View Full Version : third times a charm...........

06-25-2011, 09:06 PM
Because it means, until the new content is released, I don't have any more grinding to do! I finally hit 56 on my bird today! Thanks to everyone who's ran with me over the past few months, especially:

Pilano - with out a doubt my best in game friend, has helped me in too many ways to list
Jackychiu - been running together for a while, always great runs
Autobird & Shsusu - both were there for all 3 of my characters, awesome friends
Neko (corrvus,Urrsus,anichelith) - awesome player and friend, and a blast to run with!
MayhemMonkey - wouldn't have a 56 mage without mayhem, he and pilano basically taught me how to play a mage :)
Redbridge - just recently started running with red, but has been more than helpful, was even kind enough to float me money for pots when I was broke!
Crimsontider - was with me for at least half of my birds grind
Otukura - we don't run together often, but I can say I have never had a bad run with you in the party
Blindmaster - was with me for a good chunk of leveling my bird, thanks buddy!
AdwinP - helped immensely with leveling my mage
Seidon - awesome bear, used to run together on my mage a lot
Xymorg - was there for my first 56. Haven't played together in ages, gotta change that :). Add my other toons, fool! :P

I know I'm forgetting more, sorry if your not listed! Seriously though, thank you to everyone who has ran with me, this game is amazing, but even more so, are the people that play it!

So..... Now that I have nothing else to do, who want to pvp? :)

06-25-2011, 09:11 PM
Gratz! Ya should have gotten screenshots!

You need to change your sig :p

06-25-2011, 09:12 PM
Gratz! Ya should have gotten screenshots!

You need to change your sig :p

Oh wow, I do! Good catch, lol. Ty!

06-25-2011, 11:21 PM
NOOOOOOO!!!! I missed it! Dang a/c started leaking and flooded the closet so Ive been occupied all day.

Congratz buddy! Well deserved!! An honor to have ran with ya during the grind.

06-25-2011, 11:31 PM
Thanks Crimson! It wouldn't have been so soon, but tapjoy put up some new stuff so I finally had plat for some elixirs. Best of luck with your a/c, I had one do the same thing a few years back, completely ruined my carpet in that room.

06-26-2011, 06:42 PM
Congratz on getting all 3 toons to 56! I always have good time running with you.

06-26-2011, 07:37 PM
congrats :D