View Full Version : Multi game town SL and PL

06-30-2011, 08:27 AM
When SL is up and running would'nt it be cool if the was one town that both Pl and Sl players could enter.
You could still chat to your friends in SL while playing PL.
Im not saying play maps together but just a place to meet up lol maybe items or crafting materials that can only be used in the opposite game could be traded.
Theres so many possibilities with this idea.
What do you guys think any ideas that could expand on this.

06-30-2011, 08:41 AM
the games are seperate so it wouldnt work i reckon they should give us some sort of blackstar thing cause we cant participate in the beta :(

06-30-2011, 08:55 AM
While your idea is pretty cool it won't ever happen, that would more than likely cause te app size to be too large that it will no longer fit in the "free" size constraints.