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06-30-2011, 02:18 PM
hi so im new to PL

so how do you get gold/money? it seems like i never have very much

all of my gold seems to be spent on pots because ive NEVER gotten any pots as drops in the forest
and doing quests give you so little gold

06-30-2011, 02:32 PM
Ah... I remeber the beggining :) I too spent most of my money on Potions but as you progress you earn money much easier due to the fact that there will be higher drop rates for items and higher money drop rates as well :) Just keep playing and you will eventually earn money faster!

06-30-2011, 02:51 PM
As said gold drops scale also potions only refill to 25. For example if you have 26 hp pots you'll never see it go up unless you buy them

06-30-2011, 02:55 PM
Saving the low amounts that we get helps a ton. I've found that working in a team uses much less pots and then we can save our gold. Also, a little trick, you get loads of pots in Forest Haven. Once you reach the maximum load of 25, place them in stash and then run and get some more.

Btw, welcome to forums!

06-30-2011, 02:58 PM
You have two options to become rich:

1.) Level to 50-56 and farm Balefort Sewers dungeon bosses. The pink/legendary items they drop (including recipes) are among the most expensive drops in PL atm and have an item range of lv 50 to 55.

2.) Study the Consignment Shoppe prices as well as the Trader's Market (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/forumdisplay.php?16-Trader-s-Market) to farm lower level dungeons to find rare pink/legendary items. These item levels are generally anywhere from lv 10 to lv 35.

06-30-2011, 07:18 PM
thanks for the reply guys!

06-30-2011, 07:33 PM
Also liquidate any items tht are trash common or uncommon things u can get up to 500 gold in forest haven on one run through the whole campaign

06-30-2011, 10:09 PM
Well in crush the Kepper I usually get 3k each run

07-01-2011, 12:44 AM
When I started, I explored. DID not spend gold when I found out how costly even Ellie's pots are. Dropped my own equips. Liquidated lots of them. Dropped my own pots (carrying less than 25 to start). Got lucky drops some times. I did not grind until maybe Level 50 and not much grinding again until L56. I did lots of farming though, preferably in areas where I was also getting some xp. I also preferred farming groups to xp groups. So if a group did the boss, I joined that one. If they skipped the boss, I generally finished the run and left.

And I would say 90%+ of my runs were in groups or full groups.