View Full Version : Is a Level 32 Twink considered unfair?

06-25-2011, 10:17 PM
So, I recently made a Level 32 Twink. It was originally 30 for a short period of time, but I could beat everybody in that cap, so I moved up. That, and I wanted to wear my Green Ice Longsword that was given to me as a gift from Sigkill. (Love ya, Sig) So, bringing me to my question. When I was 30, I fought Level 32 Twinks with no problem, normally beating them pretty easily. Crymyname gave me a hard time, but I managed to barely win, 10-9. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong about that. But, getting to my point. Now when I'm 32. People are saying left and right that it is unfair. I don't get why? I have to deal with Level 35 Birds and Elves, Voodoo Elves. I still beat them too, so is it considered unfair? In my opinion, I think it's just an excuse to hide one's shortcomings with their own build.

Opinions, please? No trolling would be appreciated.

06-25-2011, 10:36 PM
First of all, which class are you? And to me no form of twinking is unfair, as others have the power to do the same thing as you are doing.

06-25-2011, 10:55 PM
First of all, which class are you? And to me no form of twinking is unfair, as others have the power to do the same thing as you are doing.

Sorry! In my rant, I forgot to mention my class. This is me. A Green Ice Warbird

06-25-2011, 11:16 PM
Sorry! In my rant, I forgot to mention my class. This is me. A Green Ice Warbird

Your completely unfair Parth! And on top of that your a hacker! Im reporting you, noob!

06-25-2011, 11:24 PM
On a more serious note- ofc your not unfair. It doesnt matter if you are 30 or 32 your the best lvl 30ish bird ive seen in a long time. When people lose in pvp they whine. When they win they boast. You do niether, you just play and have fun. They are just sour cause they cant touch your mad skillz

06-26-2011, 04:29 AM
30-35 is the same thing. 2 more lvls dont make the diference. If it was then why 55 pvps with 56??? O.o

06-26-2011, 04:33 AM
30-35 is the same thing. 2 more lvls dont make the diference. If it was then why 55 pvps with 56??? O.o

Doesn't make a difference, but it makes enough of a difference for Lv 30 twinks to whine about it. Hate Lv 30-35 twinking personally.

06-26-2011, 04:53 AM
Nah they are just mad they get beat

06-26-2011, 07:33 AM
dont thi k its considered "unfair"

06-26-2011, 01:01 PM
2 levels do give a slight advantage though, not something that anyone should care about unless it's a tourney. I think green ice gets a little bit more damage? Otherwise there's no gear change and no extra skills available.

Long story short: Haters gonna hate

06-26-2011, 01:04 PM
dude, two levels.

So unfair. I mean, that's horrible. What are you doing to those poor 30s? I'm ashamed of you, dude. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! I'm ASHAMED THAT YOU GUYS THINK THAT TWO LEVELS IS ONLY A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE!


On a side note:

Maybe unfair a little, gives you a slight advantage against 30s but...anyway.
Nothing to complain about.

06-26-2011, 01:18 PM
dude, two levels.

So unfair. I mean, that's horrible. What are you doing to those poor 30s? I'm ashamed of you, dude. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! I'm ASHAMED THAT YOU GUYS THINK THAT TWO LEVELS IS ONLY A SLIGHT DIFFERENCE!


On a side note:

Maybe unfair a little, gives you a slight advantage against 30s but...anyway.
Nothing to complain about.

Ya, I moved up because I was already beating the level 30's at my level and to be honest, it got boring, fast. So, I moved up to 32, but not quite to 35, so Voodoo Elves would still give me a challenge, while still being able to fight level 30 birds when PvP games are scarce. Now that I did it though, many are saying, "You have this and that, it's unfair." While just a few days ago, I was wiping the floor on them as a level 30. Meh, it's a conundrum and just perplexes me.

06-26-2011, 01:22 PM
Ya, I moved up because I was already beating the level 30's at my level and to be honest, it got boring, fast. So, I moved up to 32, but not quite to 35, so Voodoo Elves would still give me a challenge, while still being able to fight level 30 birds when PvP games are scarce. Now that I did it though, many are saying, "You have this and that, it's unfair." While just a few days ago, I was wiping the floor on them as a level 30. Meh, it's a conundrum and just perplexes me.

No O, but your PvP k/d doesn't imply that. But K/D is for sissies.

On the guys complaining: Nah, it's natural human behavior. I do it too. I did that shizz all the time, TBH. :o They can't help it. I guess people like me like EVERYTHING equal. It's a kind of perfectionism. :D

06-26-2011, 02:04 PM
No O, but your PvP k/d doesn't imply that. But K/D is for sissies.

On the guys complaining: Nah, it's natural human behavior. I do it too. I did that shizz all the time, TBH. :o They can't help it. I guess people like me like EVERYTHING equal. It's a kind of perfectionism. :D

Most of the K/D was when I was a level 10 and Level 20 twink. It would be much greater if I just started at 30 :). Also, I see what you mean.

