View Full Version : Unfair arcane daggers

02-04-2016, 04:08 PM
STS released new arcane weapons! Nice update!
Warriors got 2 hand sword!! Congratz warriors its a nice buff for you all!!
Mages got a new arcane staff!! Wow mages now you all will be soooo stronger!!
And for last and for rogue!! We got... arcane daggers? Seriusly? Daggers... oh STS sorry for ask it but you all want to make rogues the weaker class?
Seriusly the new sword and staff are amazing but those daggers .... 1st daggers already suck for rogue.. no one uses that because normally it sucks so bad... the stats arent to good... a bow like glinstone deftness for example would cost 2 times more of this dagger because its really bad... please buff those daggers or make new arcane guns on goblin event... its a bit unfair everybody got hardly buffed and we rogues keep behind... make new arcane weaps ... bow... gun.... weapon/shield or maybe a maul... ty for read this thread

Sorry for my english im on learning process ;)
Ps: before someone say that we rogues just want buffs and everything ... that we want to be the op class and everything like that, i want to say that its not the idea of this post... the idea is make new arcane weapons because those actual daggers sucks ... they are a nerf if comparated to glinstone bows... or buff the critical and hp because its just one more piece in market that we can sell but its not really usefull...

02-04-2016, 04:41 PM
While the Arcane Daggers might not be as useful as the Mythic Bow, Buffing the Arcane Daggers is not the solution, what must be done is to change the way Daggers work for rogues, Make them more useful in GENERAL, maybe the new spells will offer more for daggers, but at the moment, charging spells is the best way to do alot of dps for rogues, and charging spells certainly doesen't go well with daggers that require constant clicking. I think the daggers need to be changed as a whole, so that they co-exist with bows in equal power :)

02-04-2016, 04:56 PM
While the Arcane Daggers might not be as useful as the Mythic Bow, Buffing the Arcane Daggers is not the solution, what must be done is to change the way Daggers work for rogues, Make them more useful in GENERAL, maybe the new spells will offer more for daggers, but at the moment, charging spells is the best way to do alot of dps for rogues, and charging spells certainly doesen't go well with daggers that require constant clicking. I think the daggers need to be changed as a whole, so that they co-exist with bows in equal power :)

Umm, charging spells as a rogue is the best way to slow yourself down. Which game are you playing? Only spell worth charging is nox and that too only in specific maps.

02-04-2016, 05:00 PM
Umm, charging spells as a rogue is the best way to slow yourself down. Which game are you playing? Only spell worth charging is nox and that too only in specific maps.

I like to charge my aimed, when i'm 100% it's gonna get crit! :torn:

02-04-2016, 05:23 PM
Umm, charging spells as a rogue is the best way to slow yourself down. Which game are you playing? Only spell worth charging is nox and that too only in specific maps.

Psssst, sometimes i like to charge shadow storm shot so i can make some n-m-e's go boom boom with dark aura. The secret is holding down the button until your body starts oozing the dark aura and then yell "pickles, expell!" when you let go.

But shhhhhh dont tell anyone this little secret.

02-04-2016, 06:09 PM
Does anyone have these arcane weapons?

The arcane dagger is the weakest weapon comparing damage.