View Full Version : Tanks Axe Throw

01-31-2016, 02:04 PM
Heya all,

A couple of friends and nabme have noticed that the tank axe throw has been nerffed.

It has been nerffed by rooting the player to the ground for 2 seconds, while your character does the pull axe back visual effect.

This immobility is quite a problem for tanks because it doesnt allow them to move and get into position to cover dps, both for pve and pvp.

Although axe throw isnt my first choice for pve, against bosses and specially the planar tombs 2 boss, i like to use axe throw and i needed the mobility to keep being able to protect my dps, this mobility is gone now.(im saying this in advance for those who would call me out for using axe throw in pve xp)

The nerff also affects pvp negatively 1 v 1 and in clash, mobility is always good as a tank, pull the rogue further away from packs in versus and protect our dps better in clash.

Below a picture of were tanks are unable to move for 2 seconds while performing axe throw, unlike before were we could move during that period.


Was this an intended nerff or just another bug similar as in the aegis proc nerff?

Imo we tanks need anything but a nerff atm.

Would be grateful for a dev to shine light upon this subject for us all.

Tx for reading,

01-31-2016, 02:55 PM
What does Nerf mean?

01-31-2016, 03:42 PM
Nerf means to downpower the skill. Making it less convenient for the user. It is a word used in many game communities.

Don't know, I have never used axe throw. Windwhirl ftw.

01-31-2016, 05:03 PM
Lmao, this 'nerf' just gets applied to axe throw once you get the pulling upgrade, axe throw with pull has been like this for ages...

01-31-2016, 05:28 PM
Lmao, this 'nerf' just gets applied to axe throw once you get the pulling upgrade, axe throw with pull has been like this for ages...

No lately it allowed u to move throughout the whole duration of axe throw, two weeks ago or something that was reverted and u were rooted to the ground again.