View Full Version : Death Count

06-29-2011, 11:16 PM
I'm just curious if this is a common occurrence. Upon being disconnected in a dungeon and re-entering 10-15 seconds later, I have health and notice it is adding a death count to me.

I have been very careful leveling up, so it's disconcerting to have 1 death added on without a noticeable death. So far it has happened 3 times this evening.

Is this part of the programming that im just now noticing?


06-30-2011, 04:07 AM
Yes, death stat is a useless stat. Death counts get added for all sorts of reasons. I have had lag, where I thought I would be dead, but came back and was able to heal. I still got a death count, even though I didn't die. Even if you pay a platinum for revive after death, you still get a death count.

Just give up on the stat, it will only be frustrating if you are concerned about death counts.

06-30-2011, 12:43 PM
^so basically you've gotten deaths for dying, and haven't gotten deaths for staying alive?

06-30-2011, 06:31 PM
Well, I got a death for staying alive as did a friend. Normally, I don't care about my death count, but when you're trying to run an Immortal...... Last night, zero deaths on baby bear. This morning after an hour or so of playing, I looked at my avatar page and 1 death. No games where I left when death was imminent (that would be, you know, cheating), no near-death experiences and certainly no full-fledged, down on the dungeon floor deaths, but I've got one anyway. :/ Friend is in the same boat--he hadn't died, went to look at his kill count and 1 death for him, too.

07-01-2011, 01:28 PM
Well, I got a death for staying alive as did a friend... Friend is in the same boat--he hadn't died, went to look at his kill count and 1 death for him, too.


When the vanity "Shield of Gratitude" came out, it had 20 armor. I made a new little str bird, and destroyed everything leveling to 20 without ever taking much damage. Then, I noticed that the death count would occasionally increment for no apparent reason. I probably never got more than 10% health knocked off, but somehow had death counts.

07-01-2011, 01:40 PM
Interesting stories, are you guys lagging at any point? I'm not sure the mechanic of it but I know somehow dmg dealt by enemies is increased (or armor is decreased) while in the midst of a disconnect. I know for a fact that my 56 bird when wearing Death set can stand in FH4 (the old FH) for at least 30 min and not lose the slighest amount of HP; however if my router resets or 3G takes a dump and I'm on the verge of being disconnected (but don't actually get dc'd) my health appears as 0 usually without me actually "dying" but a death is recorded.

Edit: I know something similar happens if the servers crash on STS' side, for some reason the accounts are not logged off immediately and any toon left in a dungeon will basically be helpless.

Unless you're trying for an immortal, try to ignore the stat as I don't think this ranks high on the dev's to-do list.