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View Full Version : Suggestion : Newbies in PVP

02-07-2016, 05:26 AM
Pvp both at twink levels and endgame is an enjoyable part of AL for many. A lot of what PVE farmers and crate openers loot, goes on to be bought by PVP-specialized players who enjoy maxing out. However, as time passes, some players quit, some get less active. The PVP community needs to welcome new players so that we do not end up with empty rooms and boredom.

Currently a clueless newbie (be it a lvl 10 at twink bracket or a platinum-boosted fresh endgamer) only meets predators in pvp for whom he/she is nothing more than a number on their KDR. Fair enough. Its a game after all. But how do we make the environment more welcoming for a newbie?

Here are some suggestions that could help a newbie who is interested in pvp instead of terrifying him/her.

1. Firstly STS, please encourage new players to be aware of the forums. Direct them to tutorials on the forum through an advertisement ingame on the login screen.

2. Introduce a character-bound Newbie set (that includes armor, weapon, jewelry and pet) for pvp that is very basic and meant for starters. Newbies walk into pvp wearing rare and epic gear with Barneys and Dearies and Alejandros and end up getting 1 combo-ed. Offer them a starter set until they are aware of what is going on. This newbie set can expire after 15 days. I am sure that in 15 days one can figure out where the auction is and have some inkling of the pvp environment.

One could argue that "nobody will buy gear if sts provides them starter set for free". No, if a player is introduced to pvp with a starter set, it is likely that he will start enjoying pvp and will only work towards acquiring gear and pet that is better and better. But if he is introduced to pvp near-naked he will just be terrified and never return.

3. The pvp community needs to be welcoming. Seasoned players just let the newbies pass by, offer to teach them, treat them with less harshness.

Manuel Emilio
02-07-2016, 05:59 AM
PvP is not for new players, the PvP players need gears expensive even for old players, introduce news to PvP is not a option, they only will be the food for the PvP players, the players are leaving PvP because actually is boring, Blocks, Gangs and Some guilds ruined PvP.

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02-07-2016, 10:19 AM
Its a good idea, but we already have this. You should explore the game options more so you would see its already there, you'll even see the facebook page.
Whats the use of newbie set if the pros can still one-hit or one-combo you?
Getting owned by maxed-out pvpers when starting pvp is one of the initiations of becoming a seasoned pvper. Because you can't kill them and they kill you easily you'll start wondering whats wrong with your character, whats the difference with yours to them. Then you'll start researching, practicing, experimenting and be on your way to become a good pvper.