View Full Version : Should beta testers get anything for beta testing?

07-03-2011, 02:30 AM
I don't think that beta testers should receive anything for playing the beta. Perhaps players who played a major roll in testing the flow and mechanics of the game for the devs, but there are plenty of players on the forums, and in game that are willing to do that, and have no way to play blackstar.


07-03-2011, 02:45 AM
Itz not a big deal they got first come first serve they get the ability to test a game out n for all their feed back they might be able to get something in the game not a big deal

07-03-2011, 02:45 AM
My opinion is that i have to find a droidphone -.-'

07-03-2011, 03:11 AM
That would be pretty unfair for people without a verizon phone. I guess the same could be said with founders helms though..

07-03-2011, 03:11 AM
Itz not a big deal they got first come first serve they get the ability to test a game out n for all their feed back they might be able to get something in the game not a big deal

Yeah, I wouldn't mind having some special items for beta testing, but I want to look out for my fellow players in the community. I shouldn't even be on the beta, it was sheer luck that my parents had just recently upgraded to Droids, and even more lucky, Verizon with V-Cast. Many players on the forums would like to play the beta, but are incapable, because of their devices. So because of this, that means they wouldn't get a gift from Spacetime, and you would see some massive ranting and flaming going down on the forums.

That would be pretty unfair for people without a verizon phone. I guess the same could be said with founders helms though..

Yeah, that ones debatable. All iOS users could have gotten it, if they discovered the game sooner. Lets say Droid users could, most of them would 1.) quit before founders was released 2.) not find pocket legends until later.

Pocket Legends didn't have much hype on the iOS market at start. So it wouldn't on the Droid market either. It wasn't until a few months in, that spacetime had the funds to really build a hype up about PL on the droid. So Droid players really didn't miss out on much.

Blackstar on the other hand. Hype has been built up for months on all devices, and if they gave players on Droids special items that players on iOS couldn't get, there would be a massive negative feedback on the forums.

07-03-2011, 09:54 AM
You guys can have the freakin helm. You get to test the next game. We got to get a helmet. Pretty hardcore right? The majority of us didnt even join until the commercial aired.

07-03-2011, 10:07 AM
Edited the title and first post to be a little less dramatic. No need for that :P

As for rewards, having first access to the game is probably reward enough. Thanks for your enthusiasm for Star Legends!

07-03-2011, 10:34 AM
Please... this thread im going to cry with my IOS DEVICE IN MY HAND!

Apple why did u do this to us whyyyyyy?!!??

07-03-2011, 11:26 AM
Please... this thread im going to cry with my IOS DEVICE IN MY HAND!

Apple why did u do this to us whyyyyyy?!!??

It isn't so bad. For people who plan on being all hard-core in B*... it's only the beginning launch. It's not like they get to grind up to the PL level 56 and the rest of us have to catch up later. The only real advantages they get are a little more experience come full launch, and the names they created.

But the whole "reserve your name in B*" thing was put there for a reason. So you don't lose much for being on an iOS device. :)

07-03-2011, 11:39 AM
You guys get to BETA TEST. What an honor. In PL, I'm fairly sure just the Devs got to Beta Test.
You guys get to be the first to level 20.
You guys get to keep your items.
You guys get to keep your level.

Us iOS users got to get a headstart too, but not in an almost offensive to some people whose forum name starts with N, and ends with O, by excluding all droids and iOS except for Verizon. :confused:


So that's my view, maybe I'm just a baby.

07-03-2011, 03:24 PM
Edited the title and first post to be a little less dramatic. No need for that :P

As for rewards, having first access to the game is probably reward enough. Thanks for your enthusiasm for Star Legends!

heheh sorry Samhayne, Was feeling a little mischievous.

07-03-2011, 03:25 PM
My thoughts r that testing the Beta should be enough of a award..
Still sad i cant beta test on ios

07-03-2011, 03:27 PM
They should get nothing with bonus stats that noone can get. I already almost walked away from sts over a certaint helm BONUS. (My low level pvp twink now has 12000+kills in pve. I dont even play my main much anymore because of this helms BONUS STATS.)unfair advantages destroy games.(lots of kids play this. they dont understand this yet)

I love sts and PL. I love the fact I can play anywhere to waste time. I just cant bring myself to accept the advantage of a small group of people in PvP.

I like the idea of vanity rewards. I dont like the idea of vanity with bonuses only a small group of people can get.

07-03-2011, 03:57 PM
Hey, as long as I get to level with some of my friends, I'm fine. But as of now, most of them are involved in the beta :(

07-03-2011, 04:07 PM
Hey, as long as I get to level with some of my friends, I'm fine. But as of now, most of them are involved in the beta :(

Yeah, I'll feel like the noob that's going to have to beg for powerleveling, if I ever want to catch up with some of my lucky-beta-tester buddies LOL

07-03-2011, 05:51 PM
I dont understand why players think they need to be rewarded for every little thing they do. they get to 56 or 61 they want compensated. pvp they want rewards for most victories. sorry no punctuatuon i semi bricked my phone will fix it today. so before i get too sarcastic i will end this post by saying stop looking to get something free and just play the game way it was meant to be played. there is no requirement that STS reward us for anything the fact they do appreciate us should be enough.

07-03-2011, 05:54 PM
I dont understand why players think they need to be rewarded for every little thing they do. they get to 56 or 61 they want compensated. pvp they want rewards for most victories. sorry no punctuatuon i semi bricked my phone will fix it today. so before i get too sarcastic i will end this post by saying stop looking to get something free and just play the game way it was meant to be played. there is no requirement that STS reward us for anything the fact they do appreciate us should be enough.

Every little thing is an exaggeration. But we are their customers. STS started off with such a high bar for themselves, there is basically no way to raise it. Customers want the bar RAISED. Why bother paying if you can't raise the bar any more than you can now? These little "perks" if you will, add some flavor to the game.

07-03-2011, 06:02 PM
Beta testers already get something for beta testing. The ability to get to play the game early, ahead of all the competition. If they get more starting from the VERY beginning of the game, it would really irk me to the point of not even playing Star Legends. I thought STS was against device advantages? Which is why they removed the multi skill tap from iPad.

If you are beta testing, you should be thankful that you get to play the game before anybody else. That's about it, IMO. That's like getting your cake, eating it, then wanting to eat the kid next door's birthday cake.

07-03-2011, 07:07 PM
Beta testers already get something for beta testing. The ability to get to play the game early, ahead of all the competition. If they get more starting from the VERY beginning of the game, it would really irk me to the point of not even playing Star Legends. I thought STS was against device advantages? Which is why they removed the multi skill tap from iPad.

If you are beta testing, you should be thankful that you get to play the game before anybody else. That's about it, IMO. That's like getting your cake, eating it, then wanting to eat the kid next door's birthday cake.
Same as my thoughts.

07-03-2011, 07:13 PM
I'm not gonna get a new phone just for the Verizon beta. Tempting though. I've got two non-Vcast verizon phones and an iphone on Verizon, so account's there. Just not Vcast. Hopefully I'll see the android beta. Should be good enough, I hope.

A bit sad, but I'm not gonna die. :)