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06-26-2011, 09:45 PM
hey guys so today i was in balefort and i was in a good mood so i decided to talk abit to some high levels... but something that always happens when i do that either they ignore me or the say have fun playing pocket legends

i have been playing the game for a long time but i hate it when people think in just an average noob cause i dont have a character 50+
Ima be honest...
everytime i try lvling a character to 50 or more i start getting back into pvp... PVP is one of the most addicting thing to me but im trying to get out of that.

But back to my point....

i dont like it when high levels just blow me off like that... like i ask a question or i was for alittle help for them to level me and they say "IM BUSY" even thought it looks completely obvious your not because ur just sitting there in balefort not doing anything better

i had to get this off my chest

06-26-2011, 09:48 PM
This is probably not in topic with this thread but WAAAYYY back when my mage was level 14, I bought a keeper staff. Then I went into Balefort Castle to do a small quest, then I saw a mage wearing that staff. I told her that I had the same staff! Then she said, so? And I'm like...well I just thought it'd be cool, then she said boot the 14!

GRR, I so wanna bash her in face now...LMAO!!!

I suggest revenge...


06-26-2011, 09:50 PM
You know...I agree with you...

This is probably not in topic with this thread but WAAAYYY back when my mage was level 14, I bought a keeper staff. Then I went into Balefort Castle to do a small quest, then I saw a mage wearing that staff. I told her that I had the same staff! Then she said, so? And I'm like...well I just thought it'd be cool, then she said boot the 14!

GRR, I so wanna pound her in face now!!! LMAO!!!

I suggest revenge...

it happens with most high levels i see and try to chat with and it makes me feel like i shouldnt be playing pocket legends

06-26-2011, 09:55 PM
Sorry, but did you think of that maybe they were in the middle of talking to their friends and you were interrupting? It happens all of the time, no matter what the level. I try to answer people if they ask questions, but sometimes I am chatting with three of my friends while sitting in Balefort and it is hard to keep track of conversations, and I don't answer random questions from people I don't know if I am too busy.

It doesn't mean they are being mean or ignoring you, but maybe they are busy chatting with their friends and don't want/like/be able to keep up with interruptions. Not saying you are wrong, some people probably are rude, but a lot of people are just busy looking in the CS or talking to someone else.

Just another way to look at it ;)

06-26-2011, 09:57 PM
Sorry, but did you think of that maybe they were in the middle of talking to their friends and you were interrupting? It happens all of the time, no matter what the level. I try to answer people if they ask questions, but sometimes I am chatting with three of my friends while sitting in Balefort and it is hard to keep track of conversations, and I don't answer random questions from people I don't know if I am too busy.

It doesn't mean they are being mean or ignoring you, but maybe they are busy chatting with their friends and don't want/like/be able to keep up with interruptions. Not saying you are wrong, some people probably are rude, but a lot of people are just busy looking in the CS or talking to someone else.

Just another way to look at it ;)

naa i dont think so cause they will start moving around the auction room alot just for no reason

06-26-2011, 09:57 PM
it happens with most high levels i see and try to chat with and it makes me feel like i shouldnt be playing pocket legends

Let the picture (that I made myself TEEHEE) speak for itself...


06-26-2011, 10:04 PM
Omg I have the feeling that ive done that to you, if so im so sorry. :(

06-26-2011, 10:10 PM
I get questions all the time while I'm in Balefort. And to be honest its not easy to answer peoples questions while you are chatting with someone or making a trade. Also many high levels are scanning the CS for good deals, though that doesn't mean that they shouldn't blow you off like that. If you have a urgent question bring it to the forums and you will get many kind answers.

06-26-2011, 11:50 PM
You also have to look at the high levels point of view. Many people look up to high levels for advice. Just because a player is high level, doesn't mean they aren't on busy schedule's too. Some players only have 15 minutes to a hour to play a day. So they go strait to Balefort, check/relist offers and go do 3-5 runs and get off. Answering questions doesn't really fit into that schedule.

I personally try to help as many people as I can in game, but the questions are relentless. My guides total have gotten over 50,000 views, plus the views on any other helpful/informational post that I have ever made. So when I walk into balefort, I usually get assaulted with private messages. Examples would be "ZOMGG!! Pharcyde!! *Friend request*.", "Hey!" "SUP!" "Your guides are really helpful, but I got some questions I need to ask you! *Goes on and asks very complicated and in in depth questions*.", "Could you give me something?" "Are you the real Pharcyde!?!$@", "I heard your really smart with Enchantresses, could you please give me a good level 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, and so on.. build please!?". Then my all time favorite. "The real Pharcyde is level 56."

