View Full Version : Universal *Skill* for all classes((EMP BURST))*Best Improvement*

02-13-2016, 09:51 AM
Only a recommendation for people that love to spend Plat and Buy Plat... This skill will consist of a EMP burst that disables the npc to lock or attack a player within 2 -3 seconds ...i have a fantastic example only for the developers.. We only should be able to use it via coop mode *NonPvp*- unless the price to use this skill is higher for pvp.. This will slow down on recreating twinks or end user accounts but..... Increase plat sales ..because these players are very demanding on not dyin alot via game play .. It will make it perfect for high elite maps and of course the gangsta maps like planar tombs :-) ... Also to the developers shoot me a PM if you would like to see a demonstration of a emp burst via gameplay. ;-)

02-13-2016, 01:10 PM
Try Kelvin or Breeze as Pets. Their EMP burst disables npcs to lock or attack players.

Edward Coug
02-13-2016, 01:15 PM
Only a recommendation for people that love to spend Plat and Buy Plat... This skill will consist of a EMP burst that disables the npc to lock or attack a player within 2 -3 seconds ...i have a fantastic example only for the developers.. We only should be able to use it via coop mode *NonPvp*- unless the price to use this skill is higher for pvp.. This will slow down on recreating twinks or end user accounts but..... Increase plat sales ..because these players are very demanding on not dyin alot via game play .. It will make it perfect for high elite maps and of course the gangsta maps like planar tombs :-) ... Also to the developers shoot me a PM if you would like to see a demonstration of a emp burst via gameplay. ;-)

A strategy killing, pay to win button for elites? No thank you.

02-15-2016, 08:36 AM
Pay for win not good for popular games like AL . So 100% Disagree

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02-16-2016, 10:05 PM
Swift got a 4 secs EMP burst already :rolleyes: