 2 or more posts in a row ). When you want to edit your post, there is button called "Edit post". ( It's located next to reply button at bottom right corener of your post ). Click it and text editor will pop up and you can edit your existing post, remove or add what you have wrote.

5. Reporting posts to staff.

- If you find something what is generally breaking terms of STS, Abusive, Spam, or Otherwise Bad Forum Post you can report it to staff of boards which will get notified via vbulletin notification system about this and will look into it. Samhayne wrote good tutorial about this and i prefer to look it from here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?26332-How-to-Report-an-Abusive-Spam-or-Otherwise-Bad-Forum-Post

That's mostly what being used at vBulletin boards and hopely this help someone.