So yes, I understand your point of view. High level players often get an "Elitist" mindset, and look down on everyone else who is lower level then them. But please also understand the non-elitist high level players who try to help, like me. Not every high level is bad. If you ask me a question in game, and I don't answer, it's most likely that I am afk, or your comment got lost in the flood of PM's I usually get when I walk into Balefort.

P.S. - Players like me often have secret alternate accounts on low levels *Evil Smirk*. So we know what it's like to be looked down upon, when we are on unknown characters, and people assume were noobs :rolleyes:.

06-27-2011, 12:42 AM
Sorry, but did you think of that maybe they were in the middle of talking to their friends and you were interrupting? It happens all of the time, no matter what the level. I try to answer people if they ask questions, but sometimes I am chatting with three of my friends while sitting in Balefort and it is hard to keep track of conversations, and I don't answer random questions from people I don't know if I am too busy.It doesn't mean they are being mean or ignoring you, but maybe they are busy chatting with their friends and don't want/like/be able to keep up with interruptions. Not saying you are wrong, some people probably are rude, but a lot of people are just busy looking in the CS or talking to someone else.Just another way to look at it ;)This always happens to me! I love talking with the locals but I get 3-5 conversations plus random local chat goin on, and its not always easy to speak with every player that wants your attention. If I had a plat for everytime I typed /r and got the wrong person, I would never have to buy plat again. End point, you can't assume a person isn't busy just because they're standing around, URL, CS, Private chat, trading, researching, forums, bathroom breaks, etc, are just some of the few examples, of what could be going on with that particular person.

06-27-2011, 12:51 AM
My pet peeve in Balefort:
I'm afk or looking at CS stuff. Someone asks a question. Either I don't see it (afk), am talking to someone else and therefore busy, or in CS and don't want to have to do my search, etc all over again. I finish what I'm doing or come back. I finally get to the main Balefort screen, I check my chat log. Sometimes, the question is still there; sometimes not. If it's there, I then look for the person who asked the question.

Pet peeve:
That questioner is GONE!

Ok, sometimes, that happens quite a bit after the question is asked. That I understand.
However, sometimes it's just a few seconds. I back out of my menu/CS screens and look for the player and poof! No Player!

SO: If you're gonna ask a question, don't move for at least 10 minutes! At least give me a chance to respond. Jeez!

Oops, fire sprinklers came on :)

Oh yeah, advice for people with questions:
Yes, you can ask high levels. The likelihood is high that they'll know the answer. However, ask the question of several high levels. And remember: that high level could be AFK (not there -- they fell asleep; they had to go eat and forgot they're stil logged on; their gf came and the player has rushed off) or busy. So it's better if you ask more than one person. I find 3 is a good number. Usually if I ask 3 people, at least one will answer. Moreover, some people know more than others, so it's a good idea to ask multiple people anyways.

06-27-2011, 01:07 AM
I know what ur talking about and i agree with u. I dont understand why they cant have a conversation like a normal human, And i dont under stand why they would call u a noob when your lvl50+. Ive been called a noob and im lvl54.

06-27-2011, 01:42 AM
but u dont have to be rude and tell me your busy ;) just tell me that your in too many conversations instead of ignoring or raging about how busy u are

06-27-2011, 03:57 AM
I hope there will be option in cs that you can answer or chat same time when looking stuff becouse its allways you get in and find good stuff to buy someone ask or talk so you have to shut cs and answer.

I honestly try to answer every time someone ask or need something. Its some times when ur in castle you get 3-4 different player asking or begging something and if someone spam same time i dont see who ask and who begg so its hard some times.. not wanna be rude but sometimes it happens accidentily.

06-27-2011, 06:52 AM
but u dont have to be rude and tell me your busy ;) just tell me that your in too many conversations instead of ignoring or raging about how busy u are

I try to answer people when I can, and I'm sure most people do, but don't forget....no one is obligated to stop what they are doing to talk to anyone. Some people I know don't like to talk at all, or very rarely. Or like other people said, maybe they are AFK or don't want to have to re-search for something in the CS because there is no chat option without ruining a CS search and having to start over.

06-27-2011, 07:13 AM
but u dont have to be rude and tell me your busy ;) just tell me that your in too many conversations instead of ignoring or raging about how busy u are

Uhh they told you they're busy. Quite frankly, I don't think that's rude. They don't know you, why do they owe you an explanation? They could have ignored you completely but at least said "I'm busy."

Guild chat may help with this, as people can just shout out a question to their whole guild instead of asking random strangers. If that's how guild chat will work...