06-26-2011, 02:09 PM
Parth I should be lvl 30 by the end of today, maybe we can lvl in OC together :).

06-26-2011, 02:10 PM
Parth I should be lvl 30 by the end of today, maybe we can lvl in OC together :).

Ok, I haven't been on in O&C in like a week, lol. I'll start logging on again.

06-26-2011, 02:12 PM
Ok, I haven't been on in O&C in like a week, lol. I'll start logging on again.

Can you believe Ayrilana is like lvl 51 Already and he started 2 days after me, surprises me lmao

06-26-2011, 02:15 PM
Can you believe Ayrilana is like lvl 51 Already and he started 2 days after me, surprises me lmao

52*. He used XP potions, just like me. Lol.

06-26-2011, 02:34 PM
2 levels do give a slight advantage though, not something that anyone should care about unless it's a tourney. I think green ice gets a little bit more damage? Otherwise there's no gear change and no extra skills available.

Long story short: Haters gonna hate

green ice has +10 skill dmg, no?

06-26-2011, 03:02 PM
green ice has +10 skill dmg, no?

Yep, I believe so.

06-27-2011, 04:03 AM
You shouldn'y worry about the whiners, they are probably just jealous that they cant kill you.

Ive seen some lvl 40 mages using voodoo, but i cant seem to do much dmg to them, so... i leave.

06-28-2011, 01:06 PM
you told me your 32 bird wrecks... from the looks of it, it is on the suckish side.. My 29 intbear would own that!

I dont find it unfair. They are just being sore-losers. Keep owning them because things go as i always say. Haters gon' Hate

06-28-2011, 05:50 PM
LOL jesus. Parth thats a smexy vynaar you have on. Is it new? ;)

06-28-2011, 05:52 PM
LOL jesus. Parth thats a smexy vynaar you have on. Is it new? ;)

Yes, it is :). Thanks David :).

06-28-2011, 09:05 PM
Ok just so you dont think im mean. There are things written in white.. I confess!

06-30-2011, 04:15 PM
i dont cry when u kill me lmao :P

06-30-2011, 04:17 PM
i dont cry when u kill me lmao :P

Not you, others specifically :).

06-30-2011, 07:29 PM
Sorry! In my rant, I forgot to mention my class. This is me. A Green Ice Warbird
is it just me or does the damage say 200

06-30-2011, 09:42 PM
Don't worry about the whiners apollo. You're the fairest player there is in Pocket Legends ;)

06-30-2011, 10:41 PM
Don't worry about the whiners apollo. You're the fairest player there is in Pocket Legends ;)

Second fairest. Nobody beats Royce. Btw I zure hope he comes back for B*

06-30-2011, 10:47 PM
Second fairest. Nobody beats Royce. Btw I zure hope he comes back for B*

Didn't realize I was held up to such high moral standards. Not sure if I could live up to something like that, lol. Royce is legend, nobody can replace him. The Level 60 Vyxnaar Helmet should be called; Vyxnaar Helmet of Royce

06-30-2011, 10:53 PM
The Level 60 Vyxnaar Helmet should be called; Vyxnaar Helmet of Royce

Were starting a petition. Vyxnaar Helm of Royce. Information states: Gives your information on absolutely everything!!!

07-03-2011, 04:16 AM
No such thing as 'unfair' twinking. It's just that u pwn and the whiners don't.

07-09-2011, 06:39 AM
Well let me add my comment to this funny thread :)

Actually i am Crymyname (now Pleasedontcry) and I totally agree with parth.

It is not unfair to Twink at lvl 32. I am playing regularly lvl 35 PVP games and have to deal with lvl 40s and such guys. Most of them are mains so its pretty easy but from time to time there is some strong guy. There you need the additional +6 dmg of the weapon cuz most of the duels end with just a slight of hp left. Vodoos are really hard cuz their base defense is pretty high (27def voodoo robe) PLUS the adiddional defense buff (+30) and heal / mana shield .. well I am not complaining about that its ok.

To end this, it is all about skilling and using them intelligent. I know a warbird lvl 30 that beats me really good like 10-7 / 10-6 because its the perfect build that works against my own build. but thats an exception..

People should not whine about this and shall start think about each of their skill and why they are using them. not just spam around.. ;)

PS. Parth, I am looking forward for a rematch ! :D and I have started OnC at an european server too.. lvl 34 orc warrior and cant wait to the day when they merge iDevice-servers and android-servers so we can meet ingame!

peace out!

crymyname(voodoo/banjo-intbird lvl35) / pleasedontcry(greenice-warbird lvl32) / dontcryafter (greenice-warbear lvl35)

07-09-2011, 07:31 AM
Apollo...Don't listen to the haters... I mean, I've had Deronwilliams at 32 since forever, and I don't see lvl 35 voodoo mages complaining when they jump me.

07-09-2011, 12:44 PM
Nah its fair. People just hate.

07-17-2011, 12:03 PM
What's O&C?

07-17-2011, 12:05 PM
Hey Range! I just obtained a Lv32 Kite Shield! It would look cool with a Black-ice hatchet XD