View Full Version : Mage curse for level 46 is feeble

02-04-2016, 03:47 AM
hey guys i would like to share something about my experience as a mage.
Now that we have nekro and mostly everyone have own it. Mages are becoming pretty fragile unless we have dozens of eye of syrilax.
well i do encourage that rich player could have an op build but so can a strategic player can do well without having the op items (the eye of syrilax).
I declare it is as imbalance as rogues can rekt a mage(with planars pendant & glint wisdom gun) with curse above their head. as we all know curse plays an important role for mages because the duration of the curse is all we have to try our best to take down a rogue. all the advantage mages ever had are made immune using the pet so called "Nekro".
so the solution i advice is to make the curse stronger. i do not encourage "nerfing rogues" as they play an important role on pve and against tanks so the only solution to bring balance is through curse as the mage last resort. or make curse ranged curse. curse has never been the prefered skill in pve so let it be worth it keeping for pvp. thank you very much.

02-06-2016, 10:44 AM
Why use curse? Why not just ice,light,heal, and shield or ice,light,fire shield

02-07-2016, 01:27 PM
curse is really good , just read the description of the ability , its good for duels man , ill say maybe for pvp

02-11-2016, 07:31 AM
Why use curse? Why not just ice,light,heal, and shield or ice,light,fire shield

as i have mentioned above the only good mage are those mage who can take down a rogue within 4 seconds max cuz they get rekt after that.. and if you suggest buffing the shield it will be imbalance against tanks cuz tanks will never be able to kill mages again. so the only way to fix this is buffing curse.. just sayin man. but think about it... does it sound right when a rogue affected by curse shoot down a mage? nope thats clearly imbalance.

02-11-2016, 06:32 PM
i stop using curse in PVP as this can be avoided by rouges .. mage shield can remove curse as well .. curse skill needs a revamp ! almost nobody uses it in cap level

02-13-2016, 10:33 PM
Ok I hope it gets upgraded then

02-23-2016, 12:45 AM
Curse is only good IF opponent comes near U . But rogues always Aimshot + Shadowpierce form a Mile :orange:

02-23-2016, 08:09 AM
The ever present quandary that is pvp balance. Curse always seemed to be a roll of the dice. Pop the skill acc hope it hits someone. I prefer the consistency of a straight dmg skill. Even with a buff to curse, it's a gamble. There's really no use for curse anymore and it's just another downfall of the mage class. Broken passives and skills that just aren't effective. I've learned through the years that if you want to pvp successfully...Don't be a mage. Lowest armor and hp of any class. Rogues are hitting 1100dmg and procing like crazy after the dagger buff and tanks are op again w 1k dps, a better heal and a powerful proc. The more we call for balance, the worse it gets.