06-27-2011, 08:22 AM
Yesh, basically I go around in noob armor when entering townes, so I dont get mobbed^_^

06-27-2011, 08:27 AM
Yesh, basically I go around in noob armor when entering townes, so I dont get mobbed^_^

Thats Exactly What i do too, when i enter town i put my thoth talon set on and go to town. :D

06-27-2011, 08:28 AM
I try to respond to everyone that talks to me in town unless it's, "Hey, baby! Wanna bf?" or "Give me gold" :rolleyes: , but I get a lot of "level me" requests. Some are polite, as I'm sure your's are, but some not so much. My rule is that unless I know you, unless I know you know how to play the game and just want to speed level an alt, it ain't happening. My usual response is, "I'm sorry. I don't power-level people" and I leave it at that. It's not always an Elitist mindset; often it's an "I really don't want to help create a bunch more level whatevers that don't know how to play this game" mindset. :)

06-27-2011, 08:45 AM
Oh ,I do know how you feel.

Back when I was a 48 and couldn't level anymore in AO2, I took a break to twink. Then I came back, and was booted from almost EVERY single game.

On a side note:

You know what's even worse than this?
People are sexist in PL. Heh, I made a toon called pinkflower a while back, just for fun.

I got about 10 people asking if I was a girl.

I replied "Why not?"

They said, "I betcha you're fat!"

I'm not a girl, but that above, is just horrible.

06-27-2011, 08:58 AM
I agree...i dislike it too. I know how you feel...I restarted on my main and i get treated as if i dont know a thing about PL. A lot of the 50+ players i have played with dont know how to taunt. Or dont heal at all. Or beckon and stomp just for the heck of it. I meet so many clueless 50+ players who really need to learn the class/game better.

06-27-2011, 11:43 AM
I've said it before in other threads, but for those experiencing the heartbreak of the boot due to level:
Grievousangel - lvl 55 healing mage
Rauen - lvl 56 pure bird
Diffie - lvl 54 pure bird

Those are the chars I run the most often. Unless you're being a jerk in a game, I don't boot. I don't care what your level is or if the group isn't balanced or whatever--we'll run that puppy and run it well anyway. All I ask is that you try and that you not be jerky to others. If it's my game, you're more than welcome to join. If I'm waiting for a friend, I'll tell you that and give you a chance to do the right thing. If you don't, well, remaking's easy. :) Jump in--I don't bite. At least not hard enough to leave a scar. ;)

06-27-2011, 11:52 AM
I often have 4 or more conversations going on at a time. When you see someone kind of "running around" the CS it might be because they are trying to click on one of the many friends they are jumping between conversations with and if you miss the character you're trying to click, your character starts to run around.

Sometimes I honestly am in such deep conversation and my screen is moving so fast that taking the time to go back, see who messaged me, find your char, then make a response is just way to time consuming and in the meantime my friend who I do runs with, who has helped me out, who I have personal conversations with thinks I went afk or something.

If I'm not busy I'm happy to answer questions, but I don't think you should take it personally and I don't think you should want to quit the game over people not talking to you.

06-27-2011, 12:47 PM
... I don't think you should want to quit the game over people not talking to you.

thats not wat i ment
i ment i feel like quiting the game because of people being mean about me having a question or just saying hey

06-27-2011, 12:52 PM
There are a lot of beggars and con artists in balefort, which makes me much more tentative to engage someone there.

And honestly I don't always see the msg. I'm not a big chat guy, and when I've got a cs search going I sort of zero-in and become oblivious to much else.

And then there's the "are u a girll?????" msgs. Insta-ignore.

06-27-2011, 01:04 PM
I love trying to keep 3 conversations floating and answering random questions in public chat... just keep in mind not everyone can do that.

I found a genius way to make sure my low level char is not booted or ignored: Goa shield ;)
For those who don't have one... yea it really is hard to prove you are not in fact a noob. Frankly I try asking if someone has a main, so as to asset things correctly or not seem overly simplistic in answers.

06-27-2011, 06:32 PM
hey guys so today i was in balefort and i was in a good mood so i decided to talk abit to some high levels... but something that always happens when i do that either they ignore me or the say have fun playing pocket legends

i have been playing the game for a long time but i hate it when people think in just an average noob cause i dont have a character 50+
Ima be honest...
everytime i try lvling a character to 50 or more i start getting back into pvp... PVP is one of the most addicting thing to me but im trying to get out of that.

But back to my point....

i dont like it when high levels just blow me off like that... like i ask a question or i was for alittle help for them to level me and they say "IM BUSY" even thought it looks completely obvious your not because ur just sitting there in balefort not doing anything better

i had to get this off my chest

FYI you could talk with some lower levels to. Like with me i really dont care. I treat the high and low levels all the same. But there are gonna be high levels who act stuck up or "im to good for you" but so what. If it bothers you talking to high levels isnt the way to go for you.

In my case personally i really dont care if a person is a high level. Its like when i battle in a party the people (at least one is like) oh look a high level :D. Im just like ok...so. Its not like michael phelps or lionel messi just dropped in to say hi xD.

If anything just ignore them.

Lets put it this way, the idea is to just play and have fun and do what it is that you want to do. AND there are gonna always be people that act that way. They dont even have to be a high level. And like a said i really dont see how high levels are looked up to. The way i look at "high levels" is they are the same as everyone else except they know more and have been playing the game longer SO WHAT.

besides not all high levels are like that and not all are always looked up to. I mean ive been a level 30 and have gotten like 10 convos at once i may just answer the person in one word or say just a sexc if they are asking for help. It doesnt mean im blowing them off im just overwhelmed with all the convos and is a lil busy myself.

Anways let it go and move on, its good that you got it off your chest :) speak your mind ^_^

And im right with you man I started PL like months ago and i have only a level 11 dex bear LOL
ive got a real bad habit of restarting but ima promise...this is mah last "resart" LOL :)

06-27-2011, 07:53 PM
And sometimes I "ignore" people because, while my char may be standing around CS/FH/BS, my actual body is getting something to drink or answering the phone or heading for the bathroom. CS is the worst because of the all the sales spam messages. You may have said, "Hi!" 30 seconds ago while I was AFK and it's been shoved off the screen by "Selling>piece of absolute crap for huge whack of gold" messages.

06-27-2011, 07:54 PM
And sometimes I "ignore" people because, while my char may be standing around CS/FH/BS, my actual body is getting something to drink or answering the phone or heading for the bathroom. CS is the worst because of the all the sales spam messages. You may have said, "Hi!" 30 seconds ago while I was AFK and it's been shoved off the screen by "Selling>piece of absolute crap for huge whack of gold" messages.

You could always click on another person, and use the chat scroller. I do that all the time.

06-27-2011, 08:46 PM
I love trying to keep 3 conversations floating and answering random questions in public chat... just keep in mind not everyone can do that.

I found a genius way to make sure my low level char is not booted or ignored: Goa shield ;)
For those who don't have one... yea it really is hard to prove you are not in fact a noob. Frankly I try asking if someone has a main, so as to asset things correctly or not seem overly simplistic in answers.

Ahh... Nothin like walking into a game as a level 10 in a founder helmet, GoA shield, and a level 10 toy man wand or hack. *Mumbles on dreaming*

06-27-2011, 09:15 PM
I'm a Lvl 50 bird. Joeythewise add me. I'm always friendly and happy to talk and help out :D

06-27-2011, 09:20 PM
I'm a Lvl 50 bird. Joeythewise add me. I'm always friendly and happy to talk and help out :D

Wise words indeed Joeythewise..

06-27-2011, 09:22 PM
I'm usually in the stash, CS, or multitasking while I stand in towne. Occasionally talking to friends and other things are going on too. Don't let other get you down. It's okay to say hi and ask questions to anyone, including higher levels. If they don't answer, then go to someone else and start a friendly conversation. Forest Haven is a better place to have a conversation than Balefort btw.

06-27-2011, 10:04 PM
Hmm... good point about the reverse discrimination. I usually only play my high levels when I have a mission for them. If I'm just sitting about, I'm sitting about on my lower levels.

I hate beggars and powerleveler-askers. So those of you will get ignored or get told to go kill your own stuff or drop your own stuff for FREE.

Everyone else, I answer questions when I see them or when I am able.

Not sure I've ever been booted from a low level game, even just wearing green/yellow/white/gray dropped items. I just must look pro :P My more usual experience is people give me stuff; I give them stuff. We get a nice stuff-giving bazaar going :)

OTOH I LOVE LOVE LOVE picking up unfinished games, particularly ones with just the boss left. I can go through lots of those in an hour and pick up a few new followers while I'm at it. Show 'em that killing bosses is pretty darn easy. They just need to be a little bit observant and maybe do a little sidestepping. And I KNOW I'm not the only one who likes to do that, because I've run into a few other game-picker-uppers. LOL.

06-28-2011, 12:53 AM
You could always click on another person, and use the chat scroller. I do that all the time.

Nah. I usually go park myself in Fathom Crypt if I'm AFK....much, much quieter. And so....peaceful.